Attitude meet arrogant 51

Episode 51

Ciara’s POV

“Jordan…” That was the onIy thing i could say as I watched the shocked look on his face.

“What do you mean by you are pregnant, Ciara?” He demanded.

He’s angry. Just like I feared. Oh God.

“Jordan, let us explain…” Sophia begun.

“I want to talk to my wife alone., plea-se.” His voice was calm, but the look on his face was commanding. One by one, everyone left the room.

A tensed silence reigned between the two of us. “Are you really pregnant?” He looked at me pleadingly.

I nodded, unable to look into his eyes. I feared I would see anger.

“How… How is that even possible. You were on family planning…”

“I lied.” I confessed hoarsely. “I didn’t want you to pu-ll away from me.”

“Oh my God Ciara.” Jordan suddenly squealed. “This is the best news I’ve heard in a long time!”

I looked up at him, not expecting his reaction. He suddenly fell beside me on the be-d and scooped me into his arm. “Thank you, thank you.” He planted k!sses all over my forehead. “But didn’t you tell me earlier? How long has it been.”

“Three months. I was so afraid toat you would get angry. We will soon get a divorce, and i thought you would hate me for getting pregnant…” I answered, voice shaky.

“Ciara, i would never get angry. Having a child with you is my dream. I love you so much.”

It all felt too good to be true. He wasn’t angry. He was happy. My heart felt like bur-sting with joy. In that moment, i couldn’t hold back my feelings for him anymore.

“Jordan Marcias, I love you so much…I have loved you for the longest time and I don’t want to divorce you…” I said excitedly as my heart fluttered uncontrollably almost drowning in joy…

“Do you know for how long I have waited to hear those words????” His voice c@m£ out embarras-singly breathless…

“You have heard them now…” I took his hand from my cheek and placed it on my belly, “We love you so much Jordan and no one will tear us ap@rt…” I could feel tears sting my eyes…

He squee-zed my hand ti-ghtly and k!$$£d me…

A k!ssthat made me realise how much I had missed him..
When hisl-ips p@rted from me, I pu-ll-ed him back s£nding wild tremors along my nerves …

I love you Jordan Marcias…

That was my last thought before i began to feel dizzy and lost consciousness.

Jordan’s POV

“Ciara…” I screamed when I realized that my wife had lost consciousness.

The others c@m£ rushing in the room. “What’s happening?” Jaxon was the one who asked. Everyone looked very worried.

“I don’t know. She just fainted….” I shouted. “Ciara, plea-se wake up. What the hell is happening?”

“Oh my God, it’s the hyperemesis gravidarum.” Sophia aaid frantically.

I looked at her in worry and confusion. “What are you talking about?”

She looked hesitant and i instantly knew something was not right. “Tell me!” I demanded.

It was Jane who told me. “Jordan, Ciara has hyperemesis gravidarum and it’s so delicate…She could lose the baby if un-der stress or worry. That’s the real reason why she is losing weight and becoming so pale.”

My head was spinning. Ciara had told me it was because she was on a diet. Oh my God.

“We tried to convince her to tell you but she didn’t want to…” Mason said in almost a whisper.

“So you want to tell me you all knew about it????” I yelled and they all nodded embarras-singly…

“Mason I am your brother, Sophie I didn’t expect this from you..Chloe even you??? I can un-derstand Jane but not you guys…That’s is my kid…” By now my heart was pounding like madness…I was infuriated, I was filled with so much rage that I could explode…

If I lose that baby I will never forgive them ,they took away my chance to be with my baby…

“We couldn’t go against Ciara…” Sophie stammered…
“Shut up,” I snapped at her, “Your loyalty should always be with me..”

“Jordan calm down,” Mason tried to place his hand on my shoulder but I sl@pped it away, “Don’t act brotherly now…”

I am gonna make sure my temper rains down on them like hailstorms…

“Jordan, st©p acting like a fool… We nee-d to call the doctor.” Jane snapped.

That brou-ght me out of my rage. Ciara and my baby’s life were more important.


“Doctor, tell me she will be okay.” I asked the doctor immediately she stepped out of I and Ciara’s room.

“i have to be honest with you.” She said with a sigh. “Her condition is delicate which puts the baby and even her own life at risk. At this point what she nee-ds is constant attention and no stress.‡

I nodded gravely and quic-kly bypas-sed the doctor into my room. Ciara was still asleep.

Ciara’s POV

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jordan’s head beside my hand, his hand holding mine…
He was sound asleep

. I was happy that he was beside me when I nee-ded him..

I felt the urge to ca-ress his face as he is slee-ping but the moment I tried to pu-ll my hand away he woke up..

