Babysitting the bad boys Episode 14

Episode 14
👖Babysitting The Bad
Boys 😎
💯[Our Nanny] 💯
By: Blessing D writes
(Taking care of him)
💝Kendra’s POV 💝
I starred at his closed eyes as he sle-pt peacefully.
I’ve been able to get him to his room with the help one of the servants.
His is running a temperature but his b©dy seems to calm down now tho his not totally okay.
“Why will someone this handsome be stubborn?”
“Why is he this bad??”
I sighed as I placed my hands on my chin starring keenly at him.
I t©uçhed his forehead few minutes later and his temperature was a bit high.
“Why isn’t it going down?”
I stood up from the small stool I was sitting on and left for the kitchen.
I got to the kitchen and boiled h0t water, looked for a clean towel and left with it.
I got to his room and shut the door.
It was alre-ady 12 in the midnight so everyone has gone to be-d.
I sat down on the stool and di-pped the towel into the h0t water.
I brou-ght the towel out and dried it.
I placed the towel on his head but damn how do I change his we-t clothes.
I have to get this we-t clothes off his b©dy or everything I do is in vain.
I glanced around the room and sighted his closet.
I walked into his closet and looked for warm up clothes.
“How do I put this on him?”
“Should I call his brothers??”
“Will they even answer me?”
“No! I have to do this myself.”
“What am I a nanny for if I can’t change clothes??”
I walked back to him and set up three pillows.
Then I pu-ll-ed him up and placed his head on the pillow.
I went for his shi-t bu-ttons and wanted to un-hook it but he held my hand.
I looked at him but his eyes were still closed.
“Is he st©pping me??”
“But its gonna get worst if I don’t do this.”
I re-moved his hand from mine and succeed in unbuckling his bu-ttons.
I re-moved the shi-t from him and managed to wear a sweater on him after I had dried his b©dy with a dry towel.
Then next it was his trou-sers.
This is where the real trouble is.
“How will I do it?”
“Okay, am gonna close my eyes.”
“But how do I see what am doing?”
“Oh kendra!” This is your job, my inner mind told me.
“This is why you are being paid dollars.”
I moved to his legs and pu-ll-ed the trou-ser out.
Thanksfully his putting on a bo-xer.
I got another duvet and spre-ad it on his w@!st side down to his l@ps.
“Then I closed my eyes and round my hands around his sides.”
I pu-ll-ed down the bo-xer gently with my eyes closed.
“Aha! I did it.”
“Now I’ll have to put on another trou-ser.”
I took the trou-ser I brou-ght and wore it on him. I got to his l@ps and closed my eyes again.
“Then slowly and gently wore the trou-ser on him.”
“Wow! You did it kendra!”
I smiled and re-moved the duvet covering his w@!st and spre-ad it on him.
Now his changed.
I packed the we-t clothes and went to dump it in a basket in his bathroom.
I c@m£ back and sat beside him.
I took the towel still on his head and di-pped into the water which has alre-ady become warm.
I dried the towel and placed it back on his head.
I nee-d to change the water.
I carried the bowl and went down to the kitchen and boiled another h0t water.
“After that I took it up and went to sit in my formal position.”
“Took the towel and did what I’ve been doing.”
“My eyes were now inching me.”
I nee-d to sleep, seriously!
I placed my hands on my chin as I watched him sleep.
“Hmm should I give him some drugs?”
“Will that be necessary?”
“I t©uçhed his forehead and what??”
“His temperature is only raising?”
“What the hell is happening?”
I quic-kly left his room and went down to the kitchen.
I’ve learnt a lot from my neighbor when I used to live alone.
“Her kids always get sick and I’ve been the only taking care of them with her.”
I used to see how she makes soup and give them medicine, they usually get better after she gives them that.
I got to the kitchen and looked around.
“Where do I get all the ingredients to use? They will be here but how the hell do I get them?”
I think I’ll have to disturb kora.
I rushed to her room and kept on knocking at the door until she opened up.
“What?” What are you doing here Kendra? Aren’t you supposed to be slee-ping? She asked ru-bbing her eyes.
I held her hand and dragged her to the kitchen.
“Kora, I nee-d your help badly?” I said to her.
