Baby contract Episode 5 & 6

The Baby ???? Contract????????
???? ????Chapter 5???? ????
For the next three months, Anne didn’t leave Deville’s mansion alone,he went with her almost everywhere,even when Uncle Charlie called for a family dinner and Jeremy’s homecoming,Deville was in tow and that irritated her a lot.
“Deville, I’m going out tonight.” He arched an eyebrow,kept the book he was holding and raised his head up to her from where he was sitting,
“To where?”He asked her,she took a de-ep breath,
” I met a couple of friends from college and we decided to have a….you know what I mean.”his glare bec@m£ cold,
“Know what?” He asked his voice loud,
“We want to have a reunion p@rty….like a hangout.” She explained quite irritated at his silly questions and ignorance.He stood up and c@m£ closer to her,
“Well,you can’t go.”She wi-de-ned her eyes at his statement,
“Cause I said so.” He’s trying to annoy her,he packed his books and turned to leave,
“And who are to tell me what to or where to go and where not to?” She asked him angrily,he turned to her,
“I’m your boss.” His l!pcurved to a sly smile when he said it,she found that rude and abr@sive.
“Deville you are not my boss okay,you’re just a dying patient I have to bear a child for to save his poor as-s from dying,there’s nothing more than that.” She yelled at him,left him and went upstairs to her room slamming the door behind her.
“There’s more to that,Anne Pearl McKenzie, a whole lot more to that.” He said aloud to himself,her words hurting him.
Around ten pm,Anne got dressed for the p@rty, she was determined to go and will do it.She wore a black long go-wn,open at the back to a near w@!st level,a slit at the front,from the bo-ttomto her th!gh.She wore a black heel to match,light makeover and packed her hair in a messy bun,she checked herself in the mirror and smiled,
“Anne,you look break taking.” She smiled,picked her purse and left the room.When she c@m£ downstairs, the light was out,it was a creepy sight cause she’s scared of the dark but she was hell bent on going,so she shove her fear aside and walked to the door,
“And where do you think you’re going to?” She st©pped in track,turned and saw Deville sitting on the couch with br@ndy in his hand.He stood up from the couch and staggered to where she was standing,she shuddered with fear as he c@m£ closer to her,
“Deville…l..uh…I..” She stammered, he ran his hand throu-gh her hair and untied the bun,
“You want to go out with your friends, or a guy wearing this.” He trailed his hands to her go-wn,she kept mute.
“You want to defile my order?” He asked her,he smells of br@ndy,so she wanted to move back but he placed his hand on her shoulder.
“Deville plea-se let me go,I’m not going put with a guy.” She cried,his hand ran to her cleavage,
“You want to defile me?” He said louder, cold shiver ran down her spine,
“Now,I’ll show you the consequences of defiling my order,” he said coldly.
“You’ll see my wrath.”she wanted to say something but he put his index f!nger on herl-ips,trailed it to her che-st and down to her upper br£@st which was almost visible on her black go-wn.
” Deville…I…”she stammered, he gr@bb£d Ber hand and dragged her with him,she was scared of why he might do to her,
“Deville plea-se.” She cried,
“Deville plea-se let go,you’re hurting me.” He dragged her upstair to his room and locked the door behind him.
“Deville, I’m sorry plea-se don’t hurt me,she said crying but he wasn’t paying attention to her, he pushed her on the be-d and got on the be-d too,
” Deville plea-se st©p,let’s talk this…”he placed his hands on herl-ips,
“Deville,have mercy on me.”