“My love you are okay…” His other hand ca-ressed my cheek, “I am sorry… I am so sorry. I should’ve been there all these months for you.” He rested his forehead on mine and I felt a tear fall on my cheek..

“Jordan just leave…I don’t want to see you…” I whispered in a hoarse voice…I didn’t want him to leave..I just wanted to see if he is willing to stay no matter how much I push him away..

“I am not going away…” He buried his head on my n£¢k, “I am not David or Jason…I am not leaving and am choosing you…No matter what you say I am not leaving…” I could feel h0t tears on my n£¢k…

“Just say you love me??? plea-se….” He whispered as he brushed hisl-ips with mine…

I could feel my warm tears dripping on ourl-ips…I was so happy…

“Surprise!!!!!” The whole family slammed the door open unexpectedly and distracted us from our k!ss…

“Jordan,can you at least wait for her to give birth first???” Sophie joked and we both looked at each other embarras-singly…

“She is my woman…” Jordan brou-ght my hand to hisl-ips and k!$$£d it….


I woke up in an unfamiliar room…I turned around to see if Jordan was lying beside me but I was all alone…

Are we in Maseka???? Jeez, I can’t believe I sle-pt almost throu-gh the whole drive…Jordan must have been bored not having someone to talk after I dozed off…

My husband had arranged for us to go on vacation to relax a little, and here we were.

I remember after the st©p-over at Matiwa that’s when I begun feeling sleepy… But how can I forget the jokes he told, the songs we sung, the number of people we gossiped about before reaching at Matiwa…It must have been tiring…

I was happy to see my love genuinely smiling and laughing…He had this glow on his face that I have never seen before…

Beatrice is the one unfortunate to let such a rare gem go…He is the definition of a perfect husband, No he is even more than perfect if that even exists….

I slowly got out of be-d and begun to look around.

. I slid a large glas-s picture window open and it led me to the balcony where I could see the ocean and feel the breeze…

It was soothing to the soul and the baby…
I slowly st©pped smiling at the ocean and stared at my belly…

“Baby, how are you feeling???? It’s soothing right…It was your papas idea for us to come here…” I couldn’t help but smile as I ru-bbe-d my belly softly…I can’t wait to hold him in my arms, my baby boy, my world….

“And how are you feeling????” Jordan asked behind me…
“You are bad….” I faked a sad face the moment I turned to look at him…

There he was leaning on the glas-s picture window looking all handsome with a vest and grey sweatp@n-ts…

“What did I do????” He walked to me and begun stro-king my cheeks with his hands…
“You left us all alone…I thought I would wake up and find your arm wra-pped around me…” I looked away..

“Baby, I am sorry…But I had to make you breakfast…The doctor gave me clear instructions…plea-se don’t be mad…” I could feel him move closer and closer to me that there was no inch between us…

He slowly turned me so as I could face him and rested his forehead on mine…
“I don’t wanna ever lose you…”He covered my mouth with a fierce gentle k!ssand I lost all sanity..

I could feel nausea crawling up my throat and so I pu-ll-ed back…

“Jordan, I wanna throw up…” I ran inside and he followed me….He slid another glas-s window and we got inside the bathroom..

I knelt Infront of the toilet and there he was beside me…Holding my hair while ru-bbing my back…

Not only did I feel weak but also that I was throwing up the energy in me….I wanted to st©p but couldn’t…It was like I was compelled to it…

I was all sweaty and in tears as I sat on the floor…
“I can’t do this anymore Jordan…It’s killing me…” I sobbe-d unceasingly…

“I know but I am here for you all the way…” He wra-pped his arms around me and I cried on his che-st…

“Make it st©p Jordan…It hurts, it’s draining me…”

“Ciara baby, be strong for the being inside you…Our son depends on you, he wants his strong woman to fight…Come I will take you to be-d….”

I drew back and wiped my we-t cheeks but the tears didn’t want to st©p…
“It’s okay baby…” He dropped the hands from my face, “If crying makes you feel better then do it…”

“Promise you won’t get tired of me???”

“What are you saying???? I will never give up on you…You mean the whole world to me my love..Come let’s get you to be-d…”

He k!sses the tears on my cheeks before standing up…He takes me in his arms and carries me to be-d….

I could see he is trying to smile but the sadness in his eyes sold him out….
“Jordan, I will be okay…” I tried ma-king it sound better as he tucked me in…

“Get some rest….” He turned around re-ady to walk to the balcony when I held his hand…

He didn’t want to look at me….

