Babysitting Jenna episode 96 & 97


🩸(The Icy Billionaire’s Daughter笑)💧

⛲CHAPTER 96&97⛲

By Authoress Rhema 🧁


“What’s going on Johnny?” Irish asked

“Ion know.. hey plea-se can you excuse us!!” Johnny shouted but some masked guys with guns c@m£ out instead

Irish heart skipped beats and she felt Jenna cling on her ti-ghter

“Mummy who are those people, are they coming to us, I’m scared” Jenna whispered

Irish ru-bbe-d on her hands gently

“Don’t be, I’m here for you” she whispered reas-suring

The mask man got to them, he pointed a gun into the car, indicating that Johnny should open it

“Mummy call daddy” Jenna said

Irish nodded lowly and brou-ght out her phone, she went to the list and dialed Jake’s number, she called but he didn’t pick

“Pick up your phone Jake” Irish muttered

Johnny raised his hands up and opened the car, he slowly got down

“That’s good, I want everyone here to leave this car now” they said

Irish held Jenna’s hands ti-ghtly and c@m£ down

One of the men took Irish and Johnny’s phone then smatched it on the floor

“The both of you, get into that car” they ordered

“What do you want from us” Irish yelled

“Don’t yell, just do as I say or else your daughter gets it” they yelled back

Irish nodded fearfully, she held Jenna’s hands ti-ght and they both entered the car

Johnny stood there not knowing what to do, he isn’t a fighter, he doesn’t even know how to fight or protect them

One of them walked up to him and hit his head ha-rd with a gun ma-king him pas-s out, they entered the car and began driving

“Mummy they are going to hurt us!!” Jenna cried out loudly

“They won’t” Irish said with a f0rç£d smile even though she was damn scared

“They will I heard that men with guns are bad guys, they are going to hurt us” Jenna cried

“Will you shut up!!” One of the yelled at her and she cried more loudly

“Don’t yell at my baby” Irish yelled back

“You love to talk huh?, You want me to b!ow your br@ins” he said

Irish was about to reply but Jenna held her hands ti-ght

“plea-se mummy st©p talking” she cried

Irish st©pped talking and hvgged Jenna’s ti-ght, she could feel Jenna’s b©dy shaking, this people are surely going to give her baby nightmares

“Jake where are you, I nee-d you” Irish whispered in her heart.


JM Entertainment**

Jake just got to his office, he has been trying Irish line but it’s not going and strangely his heart is beating so fast

He just got back from his board meeting room not to long ago when he met a missed call from Irish

He missed her, honestly that was the main reason why he rushed his bored meeting because he wanted to talk to her and Jenna

When he saw that she called, he was happy with the thought that she missed him too but now he’s calling and calling but the phone is powered off

“Come on Jake maybe she’s outta battery, get a hold of yourself, Jenna must have used her phone to pl@ygames” he said to himself but his heart won’t st©p beating so fast

He shook his head and was about to call again when his phone began ringing

“Irish” he smiled happily and picked the call but it was not Irish

📞Am I speaking with Jake Martinez?” The voice asked

📞Yes, who are you?

📞I’m doctor Evans Mark, an employee of yours was rushed to my hospital earlier today

📞Who?” Jake stood up

📞His name is Eric Smith

📞Oh my God, why was he rushed I hope he’s fine?” Jake asked

📞He’s not fine, he’s in a critical condition, he got beaten up almost to death but luckily he got to the hospital on time

📞What’s the name of your hospital?” Jake asked

📞 Evan’s care”

Jake nodded and hanged up, he turned on his Google map and entered his car.


Maxwell’s College Of Arts**

br@yden kept waiting at the front of Crystal’s room and tapping his legs on the ground repeatedly

The door opened and Samantha c@m£ out, he immediately ran after her

“Sam plea-se wait” he called but she didn’t answer him

“Sam” he held her hands and made her face him

“What!! What what do you want!!” She yelled at him

“I wanna apologize” he said and Samantha bur-st out laughing

“Why?” She asked

“I just want to” he replied

“You take me for a fool right?, You wanna apologize because Crystal told you not to talk to her if you didn’t” she said and br@yden went speechless

fuc-king hell that was his plan, how did she know??

Samantha scoffed and made to leave but he blocked her view

“Okay fine you got me that was my plan but still I wanna apologize to you, I miss you, I miss you in the band, I miss my friend I miss the old Samantha” he said, holding her hands

Samantha yanked her hands of him

“I’m not coming back to the band, I love you and you don’t love me back and I’m trying to get over you but you’re ma-king it ha-rd , can you just go, get out and leave me just leave me alone I nee-d to get over you okay!!!” She yelled out in tears, shocking the hell outta him

“I’m sorry” he said lowly

She just scoffed and ran off

br@yden sighed and began walking back to his hostel but what he saw made him froze

It was Crystal and Damen at the school park… k!ssing!!!!!


