babysitting Jenna episode 93 & 94

šŸ›€šŸ¼ JENNAšŸ’›

šŸ©ø(The Icy Billionaire’s Daughterē¬‘)šŸ’§

ā›²CHAPTER 93&94ā›²

By Authoress Rhema šŸ§


“P… Peter?” Suzy stuttered, she couldn’t believe her eyes

He can’t be, it can’t be, Micheal can’t be Peter, he has been ma-king a fool outta her, just how many people will fool her

Micheal closed his eyes ti-ght and sighed, his biggest fear has finally occurred, she will hate him but why now, why after he had fallen for her alre-ady

But no, now is not the time to think about this, he faced Fremont

“Uncle” he called

Fremont smiled at him

“So you’re the own right, you’re the reason behind my parent and my sister’s death?” He asked

Fremont kept smiling

“You bastard!!” Micheal yelled and made to hit him but Fremont showed him a remote

“If you tĀ©uƧh me or move closer, I’ll hit this bu-tton and guess what” he said

Micheal looked at him, then looked at Suzy fearfully

“That’s right, if I press this bu-tton your wife will go kaboom” he said

Suzy eyes wi-de-ned, it was then she realized that her bĀ©dy was covered with wires

“Don’t do anything to her!!” He yelled

“Oh I won’t if you cooperate”

“What do you want?”

“The will to your father’s company, I want you to give me every damn thing” Fremont replied and Suzy shook her head

Micheal clenched his fist ti-ght

“My father alre-ady signed it with my name, it’s rightfully mine!!” He yelled

“No it’s not, your father is a cheater, it was supposed to be mine but he stole it”

“Bastard!” Micheal clenched his teeth ti-ght

“Watch your mouth,fu-cking give me what I want!!’ Fremont yelled

Micheal nodded and di-pped his hands into his suit

“Here’s what you want, let my wife go” he said and Suzy shook her head

“Don’t do it Micheal” Suzy shouted

“It’s your choice, I won’t think twice about b!owing off your beloved head” Fremont shurgged

Micheal stretched out the paper to Fremont and Fremont slowly collected it, he opened it and went throu-gh it then furrowed his brows


Before he could complete what he was about to say, a kick landed at his hand, kicking the remote of his hands

Once the remote was off his hands, Micheal ran towards Suzy, he began untieing her as fast as he could

Fremont chuckled and cracked his nĀ£Ā¢k

“This is the fake will, you wanna fool me” he said

“Don’t you dare tĀ©uƧh her, why don’t you let her go and we’ll fight man to man” Micheal yelled

“Man to man” Fremont laughed and shook his head

“Ion have time for you little boy, the will or I’ll b!ow your wife off” he added

Micheal $h!t his eyes ti-ght as he recalled something


“If there’s one thing I’m sure about then it’ll be about the person asking you for your father’s will but I want you to del@yas soon as possible” Jake said and Micheal crea-sed his brows

“But what if he tries anything funny with my wife?” Micheal asked

“Micheal just trust me and del@yhim”.


“I don’t think I can del@yhim anyone, I can’t put Suzy’s life at risk” Micheal thought, hvgging Suzy ti-ght and ru-bbing her palms, telling her that I’ll be okay

“That does it” Fremont picked the remote and made to press it but the door suddenly went open and some men dressed in black rushed in

One went for Fremont and they began fighting while R0m-n rushed straight to Suzy

He hurriedly re-leased her and re-moved the bomb from her bĀ©dy

“R0m-n, take her out of here” he ordered

“Huh, what about you?” Suzy asked

“Don’t worry about me, just go” Micheal replied


He cought her off with a k!ss, then pu-ll-ed away

“Go, I have a lot of things to explain to you once I get back” he said

Suzy nodded and decided to leave with R0m-n, as they were going Jones picked up his gun, he aimed it straight at Suzy and fired

“Suzy” Micheal yelled and rushed up to her, he collected her from R0m-n and cu-mpped her cheeks

“Stay with me” he whispered

Next thing that was heard was the police serene

“Sh*t” Fremont cursed and knocked down the last guy

“Jones let’s go” he called out

Jones nodded and rushed out. R0m-n ran after them

Fremont and Jones entered their car and began speeding off

“That br@t, I can’t believe he ratted us off to the corps” Jones muttered

R0m-n wanted to enter his one car but he stĀ©pped seeing there’s no escaped room for them

He sighed and went back in.


