Babysitting Jenna episode 87 & 88


?(The Icy Billionaire’s Daughter笑)?

⛲CHAPTER 87&88 ⛲

By Authoress Rhema ?


A Weird Warehouse**

“I said let me go!!” Danica kept struggling as the men pu-ll-ed her in

“You must befu-cking out of your s-en-ses to kidnap me, I swear once I’m out if here I’ll report my brother in-law and guess who he is?” She sm-irked and crossed her arms un-der her br**st

“Yes, that’s Micheal Rodriguez ofcourse, once I tell him, he’ll slaughter all of you till you’re…

Danica immediately kept shut when one of the man re-moved his gun and pointed straight to her skull

“Wanna die?” He asked and she kept shut immediately

They began fixing some wires to some TV and connected some things while Danica sat one place, crying silently

Once they were done, they walked up to her and pu-ll-ed her up again

“Let’s move” they said

“I’m warning you, if you hurt me I’ll tell Micheal I swear” she kept crying as she moved with them but they paid her no attention

They got to the TV screen and turned it on

“Boss she’s here” one of them, the one at the front who happened to be the leader spoke up

In the screen, Fremont face appeared with a smile

“Perfect” he muttered

“What do you want from me, let me go you stupid old f**l, I swear I’ll report you to my brother in-law, guess who he his. He’s name is Micheal Rodriguez that’s right he….

“Do you want Micheal all to yourself?” Fremont cought her off with his question, ma-king her to blink

“Huh?” She asked

“I’ve been watching you Danica and I know a lot of things about you” he smiled

Danica blinked, how does he knows her name

“I know you’re in love with your sister’s husband and you want him to yourself and I know you hate your sister” he added

Danica stared at him without speaking

“And I feel that, Micheal also notice you too, he’s just to blinded by your sister’s Beauty” he added

Danica clenched her teeth ti-ght as she glared daggers at him

“What’s your point actually?” She asked

“You’ll help us lure your sister here to us and you can get Michael all by yourself” he replied

Danica laughed and scoffed

“So I should bring her to you so you’ll use her to lure Micheal because I’m sure that’s what you want” she yelled

“No sweetie you’re wrong, you’ll bring her to us because of me, because I want her. Who cares about Micheal” he rolled his eyes

Danica kept glaring at him

“It’s your only opportunity Nica, sell your sister to me now and keep your beloved, I’ll give you just three days to think about this. If you’re not done thinking then I’ll come myself and I’ll take her I’ll also hurt your beloved” he said

Danica wanted to speak back at him but the screen sh0t down

“Hey, don’t you dare t©uçh him!!” She yelled out

The men moved to her again and r0ûghly pu-ll-ed her up

“Let’s go” they began pushing her

“I know how to walk, leave me!!” She struggled they pu-ll-ed her out


Micheal’s Mansion**

Suzy kept pacing around the door with her spicy chicken in her hands

“Babe come sit beside me” Micheal called

“I can’t my sister is not back yet” she replied anxiously

“But I’ve had my men go look for her, beside you worry too much” Micheal sighed

“But your men hasn’t found her yet, look it’s going to 12 alre-ady where could she have gone to, that stubborn girl” Suzy stumped her feet ha-rd on the floor

“Baby, come sit down” Micheal pointed the empty space beside him and Suzy sighed

She walked slowly to him and sat beside him, he smiled and hvgged her to himself

“Be calm, she’ll be back” he said softly

Suzy sighed and snuggled her head closer to his che-st

“Look darling it’s your favorite TV show” he pointed the TV and she looked at it with a pout, then looked at him

Her eyes went to his almost familiar face, she might know him but the nose mask, he’s always putting on the kind that gives space for his mouth and nose

“Why are you always putting on nose mask, aren’t we friends now, aren’t I your wife, allow me to see your face” she said, bringing her hands to his face

“No wifey I promise to show you but not now” he said

“Huh?” She pouted

“Not now okay” he added and she scoffed and looked elsewhere

Micheal sighed and was about saying something but the door opened and Danica entered

“Baby sis” Suzy flew of the chair and rushed to hvg her

“Where did you go, I was worried” she added

Danica scoffed silently. She was worried, wasn’t she was snuggling with her “husband” on the couch right now??