Evan’s Care**

Jake sighed as he stared at Eric’s b©dy that were covered with bandage all over

“But he’ll be fine right?” He asked the doctors

“Yes even though it’ll take time” the doctor replied

“No problem doc, just do all you can I just want to see him alive” Jake sighed

“I can as-sure you that he’ll be alive, you don’t have to worry” doctor Evan smiled and Jake nodded

“You’ll s£nd me your account details later today, I’ll pay whatever it takes” Jake added

Evan nodded and Jake left the hospital, he c@m£ out and tried Irish line again, it was still switched off

He entered his car and called Jeffery next, he was going to ask if Irish was there alre-ady

📞 What’s up” Jeffery said the moment he picked

📞Is Irish there yet, she said she was going to come shop in your mall?” Jake asked

📞She’s not here yet, Della has been calling her non st©p I even thought she wasn’t coming again” Jeffery replied

Jake hearts almost jumped out of it’s socket, he dropped from his hands immediately

“Irish, Jenna, no” he shook his head and started his car

He began driving really fast,he kept driving, he didn’t know where he was driving too but he kept driving

Nothing must happen to his Jenna and Irish, nothing at all

He shook his head driving as fast as he could.


Micheal’s Mansion**

Micheal just brou-ght Suzy to the mansion, throu-ghout the ride, Suzy kept saying she wanted to go home, she don’t want to stay with him

“Fine if that’s what you want then I’ll let you go” Micheal sighed

“But I’ll call to check up on you because of our baby and also I’ll as-sist you with your father’s health, his surgery starts tommorow” he said

Suzy didn’t reply and Micheal just nodded before calling maid

“I want you to bring her luggages out” he ordered

The maid nodded and went to her room to park everything

“Your sister school will resume next week and I’ll be sponsoring her” he said but Suzy didn’t reply

He just sighed as he watched the maid, coming out with Suzy’s luggage

“Let’s go, I’ll call you” he said

Suzy didn’t reply, she just turned around and began following the maid out

“R0m-n plea-se esc-rt hey safety to her house, I un-derstand that she nee-ds time” Micheal said

R0m-n nodded and went with Suzy, Micheal also followed

Suzy entered the car and before the guard could shut the door, Micheal held it

“I really hope you find it somewhere in your heart to forgive me” he said

She started at him for a while before looking elsewhere

“Can we start leaving?” She said

R0m-n nodded and started the car

Micheal sighed and sh0t his eyes ti-ght, he bit hisl-ips ha-rd before his phone rang, checking it was Jeffery

He picked and placed it on his ears

📞Have you heard from Jake?” Jeffery asked worriedly

📞No why?”

📞Ion think he’s okay, I think something happened to Irish, it’s like she’s being kidnapped or something because she’s missing now Jake has gone crazy, I’ve been calling him but I can’t reach him” Jeffery explained

📞What!!!?” Micheal screamed.


Suzy’s Place**

They finally arrived, Suzy kept quiet as R0m-n offered to help her carry her luggage

“plea-se if you nee-d anything don’t hesitate to contact us” R0m-n said

“I’m fine by myself” Suzy replied

“Whatever, we’ll still contact you anyways” R0m-n replied and left

He entered the car, looked at her one more time before driving off

Suzy slowly fell on the floor, her eyes bec@m£ teary as serval memories c@m£ rushing back into her br@in

Micheal is Peter, Peter is Micheal, Micheal is the guy her heart has been dieing for since, he’s her husband, he’s the father of her child too

She shook her head as she cried really ha-rd , right now she feels like she’s the biggest fool in the world, if there’s one thing then she wishes not to see him ever again

“Sis” the voice made her froze, she stood up and slowly looked back

“You” she said

“I’m sorry sis I didn’t know what got over me” Danica cried

“I’m really disappointed, we were sisters, I loved you so much, I put you first in everything and that was the way you repayed me!!” Suzy yelled out in tears

“plea-se I’m so sorry” Danica cried too

“I’m angry with you, sorry would never fix things just go, go and complete your education and forget you ever had a sister, I don’t want to see you get out!!” Suzy yelled and began rushing to her room in tears

“Sis” Danica held her hands

“Don’t t©uçh me!!” Suzy yanked her hands off then slammed the door

“Suzy, I’m sorry!!” Danica yelled and bur-st out in tears, crying so loudly

“I’m sorry” she cried and sat on the floor, feeling like someone that nee-ds to be killed right now.