“Shuush.” He shut her up with his k!ss,she shook her b©dy vigorously as he k!$$£d her r0ûghly,not giving her air to breath in.She tried to push him off her but he was bigger and stronger, he k!$$£d her with pas-sion but on anger,anger that she tried to go out when he said she shouldn’t go,anger that she has no feelings for him after staying with him for three months, anger that she consider him a dying patient that nee-ds her help not to die.The k!sses trailed to her n£¢k,so she gulped for air,
“Deville,plea-se st©p,plea-s don’t do this.” She cried loudly,so someone could come to her rescue but no one did,Deville controls the affair of the house and no one has right to talk him out of his decisions. He to-re her go-wn with one pu-ll,leaving her in her p@n-ties,he went for her moist with sweat brea-st,
“plea-se st©p,don’t do this.” She struggled free but to no avail,he was stronger than her.He su-cked her br£@st then k!$$£d her to her ñ@v£l,she continued crying and wriggling but he held her down,her cry didn’t make him st©p, it turned him on the more.He to-re everything made of fabric she was putting on including her un-der p@n-t,
“Anne,you’re so beautiful, very beautiful.” He muttered to her hearing and bent his head to her V-section,he k!$$£d her there,then he started tickling her there,she m0@n ed.Having l!çk!ng her well enough,he brou-ght out his d!¢k and f0rç£d himself into her not bothering to use his f!ngersfirst and she cried loudly, he thrû-ster with all his strength and she cried cause he was big and she was ti-ght and small,she was in pains but Deville in his selfishness didn’t consider that,all he though of was fulfilling his lvst de-sires.
“Deville plea-se st©p.” She cries weakly but he continued thrû-sting ha-rder and dee-per and she was loosing consciousness, he didn’t mind that, rather he kept doing it till he finally c@m£ and coll@psed by her side.She cried for over ten minutes before she gathered the little strength in her, stood up and staggered out of Deville’s room,she was badly bruised and her whole b©dy was in pain,she cried her way to her room.She got off the remaining pieces of her shredded clothes and staggered to the bathroom,she got un-der the shower, staying in the tub was a bad idea,she stood there and allowed the running water wash away her pain but it didn’t,so she got out,went to her room and got into a free go-wn,she brou-ght out her luggage out and gathered all her stuffs,
“Thank goodness,I didn’t bring out much of my clothes.” She packed all her clothes,leaving the ones Deville got for her and throdded downstairs,thanks to the slee-ping security man,she took the key opened the door and left,throwing the key back inside and left,it was around one am in the morning,she dragged her luggage with her and walked put of the estate and out of Deville’s life forever.
????????Chapter 6????????
When Deville woke up the next morning, his first thought was Anne,he rushed out of his be-d to her room but she wasn’t there and most of her clothes weren’t in the closet anymore,
“Anne! Anne!” He called out as he rushed downstairs, Millie c@m£ out of the kitchen,
“Have you seen Anne this morning?” He asked Millie,
“No Sir,I haven’t, go check her room.”
“She isn’t there.” The security guard rushed inside the living room,
“Sir!” Deville turned to him and frowned for being called that loudly this morning.
“Sir,I woke up this morning and the key to the main gate was on the floor and the gate was opened.” He complained to Deville who listen with fear in his face,
“Anne,” he rushed upstairs and got himself clad in a casual wear and rushed outside,
“Sandro, get me the car key,” he yelled as he c@m£ out.He got into his car and drove away having one place in mind,while his worker looked at themselves confusedly except Millie who know what was happening.
Anne dragged her pluggable till she left the estate, she had no one else to call and she can’t go to her house or Uncle Charlie’s house,so she called Frank.
“Hello Frank,” he picked up,
“Anne what’s up and why are you crying?” He asked sleepily,she isn’t good at handling tears,
“Frank,can you come pick me up now?” She said sobbing quietly,
“Where are you now?” He asked her,
“I’m at Bronx Avenue outside Farthingale Estate.” She said still sobbing and sniffling,
“Okay,I’ll be there soon.” She hung up and sat by the roadside. Not up to an hour later,a red sport’s car drove to where she was,she coiled up and prayed quietly,
“Frank plea-se be fast.”
“Anne!” She heard a familiar voice and raised her head up,
“Frank!” She stood up and ran to hvg him,he hvgged her too,
“Anne,what happened?” Deville asked her,she was looking bad,she shook her head.Frank went and brou-ght her luggage into the car,he opened the car and she got in,
“Anne tell me,what happened?” He asked her again,
“Frank,plea-se take me to your home.” That was the only thing she said and he drove to his house.
“Can I stay here for a couple of days?” She pleaded with him,he was confused but obliged,
“Yes you can,you can stay as long as you want.” Frank showed her to be-d room and she went inside.