“Jordan look at me….” I pleaded but he shook his head…

“C’mon baby look at me plea-se….” After much insisting he did…

There was tears in his eyes and his face was drained ..
“I am gonna be okay…” I said softly even thou I knew it wasn’t true…

“I don’t think I can stand seeing you like this…In pain, excess vomiting, headaches, unbearable abdominal pains….I don’t know if want this anymore…”

“What do you mean Jordan???” I asked in almost a loud voice…

“Maybe we should terminate the pregnancy…We can always get another one…I don’t wanna lose you…”

I felt a slash in my heart after hearing those words..Why is he giving up??? This is our son…

“I think you should leave Jordan…I don’t want to see you…” I threw his hand away…

“Just leave Jordan…Anyone who is an enemy of my son is my enemy…”

“Ciara,” He sat on the be-d beside me,”Just look at you…You are all weak and drained….It’s only three months and I feel like I am losing you…What if this kills you???” He stuttered…

“Just leave…” I looked away..

I knew he was right but this is my son we are talking about…Since the first day I chose him and will always do…Even if it means losing my life in the end…

He tried taking hold of my hand but I drew it back….
“I just don’t wanna lose you… ”

“I am keeping him and if you don’t want that it’s up to you…Now leave, I wanna sleep…” I turned the other side and pu-ll-ed the sheet over my head…

“I am not leaving…I will be here, I will stay here…And if that’s what you want, for us to keep the baby then I will support you…plea-se don’t be mad at me…”

He k!$$£d the sheet where my forehead was before I felt a slight slam on the door

Ciara’s POV

I think I was too harsh on Jordan…He was just concerned about me but I am a selfish mother…

Nothing or no one will make me get rid of this baby…We have a bond and since the day he begun growing inside me we bec@m£ one…

I should go and talk with him softly and sweetly…I will as-sure him that I am okay and we can do this…Yes it becomes unbearable at times but that’s the fruit of our love and we aren’t giving up on it..

I was about to get out of be-d when I heard footsteps towards the door…That must be Jordan,even thou I wasn’t angry at him anymore I won’t show it …Let him suffer for a while…

I pu-ll-ed the be-dsheet over my head and pretended to be fast asleep when I felt a soft pat on my shoulder….

“Go away Jordan…I said I don’t want to see you.. “I cussed out…

There was no reply…
“Jordan I know you are there…Just leave or I push you out…”

“Excuse me madam,sir Jordan s£nt me to bring you some toast and baby shake…” A soft voice replied….

fv¢k, was he mad at me????He said he would take care of me, why is he s£nding someone…
I threw the be-dsheet from my b©dy and sat upright…

“Where is Jordan????” I asked ignoring the fact she was standing there all smiley..
“He is by the pool…He was swimming madam…”

I stood from the be-d and begun walking towards the door…We were away for vacation and I don’t want us to be mad at each other….I should be in his arms not metres from me…He is such an idiot, he should know I have mood swings and persevere because this is just the beginning..

“Madam, Sir Jordan ordered me to make sure you take your breakfast…” She said in a commanding tone…
“Just place it there and go back to where you c@m£ from…” I slammed the door on my way out…

I headed downstairs and walked into the living room…It was comfortably furnished…There was a piano which I was sure was there because of Jaxon and a fire place which triggered crazy thoughts in my mind…

I imagined ma-king love with Jordan by the fireplace, burning with pas-sion as we get lost in each other’s eyes…

I shook my head at those silly thoughts and slid the glas-s picture window which directly took me to the pool…

There was Jordan busy talking at the phone shi-tless….His hair messy and we-t dripping water at his back and che-st…

If only he knew the things I would do at that b©dy with my f!ngers…I would li-ck him dry…
I should probably wait in the living room for him to get off the phone…

I turned around re-ady to go back when I heard when i heard my name. I turned to face him. He walked towards me and wra-pped his hands around my w@!st and pu-ll-ed me closer to him…

He then moved his left hand to my n£¢k and pu-ll-ed it towards him…He begun k!ss!ngme and I realised I’ll never have enough…

“Do you want we shower????” I felt hisl-ips against my shoulder…it was like a cool breeze..

“plea-se don’t st©p k!ss!ngme…” I pleaded but he just smiled and carried me in his arms…
“Jordan, I am still mad at you…” I faked a sad face but the moment he win-ked at me I smiled…What have you done to me Jordan Marcias???I don’t know myself anymore…

When we got to the bathroom, he undressed me and looked at me with so much keeness and interest…It was as if he was looking at a masterpiece…
“You are so beautiful Ciara and that pregnancy looks good on you…I am sorry about what I said earlier, I know we should be strong and that’s what we gonna do…I will be here always…”

I didn’t wanna cry but couldn’t help it…Yes Jordan those were the words I wanted to hear…

He placed a shower cap on my head and turned the shower on…He looked de-ep into my eyes as he begun scru-bbing me gently….He moved from my n£¢k, to my shoulders and then my arms…

He then knelt Infront of my belly and k!$$£d it…
“Mama and Papa love you so much…”

This pregnancy is ma-king me so emotional…Tears begun dripping from my eyes once more as he continued scru-bbing me..