Maxwell’s College Of Arts**

Crystal was on her way to her hostel but paused when she heard noises, it sounded like a boy that’s crying

She crea-sed her brows and followed the noise, it lead her to a long chair in the school park and there was only one guy sitting there

He was none other than Damen

“Damen” she called and he immediately st©pped crying, he wiped his tears and looked elsewhere

“I’m not Damen” he lied

“Come on there’s no nee-d for you to lie” Crystal shook her head and walked to sit beside him

“Why can’t you just leave, I wanna be alone” he muttered

“Okay” Crystal replied with a shurg and stood up, she made to leave but he held her hands and dragged her back to sit

“Atleast try to be nice” he sniffed

“Try to be nice, you asked me to leave and I obeyed wasn’t I nice?” She asked back

“I’m sorry, don’t leave again plea-se stay” he said and she smiled

“So won’t you tell me what happened?” She asked

“My mom got arrested” he said

“That explains why I saw you running like a mad person yesterday” Crystal muttered

He sighed and looked down

“It was all because of my stupid father, I never liked him at the first place. Now he dragged her into this” he muttered and a tear drop fell from his eyes

“How long is your mother s£ntenced?” She asked

“Eleven months”

“What the and you’re crying, come on eleven months will pas-s like breeze” she said ru-bbing his shoulders

“But still she’s going to suffer there”

“Atleast you’ll be seeing her often” she added

“You’re right” he muttered then turned to look at her

“Will you get mad at me for what I’m about to do?” He asked

“What do you wanna do?” She asked back her heart skipped strange beats when she saw his gaze on herl-ips

Before she knew it, he began leaning closer, her heart began beating so loud, she didn’t move, she just watched him covered the space between them and hisl-ips crashed on hers

Her eyes wi-de-ned as she watched him devour herl-ips, her heart kept beating so loud, so loud that she was sure he could here it, this wasn’t her first k!ssbut this should be her first long real k!ss

She got back to her s-en-ses and pushed him off then sl@pped him ha-rd

“How dare you!!” She yelled

“I’m sorry, I lost it” he replied

“What did you lost, you telling me that you liked me then flir-ting with other girls the next day, aren’t you such a j£rk!!” She yelled

“I…” He bit hisl-ips ha-rd

“I did that to rile you up” he said

“You’re such a fool!!” Crystal replied and gr@bb£d his collar then pu-ll-ed her to him and slammed herl-ips on his, k!ss!nghim too

Damen eyes wi-de-ned, he didn’t expect this, he also didn’t expect her to k!sshim this fierce but what can he do, in a swift move, he lifted her up and made her straddle him

His hands were on her bu-tt as he squee-zed her ti-ght to himself, k!ss!ngher more fiercer, bitting, su-cking, l!çk!ng and ravishing herl-ips

Unknown to them, br@yden stood behind them watching everything, his face shows he was really broken, tears c@m£ out of his eyes and he cleaned it immediately before shifting backwards and running off

He st©pped when he got un-der a tree at the school compound then held the tree for support as he p@n-ted heavily

“I give up” he muttered.


Samantha on the other hand found her way to the school libr@ry, it was empty, she was the only on in so she began crying loudly

“I’m tired of this stupid life, stupid heart, stupid fairytale, stupid everything!! I give up” she cried out

“You give up on what?” Someone asked and she looked up

It was Aaron, she cleaned her eyes and looked elsewhere

“None of your business” she muttered

“Let me guess it’s a heartbreak, I’ve re-ad novels, girls cry like this when they are being rejected” he said

“I thought I told you to go away!!” She yelled

“I know I know, but guess what can make them feel better” he said

“What?” She asked and he showed her a white nylon

“A white nylon?” She asked sarcastically

“No, check what’s in” he said, giving it to her

She took it and opened it

“Icecream” she said

“Hmm, I made it for myself but I think you nee-d it more than me, enjoy” he said and stood up then left

“Dummy” Samantha muttered and opened it, she took a spoon and sighed out

“I hate my life” she cried and took another spoon then sighed again

“Boys are bastard” she added and took one more spoon

“Ice cream is the best” she pouted.



It’s dark really dark, Jake couldn’t sleep, he has been walking up and down, searching everywhere he do hang out with Irish but nothing

“My Irish and Jenna where are you both, I miss y’all so much” he sighed out

It was confirmed that they were being kidnaped when he met Johnny at home

Johnny told him everything that happened but he didn’t know where Irish and Jenna were being taken too

His phone has been ringing, Micheal and Jeffery has been calling but he didn’t pick, he just nee-d his Irish

He only realized that he was useless today because no matter the amount of power or men he had,he can’t even find his love and daughter

Slowly he sat on the floor and rested his back on the wall

“Just a sign any sign and I’ll come for you, just call my name and I’ll be there my love” he whispered

He kept looking up and time was going really fast till it was alre-ady 3am in the morning, a tear drop fell of his eyes as he closed it driffting into sleep

When he opened his eyes the sun was alre-ady shinning at his face, he crea-sed his brows when he saw two male figures beside him

“Jake you nee-d to calm down, we are here for you” Micheal said

“I can’t” Jake shook his head

“Listen Jake if you keep…

Jeffery speech got interrupting when Jake’s phone began ringing

“Unknown number” he said

“Irish” Jake collected it and picked

📞 Irish!!” He yelled

📞 That’s right,if you wanna see her or your daughter then shut it and listen to what I have to tell you” the person replied

Micheal, Jake and Jeffery all looked at themselves.