Babysitting the bad boys Episode 15

Episode 15
👖Babysitting The Bad
Boys 😎
💯[Our Nanny]💯
By: Blessing D writes
( I want you to k!ssme)
💝Kendra’s POV 💝
I paused immediately I saw him.
“His awake?” That means his all better.
“Ah, thank goodness!”
“But why are they starring at me like that?”
“Should I be the one doing the talking this morning?”
“I won’t, I don’t have the energy to talk to some set of bad boys.”
I walked pas-s him as he stood still starring.
“A maid brou-ght in my food and I started eating without minding them.”
“Even the twins were looking at me.”
I’ve not taken my bath so I’ll have to eat fast.
I kept munching on my breakfast and within minutes I left the dinning.
“Funny thing is that non of them said anything to me.”
I got up to my room and had my bath real quic-k.
I wore my uniform and sat down in front of the mirror to apply little makeup on.
“Yea I succeeded in doing one job and am proud of it.”
I got out of my room and down to the waiting van.
“Kora was alre-ady waiting for me.”
“Hey girl! I greeted.”
“Hi kendra, she replied.”
“Um..kora can you tell me why the boys were acting strange at the dinning?” I asked curiously.
“Maybe because of what you did, she replied.”
“What did I do?”
“You don’t recall how you took care of Rico?” She asked.
“Of course I do, so why are they acting off?” I mean its my job right, I replied.
“Wait kendra…that reminds me, you took off his shorts and trou-ser by yourself right?” She asked almost whispering.
There was this kind of look in her eyes.
“Hmm what are you insinuating kora?” I didn’t see anything, I replied.
“That’s a lie, you took off his shorts how’s that possible? ”
“Well, it’s possible, I replied and throw my eyes away.”
“Is she expecting to hear a different thing?”
“Come on kendra.” Tell me plea-se! You saw it right? Is it big,long,tiny or small? She kept on asking and I covered my ears with my palm.
Holy $h!t!
This girl is spoilt.
We arrived school and I ran out of the van before kora could catch up with me.
I kept on running and oops bu-mped into a someone.
“Sorry, I apologized immediately.”
“Who do we have here?” The girl I bu-mped into asked the girl beside her but I no that she’s referring to me.
“Its the almighty Cole’s girlfriend, the girl replied her and she chuckled.”
“Well, am glad its not Rico that you’re involved with else…..
She paused and smiled.
“Why don’t you ask around about Sheila?” She asked sm-irking wi-dely.
“I don’t even un-derstand em at all.”
“Okay, I replied and made to pas-s but she blocked me.”
“Lemme use this opportunity to warn you to stay clear Rico.” Tho I still don’t no why you live in their mansion but I’ll find out anyways, she said.
“Okay, I replied and made to leave but she blocked me a second time.”
“What thefu-ck is wrong with you??” I asked almost yelling.
“Get off, I added and pushed her off my p@rt.”
I wanted to run away from kora and that manic is blocking my p@rt. Not that I no her or un-derstand what she’s uttering.
I ran off and got into the clas-s.
I sat down in an empty sit I saw at the first roll.
“Kora won’t find me here. I nee-d a break from her.”
“She has been singing inside my ear on the way.”
“Few minutes later she got in and started searching for me.”
I smiled and waved at her from the front and she frowned and took a sit at the back.
Lunch break.
“Cole had asked to meet me at a p@rticular sp©t and kora has directed me there.”
I kept on walking following the direction she gave me.
I bu-mped into Rico on the way and walked pas-s him without.
“Thank goodness he saw me alone today.”
I kept on looking around as I followed the direction.
👟Rico’s POV 👟
I paused and turned back to look at her.
“Hmm do I nee-d to thank her?”
“No nee-d for that right?”
“I seriously don’t no why I couldn’t say what I wanted to say to her this morning.”
“Did she really change my dress?”
“Well, it doesn’t matter anymore.”
“Lemme bring myself down for once and see if I can apologize to her.”
I started following her until she climbe-d the stairs to the rooft©p.
“What the hell is she going there for?”
“She continued going and I continued following her.”
I st©pped when I sp©tted cole holding a drink.
” No one comes here ap@rt from us both.”
“Yea he and I are the only ones that dares come here even when it was instructed that no student must be seen there.”
“Hey! I heard him say.”
“Hi, Kendra replied.”
“He dropped the bottle and cu-p he was holding and went to stand with her.”
“They talked about something which I couldn’t hear.”
I can’t still believe that she’s d@t!nghim.
Silly girl.
“Why on earth will she d@t£ him?”
“I kept watching them and few minutes later he lowered hisl-ips and k!$$£d her.”
“That bastard!”
“fuc-k him!”
I can’t watch them anymore.
I turned immediately and climbe-d down the stairs.
I was on my way when I bu-mped into Sheila.
“Hey cutie, she smiled as she hvgged me.”
“Not now sheila, I gro-an ed and made to move pas-s her but she held me ti-ghtly taking her hands to my di-ck.”
“She kept pla-ying with it turning me on.”
“Oh this bit*h!”
I’m gonna teach her a lesson.
I noticed we were closer to the restroom and I pu-ll-ed her with me to the males restroom.
“Get out!! I yelled loudly and the boys there left the both of us.”
I angrily torn off her school uniform as I carried her and placed her on the small pavement that the mirror is built on.
I un-buckled my trou-ser and without wasting of time pu-ll-ed down her short Sk-irt and inser-ted my di-ck into her we-t pu-ssy.
“She mourned closing her eyes as I stro-ked into her speedily.”
💝Kendra’s POV 💝
Immediately cole placed hisl-ips on mine I tried pu-lling away immediately but his hands were ti-ght around my w@!st.
I couldn’t still let him.
I bite hisl-ips and he immediately left me.
“Kendra! He called in shock.”
“Why are you pushing me away?” He asked getting annoyed.
We are d@t!ngaren’t we? He added.
“Yes, but its just that I aren’t re-ady cole. Am really sorry, I apologized.”
I didn’t ask you for se-x Kendra, I don’t see why you aren’t re-ady for a simple k!ss, he gro-an ed.
“Am sorry, I apologized again.”
“Yea I had to apologize.” That’s what you do when you’re in a relationsh!pand I don’t want him suspecting anything.
“And the more reason is that am scared am getting to do that with him.”
I might not get my mind off it and probably fall in love with him if he k!sses me.
“Kendra?” He called.
“Yes, I answered and looked at me.”
I want you to make it up to me, he said.
“I want you to k!ssme.”

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