Deville drove to Anne’s ap@rtment but she wasn’t there, the woman he met there told him that Anne had been away for a couple of months now,he drove to the hospital but they told him Anne hadn’t been there.He didn’t want to call Williams cause that’s gonna cause a lot a trouble for him, he drove around town but didn’t see her anywhere so he went back home.
“Where could she have gone to?” He asked himself as he drove home, he waited for the whole day expecting her to come back but she never did,he s£nt some people to her house if she come back there but she never did.Anne stayed at Franks place for four days then she bec@m£ sick,Frank called his doctor to check on her when her sickness bec@m£ worst, he ran some series of test on her and promise to come the next day with the result.The next morning, Anne didn’t wait for the doctor to come and deliver the result, she got up early and went to the Hospital to get it herself. She waiting to get the result, so many t©uçh ran throu-gh her mind,
“God,it shouldn’t be pregnancy now.” She prayed quietly,
“What do you mean by that?” Her subconscious self asked her,
“You’re paying him by having a child for him,remember its a contract not a love story.” The door opened,
“Miss McKenzie,” the doctor called her,she stood up and followed him to his office.
“Sit down plea-se.” She reluctantly sat down and the doctor handed an envelop to her,
“Anne,here’s your test report.” She slowly opened the envelop and re-ad the paper inside it,
“What!” She stood up,her eyes wi-de-ned,
“Yes Anne, you’re twelve weeks gone.” He said to her,she took her bag and left his office not saying any word.
“Frank shouldn’t know about this,” she his the report in her bag and dried her alre-ady teary eyes. When she got home,Frank was sitting in the living room,re-ading the newspaper,
she greeted him and walked pas-s him,
“Anne give me the report.” He said from where he was sitting but he didn’t look at her,she halted bit didn’t turn to him and he repeated himself,this time standing up and coming towards her.
“Fr….rank…..I” he said it again louder interrupting her stammer,
“Anne,give the report to me!” He yelled,she hurriedly di-pped her hand into the bag and fish out the report, he took it from her,
“Frank, I’m sorry.” She muttered as he scanned the result in his hand and g@sped,
“Anne,you’re pregnant.” He shouted,
“Anne,you’re almost three months gone!” He threw the report at her,she was alre-ady shedding tears,
“How did this happened?” He asked her as he paced to and fro his living room, she didn’t answer rather she was still crying,holding her palms to her face,
“You sle-pt with him right?”
“Frank,I’m sorry.” She cried and tried to hold him but he pushed her away,
“You allowed him fv¢k you,you’re a slut!” He went to the counter brou-ght a pack of Kent, took one out,lit it and smoked it halfway before he threw it away and stepped on it.
“You’re going to ab-ort that child,” He said fuming with anger,
“You’re going to ab-ort that bastard.” He said again,she stood up from the floor and knelt in front of him,
“Frank plea-se let’s not do this,don’t let me do this.” She cried,
“Anne,you’re not going to keep that baby,you hear me.” He yelled,
“Frank plea-se,this child is important to Deville, plea-se don’t let me ab-ort it.” He pushed her away and left her and went upstairs to his room.
Frank didn’t talk to Anne throu-ghout that week without having the looks that says you-ruined-my-life.She s£nt Deville a message,telling him of her pregnancy, he tried tracing the number but he didn’t still find her,he continued transferring money to her account but she didn’t come forward to him.One day,she ran into Millie at the grocery shop,
“Anne! Is that you?” She turned and scurried away not giving her the chance to say anything else.When Deville c@m£ home,Millie told him of her encounter with Anne,
“Which of the grocery shops?” He asked her,she regretted telling him immediately,
“The one beside PA MAX,” he took his keys,got into his car and drove there.Deville met the sales lady when he got there,
“Good day Sir, how may I help you?” The pretty blond haired saleslady greeted him but he turned to her confusedly,
“Well,I’m looking for someone.” He handed a ph0to of Anne to the young woman,she took it,looked at it for awhile and gave it back,
“Never seen her my whole life.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, I haven’t seen her before.”she said to him,keeping a serious face,
” Take this card,if you do see her anywhere just call me.”she took the card from him and kept it in the drawer and looked at him se-ductively,
“Okay thanks.” He turned and left,
“Sir,my name is Cheryl.” She yelled behind him but he didn’t turn or pay attention to her.