Jones kept driving as fast as he could while Fremont kept looking back, suddenly three police car c@mĀ£ to block their front

“Sh*t” Fremont muttered

The police men c@mĀ£ down, they surrounded Fremont’s car and pointed their guns at them

“Mr Fremont and Mr Jones, you’re un-der arrest for kidnap and murder, get down from the car with your guns down and stay silent for what you say shall be used against you in the court of law

Slowly Jones opened the car and c@mĀ£ down, Fremont c@mĀ£ down too, they looked at themselves and sighed

They knew it was over and there was no going back so they raised their both hands up

The officers walked up to handcuffed them, then led them to their car and drove off.


The car stĀ©pped at an old uncompleted building, it opened and two men c@mĀ£ down, they opened it for Eric and he c@mĀ£ down too

“plea-se I don’t know what I did wrong but spare me” he pleaded, his whole bĀ©dy shaking out of fear

“Just shut the hell up and let’s go” one of them replied

Eric closed his mouth and they took him in, they made him sit on a chair then tied him up

“plea-se spare me” he pleaded again

“Shut up!!” They hit his stomach and he yelped in pain

“Call the boss and tell her his here” one of them instructed

They began ma-king a phone call, while Eric sat down, praying silently, praying that they shouldn’t kill him

“Eric” that familiar voice made him look up immediately

“Good to see you again” Kaylee smiled, dressed in a fancy outfit as she catwalked in, swaying her h!ps left and right

“Kaylee?” Eric called with wi-de-ned eyes

“I’m surprised that you still remembered my name” she smiled

“What do you want from me?” He asked and she smiled again

“Nothing much” she shurgged and looked at the men standing beside her

They nodded and walked up to Alan, then they began removing his shi-t

“Why are you taking off my shi-t, what do you want?” He asked

Kaylee smiled and walked closer to him then sl@pped his face ha-rd

“What do I want?” She asked and sl@pped him again

“You ruined my life, we made a deal but you betrayed me, you sle-pt with me, got me pregnant, made me face a lot of ha-rd sh!pand my baby died!!” She yelled straight to his face

Eric couldn’t believe his ears

“Surprised huh, what where you doing when I was suffering, probablyfu-cking other girls right?” She asked and sl@pped him again

“I’m sorry” he muttered

“Sorry??, Sorry won’t stĀ©p me from killing you today, get me the wh!p” she ordered

A man rushed to get a wh!pand handed it to her

“I will kill you with this!!” She yelled and wh!pped his ba-re che-st ha-rd

“Argghhhhhhhh!!” Eric winced

“I’m not done yet bastard!! She wh!pped him again and again and again

The wh!pwas covered with his blood plus he was crying so much, she continued till she got exhausted

“If you despise me this much then why don’t you just kill me like a normal person” he p@n-ted tiredly

“Because I want you to die in pains” she replied and faced the guards

“Hit him, don’t stĀ©p till he stĀ©ps breathing” she ordered then left

What she could hear next was the wh!pping sounds and the painful scream coming from him

“Good for you” she muttered and left completely.