“I’m fine, I just went out to take fresh air” she replied

“plea-se sis don’t scare us next time okay” Suzy pouted and Danica f0rç£d a smile and nodded

“I’ll be in my room” she smiled and pu-ll-ed away from Suzy then climbe-d the stairs and went to her room

Suzy smiled and moved back to Micheal who was still sitting at the couch

“I told you she’s fine” he said

Suzy nodded and took her spicy chicken then resumed her eating

Danica angrily sat on her be-d, she re-moved her shoes and threw it off in anger

“I hate you Suzy, I hate you, you’re taking everything from me I hate you!!” She yelled and scattered her hair

“I don’t even have to think twice, I’ll lure you to them just wait and watch” she added angrily

That’s right, since Suzy loves her and can do anything for her, she can use the opportunity to betray her and give her to that man so that she can have Micheal all to herself

She smiled and stood then went to the bathroom and slammed the door


Next Day… Naomi’s Mansion (late Alan mansion)**

The Mansion has been changed alre-ady, the maids has been sacked and now she had employed new ones

She had changed the painting, the looks, the furniture, the security, everything there were different, not just for the mansion

She’s also working on the company, it’s changed from Alan’s Production Corp to Naomi’s production corp, the painting, the logo, everything has all been changed

Inside a large room, her eyes slowly flew open, she can feel it, her face was different and….

She brou-ght her hands to ca-ress her cheeks


Kaylee stood up and walked straight to the mirror, she couldn’t believe her eyes, no burns, no sp©t, she’d beautiful once again

A smile appeared on her face as she t©uçhed her face again

“Pretty huh?” A voice sounded at her back and she turned back to see Naomi standing by the door

Kaylee cleared her throat and stood straight

“I made you look pretty again now I hope you can fulfill your promise to me, work for me” Naomi said

Kaylee looked at her face once again and smiled, her face is back. She can’t be more happier

“Anyhow” she replied

“Good, I’d see you at the office tommorow, remember feel free to come back at those ones that hurt you in the past” Naomi added and left

Kaylee faced the mirror again with a smile

“I’m pretty again, I won’t ever think of turning good ever again. This world is too wicked to be good, that’s what I should have known since. Eric I hope you’re still alive, just wait for me I’m coming” she said with a devious smile.


Maxwell’s College Of Arts**

This is just ridiculous, how can you confess to someone and the next day you’re flir-ting with another girl!!

Crystal thought and hit her smoothie on her desk with anger

“Crystal are you okay?” Viva asked and Crystal f0rç£d a smile and nodded

Samantha who has been silent drinking her smoothie chuckled, she looked at Crystal then looked at Damen who was flir-ting with a girl and pla-ying with her hair then she laughed again

Crystal turned to look at her in anger and she immediately faced her smoothie

“What’s funny!!” Crystal snapped

“Nothing” Samantha shook her head

Crystal scoffed, she looked at Damen again and scoffed

“But if he’s bothering you so much you can talk to him” Samantha shurgged

“He’s not bothering me, what are you even talking about” Crystal rolled her eyes

“Him, you’ve been looking at him since, isn’t he that guy you use to tutor?” Samantha asked and Crystal sighed

“He is but I want looking at him” she denied

“Hmm, really?” Samantha tea-sed

“You’re annoying me I said I wasn’t looking at him, sh*t!!” Crystal snapped and looked elsewhere

“Okay then” Samantha shurgged and siped her smooth, she turned to Crystal and met her staring again so she brou-ght out her phone and took her pic

“Stal” she called

“I wasn’t staring” Crystal denied immediately

“Tell that to the pic” Samantha showed Crystal and Crystal snatched the phone then deleted it immediately

“Now you have no prove” she smiled but Samantha gave her a look

Crystal sighed and moved closer to both Samantha and Viva

“I just don’t get, how can a guy ask you out, you refuse then the next day, he’s flir-ting with another girl” Crystal said

“Wait wait wait let me get this straight, Damen asked you out!!” Samantha almost screamed

“fuc-k yes Sam, will you keep it down” Crystal glared at her

“I’m so sorry, maybe he’s trying to make you jealous or he was messing with you yesterday” Samantha added