After he was done…He stood up and found my cheeks we-t with tears..
“What did I do now???”He asked worriedly…
“Just never leave me…” I stammered….
“I will never leave you…” He k!$$£d me on the forehead…

I began scru-bbing him as well but couldn’t bend past his knees…He had no choice but to scru-b his legs himself… I poured some shampoo in my hand and begun washing his hair….I mas-saged him with the shampoo soothingly that he begun m0@n ing softly…

“It’s feels amazing baby…”

When I was done, he pinned me on the glas-s wall and held my hands above my head…

“I just want yourl-ips to be stuck on mine forever…” He whispered…
“Then never st©p…” I moved forward and brushed myl-ips on his….Everytime we k!$$£d, I had this hurricane of pas-sion that takes over and makes me so weak on my knees…

I always feel like I am at his mercy whenever he t©uçhes me or k!sses me…I have become a slave of his love…

“Jordan, we are all soapy…” I stammered…
“Shhhh!!!!” His mouth never left my skin…He moved slowly to my n£¢k, k!ss!ngun-der my ear…

For a moment I forgot how to breath…I was carried away with his scent and I loved it…

He wra-pped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder as the soap got washed away…My eyes fluttered close wishing we would remain like that forever…

When we got out of the shower, we patted each other dry and wore our bathrobes…

“I have another surprise for you Love….” He had a n@ûghty glint in his eyes…

“What???” I smiled curiously only for him to untie my bathrobe and peel it off my skin…He then took me into his arms and placed me gently on the be-d…

He began k!ss!ngme slowly from my n£¢k to my belly gently and b!tt!g me gently..

He moved both hands to my w@!st now…My breathing bec@m£ more enthusiastic as he placed his shoulders un-der my th!ghs.

He wra-pped his arms around my legs and pu-ll-ed me closer to his face…With hisl-ips and ton-gue, it was like I was being struck by fire…

I m*aned in astonishment…I never felt something so good…

I don’t think anyone has ever gone down on me…Jordan was my first and it felt amazing, I didn’t want him to st©p…He had mastered it like a craft and knew the sp©ts to work on…

I felt like I was hitting the rock shores of the great Ocean…I covered my face with my hands as I shook and sobbe-d his name….

I don’t know for how long I could hold it in…
There and then I re-leased the explosion….

“I am sorry….” I murmured…

Suddenly he stood up from the be-d and headed to the bathroom…I could see between my f!ngersthat he had some tissues in his hands…I felt him wipe my th!ghs and I was more embarras-sed…

“Baby, look at me…” He dropped my hands from my face and I closed my eyes…
I embarras-sed myself, it was my first time and I blew it…He must feel sorry and stupid for doing that…

“Love that’s the best thing ever….Don’t feel shy…”

On hearing that I slowly opened my eyes and saw his head tilted up staring at me…

“How was it???” He smiled down at me and I blu-shed looking away…

He re-moved his bathrobe and joined me in be-d…I rested my head on his che-st as his arms were wra-pped around me…I was busy pla-ying with his che-st when I noticed he was ha-rd …

I felt guilty for not been able to do my marital duties…
“Jordan you are ha-rd …I am sorry I couldn’t satisfy you as I should…”

“It’s okay love….As long as you had fun that’s okay by me…I have always gotten ha-rd Everytime you get out of the shower, sleep with that red lingerie dress you love alot, when you k!ssme, t©uçh me or wear that back short dress of yours…So this is nothing…”

“I am speechless….”

“Do you know how many times I have wanted to rip that back Sk-irt off???…You have these beautiful th!ghs that one can’t resist…..” He tickled me..

“You would have just r!pp£dit off…” I win-ked, brushing our noses…
“The Ciara back then would have killed me…”

I laughed at his statement and he joined in…
“She wishes she had told you how she felt long ago…All she can say is she will never leave you…”

He reaches for my hand and places it on his che-st,”My heart will always beat for you…Till I die, I will always be by your side…”

I fli-cker my eyes not to cry as I brou-ght his hand to myl-ips,”Love you Jordan…”

“Love you too Ciara…” He k!$$£d me de-eply…

The rest of the day we spent on the beach and at night we talked about everything and anything as we lied down by the fireplace n-ked only covered with a white be-dsheet….

This indeed is the best vacation of my life….