Next Day… Jake’s Mansion**

Jake’s voice on the phone was what woke Irish up from sleep, she stood up and walked to sit beside him, waiting for him to talking

Once he was done, he looked at her with a smile

“You’re awake, I thought you’ll use the whole morning to sleep” he said

“What are you talking about, what’s the time?” She asked and he smiled

“11:40am, see for yourself” he showed her his watch and she stared at it unbelievably

“How come and where’s Jenna, has she eaten?” She asked

“Hmm, she’s watching TV now” he replied

“Oh” she mumbled and looked at him cutely

“I’m hungry too can I get a breakfast in be-d?” She asked with sparkling eyes

“Sure baby, one sec let me call the maids too…

“No ion want the maids, I want you to go get it” she pouted

“Me?, Why?” He asked

“Why not you, don’t you wanna do things for me?” She asked back and he tapped her nose

“Wait here then” he replied and rushed out

Irish smiled and pressed herl-ips in, she suddenly remembered something and she g@sped

Jake c@mĀ£ back with the food and she stood up and walked up to him

“When did you come back last night?” She asked

“Late” he replied


“I’ll tell you but first eat” he replied

Irish nodded and sat down, she took her food and began eating at the same time pressing her phone

“Hunny have you eaten, come join me too” she called out

He smiled and took his spoon then was about eating when he heard her g@sped out

“What?” He asked

“Look, Micheal shows his real face to public, see how he looks like, he’s Peter” she showed him the phone

“I know” Jake replied

“You know?” Irish asked and he nodded

“It’s our secret but eat up and I’ll tell you everything” he said

Irish nodded and began eating as fast as she could.


Maxwell’s College Of Arts**

In the cafeteria, Samantha walked past br@yden and went to sit beside Aaron at the front of them

He stared at her confusedly and he smiled

“Mind to have breakfast with me?” She asked

“But why?” He replied and she smiled

“It’s boring, all my friends are busy and you’re alone here” she replied and he shurgged

She smiled and began eating with him. Behind them it was Brian and br@yden

“Why is she eating with him?” Brian asked and br@yden shurgged

He was sulking and poking his food with his fork

“Why are you ma-king that face too?” Brian asked

“Nothing” br@yden shook his head

“I should be eating with my girl but you called me to eat with you now you won’t say anything, should I just go?” Brian asked feeling obviously pissed

“No” br@yden shook his head

“Thenfu-cking say something!!” Brian snapped

“Crystal doesn’t like me back,I tried courting her yesterday and she told me never to talk to her” he replied

“Fool” Brian muttered

“I know” br@yden replied and poked his food again

“Don’t waste your time if she doesn’t like you then leave her, beside you turn down a girl too, did she die?” Brian said

“I know but two girls have turned me down now, at first I love that older girl but she’s with my brother, now Crystal.. ion know” he sighed sadly

“She’s not the right one for you leave her” Brian replied

“It’s ha-rd ” br@yden cried

“Then try” Brian rolled his eyes

“F*wl, I hope you breakup with your girlfriend” br@yden scoffed and stood up then left

“What??, I’ll never help you again!!!” Brian yelled out as br@yden left

Suddenly Damen stood up and ran out of the cafeteria, shocking everyone

He bu-mped into Crystal but he didn’t bother looking back, he just entered his car and drove out with full speed

“What’s with him” Crystal muttered with a scoff.


Police Station***

After everything, the law have decided to lock up Fremont and Jones for 30 years in prison

They also decided to lock Gloria up for keeping the secret, she has just a 11months in prison

Micheal was there with R0m-n, he watched how they took Fremont and Jones inside their cells

By the time they’ll be out, they’ll be old and they’ll loose everything

“Serve them right” Micheal muttered and sighed, finally he got justice for his parents but his sister..

His thought was interrupted when a young boy rushed in

“Mom” he called when they see about carring Gloria to her cell

“Mom” he rushed up to her and took her hands

“I saw the news, is it true?” He asked

Gloria smiled out her tears and nodded

“I told you to divorce that bastard now look what he had dragged you into” Damen complained in tears

“It’s okay, I just have 11months” she smiled

“Mom, I’m worried about you” he said and she hvgged him ti-ght

“I’ll be fine, just be a good boy and don’t follow bad friends okay” she advised him and he nodded

Then she pu-ll-ed away and looked at Micheal who was looking at her

“Will you mind, there’s something I have to tell you” she said.