Crystal scoffed and looked elsewhere

“He’s such a prick, thank God I wasn’t into him if not I’d have been crying by now” she said

“Yes” Samantha nodded

“So br@yden?” Crystal asked and Samantha face drowned

“I don’t wanna talk about it” she muttered

“Come on”

“There’s really nothing to talk about, I confessed and now he’s avoiding me so there’s nothing, it’s obvious that he doesn’t like me so I’ll move on” she shurgged

“Well babe you see you can’t be sure if br@yden… Wait you confessed??” Crystal jo-lted

“Story time” Viva said and Crystal hit her

“Hmm I confessed last week, he….


Samantha breathed in and out more than ten times before knocking at br@yden’s door

It opened, he c@m£ out alre-ady dressed

“Sam” he called, looking surprised

“br@yden” she smiled and breathed

“There’s someone I wanna talk to you about, I can say it here if you want” she said

“Uhm sure, but I’m one my way to the cafeteria let’s go together” he offered and she nodded

They both went to the cafeteria, settled down and ordered some things

“So you wanted to say something?” He asked when he saw her pla-ying with her bagels

Samantha sighed and dropped it then looked at him

“I wanna quit the band” she said and br@yden started at her speechlessly

“You say?” He asked

“I wanna quit the band” she repeated

“You wanna quit, why?” He asked and she sighed

“I just… I just…” She closed her eyes not knowing where to start

“I wanna quit because..” she bit herl-ips ha-rd and he looked at her with crea-sed brows

“I.. I like you that’s why” she finally said it

br@yden stared at her, his brows crea-sed

“You like me?” He asked

“Ever since we formed this band, I’ve been in love with you, I know it’s risky because it’s not allowed to d@t£ our band mate so I thought the feelings will die but it kept growing and now I don’t think I can st©p it anymore that’s why I wanna quit” she said

“I.. I don’t know what to say” he replied

“Then don’t say anything, I just wanted you to know” she f0rç£d a smile then stood up and rushed out

Ever since then, br@yden has been avoiding her, well that’s what she feels because in the clas-s, he don’t look at her, he don’t call her or talk to hey anymore so yes he’s avoiding her


Samantha sighed as she narrated her story to them

“Boys are bastard” Crystal scoffed and Samantha nodded

“I think we should write a song about it” Crystal added and Samantha nodded with a smile

“Totally” she cl@pped, then they both looked at Vivia who wasn’t saying anything

“Don’t you agree?”

“I don’t agree because I have a b©yfri£ndnow” she replied

“A b©yfri£ndwho, Aaron?” Crystal asked and Viva spoilt her face

“Eww not him, it’s Brian, turns out that he likes me too” she said with a blus-h

“Don’t worry sweetie you’ll breakup” Samantha smiled and Viva eyed her

“Do what you want you two, I’m out of here” she stood up and left

“Boys are bastard” Crystal scoffed

“Totally right” Samantha nodded, agreeing with her.


Brix Shopping Mall**

Johnny st©pped the car at the parking lot of the mall, he c@m£ down and opened the back door for Irish and Jenna

They both got down and walked in while Johnny waited outside

“So we are just going to make this real quic-k, you’ll choose a dress real fast and a bag and shoes we can’t spend time here okay” Irish said

“Okay mummy” Jenna smiled and rushed in, Irish sighed and followed her from behind

They both began shopping for what they’ll nee-d for Jenna’s p@rty and Irish decided to use the opportunity to buy more clothes for herself, Jake and Jenna

“Mummy I’ll go to that section” Jenna pointed a section and Irish nodded

Jenna smiled and rushed over there while Irish continued her shopping

Her eyes cought a de-ep blue designed bag and she fell in love with it immediately

“My gee” she gushed and walked to take the bag but her hands jambe-d with someone else hands

Like slow mo, she turned to look at the person, it was.. the woman eyes also wi-de-ned

Just as she opened her mouth to speak

“Mummy” Jenna smiled running towards her with a small cute pink shoes

“Mummy look what I found” she smiled, her smile turned to a frown when she saw the woman that was standing beside Irish

“You again??” she frowned.


BAM, who’s that now…!!

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