She was fully awake now.
“What? What happened?” She asked curiously.
I nee-d all the ingredients to make soup, I said.
“Huh, what kind of soup is that and why…
“Rico is sick.” His running a temperature, I said cutting her in.
“Oh really?” Lemme get them, she said and started bringing some ingredients out.
“Here you go, kora said handing over the pot of soup to me.”
“Alright thanks, I replied and carried it upstairs to his room.”
I got to his room and kept the pot on the table beside his be-dside.
I glanced at the time and it was alre-ady getting to 2 am.
I dragged his head up and slightly sl@pped his cheek.
“He opened his eyes and closed them immediately.”
“Then I held his cheek and pressed it together, he opened his mouth and I slid a spoonful of the soup into it.”
“He opened his eyes immediately and spit it out.”
“Is this guy serious?”
“He didn’t even look at me and made to sleep back but I held him up even tho it was difficult.”
I held his cheeks together ma-king him open his mouth again and I slid a spoonful of soup into his mouth.
“He made to vomit it but I didn’t allow him as I held his head firmly.”
“Gosh! I am getting tired.”
I slid another spoon into his mouth and he unconsciously drank it.
I’ll say unconsciously cause his eyes were still closed.
I exhaled de-eply as i dropped the pot inside the sink.
I feel so tired and sleepy.
I walked back into his room and glanced at the time again.
It was alre-ady 2:30am.
I sat on the stool watching him and unknowingly dozed off.
I opened my eyes and glanced at the time.
$h!t! Its 5:30am.
“How did I fall asleep here?”
I looked at Rico and he was still slee-ping.
I re-moved the towel from his head and t©uçhed his head.
“Aha, Finally!”
“His temperature were back to normal.”
I carried the water and the towel and left his room.
👓Mason’s POV 👓
I opened my eyes and glanced at the time.
“Hmm did Rico make it home?”
I stood up from the be-d and opened the door.
I froze when I saw that nanny coming out from Rico’s room.
“What was she doing there so early?”
I watched her go down and I shut my door and went into Rico’s room.
“Oh, he c@m£ back!”
I turned and went to my room to freshen to for school.
👖Rico’s POV 👖
I opened my eyes sluggishly and sat up on it.
“What the hell??”
“How did I get here?”
I got down from the be-d and went into the bathroom to ease myself and to brush my tooth.
I c@m£ out and glanced at the time.
I walked downstairs to see Mason and Jason on the dinning.
“Hey bro!” They both greeted and I nodded and sat down.
They were eating bre-ad, bacon and tea.
“Aren’t you going to school? Why aren’t you re-ady?” Jason asked.
“When did you come home yesterday?” Mason also asked.
“Huh! You don’t no when I c@m£ home?” I asked a little bit surprised.
“No, Jason do you?” Mason asked and he nodded negatively.
“Weird! Then who changed my clothes yesterday?” I asked starring at em both.
I don’t no bro, maybe its a ghost, Jason replied and chuckled.
“Yea, Mason added and laughed. ”
“Seriously guys! I said standing up.”
“Who the hell changed my clothes cause I no the servants wouldn’t dare t©uçh me??”
“They both dropped their tea and concentrated on me.”
I don’t no, Jason said again.
“Um..I think I saw kendra coming out from your room this morning, mason said.”
“You mean the nanny?” I asked to be sure.
“Yes, I was also surprised, he replied and just then kora showed up with my meal.”
“Kora, when did I get home last night?” I asked.
“Em.. I don’t no.” Kendra was the one that took care of you last night, she replied and I scoffed.
“What do you mean by that?” I asked.
Well, you fell sick and she cleaned you up and fed you with em…
“Hold on; what do you mean by clean you up?” I asked cutting her off.
“Do you mean she was the one that changed my dress?”
“Yes and she also fed you with some medicinal soup so I think you should be asking her, she replied.”
I wi-de-ned my eyes in shock and turned to look at my brothers who were also starring at me.
I think I recall someone feeding me.
“What the hell? She was the one?”
Just then we heard footsteps approaching and I turned to see her coming to the dinning.
She paused immediately she saw me.
Hmm mm
Kendra is doing her work.

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