Amidst temptation Episode 7 & 8

Episode 7
Rebecca and I were having lunch together at our usual sp©t
“So how’s bro James?” I asked, James was who Rebecca was d@t!ng, he belonged in my fellowsh!pand they had a Godly relationsh!pfree of drama, wish I could get similar
“Hes fine..better now.took the drugs the doctors gave him but he refused to listen to me about the inhaler”
“I know what your saying..Janet’s asthmatic, can’t blame him maybe he wants God to heal him”
“God made doctors to help”
“Yes but still you should join your faith with his, I believe God can heal him”
“I sometimes wish no one would be sick”
“Then how do you get patients to treat”
Rebecca chuckled” are you not gonna be praying for your patients to get well? ”
“Course I would..but I still have to feed too” we laughed as a shadow fell on our table. I looked up, it was Serena
“Can we talk?” I looked to Rebecca then “whatever you want to say you can say here” I wasn’t going to ditch my Christian friend for her”I just wanted to say i m really sorry for pushing, guess I thought someone in there you were like me, would you forgive me, I would never push you to my brother again” she sounded apologetic so I just rolled my eyes and said”its fine Serena but we still can’t be friends.. We have nothing in common”
“How so?”
“Can’t you see..your lifestyle is trifle different from the one I want to like guys I don’t”
“You don’t like guys..?”
“Well you get my point..plea-se un-derstand”
She was silent then “ok” she left
“Hope that wasn’t too harsh”
“It was for the best” Rebecca said
“Yea..have you done your as-signment yet?” I changed subject, we talked more before we went for our next lecture.
When I went home the next day, Janet jumped on me in a bear hvg”hey kid sis you getting so heavy” as I carried her and went to meet my mother in the kitchen”hey Mom ”
She looked back at me from the stove, she was on night duty so I knew she would be home “how’s school?” She asked
“Fine..where’s Dad?”
“Went for Bible study in church, would soon be back, are you staying for dinner?”, I’d planned on coming to collect some stuffs and going back to school but I decided to stay anyway, and if I waited I d see my Dad
“Yes” I replied
“Hey sis” David walked into the kitchen”you know you should practice calling”he said
“Says the man who’s on monthly salary”he d gotten a job in a pri-vate firm about a month ago but was yet to move out
“I’ve not been paid”
“Stories”, he chuckled as he asked about food, loaded his plate and left.
Serena texted me that I should tell her when I was going for fellowsh!pthat Wednesday, I was surprised but called her anyway..” plea-se dress decent” I chirped in, she didn’t reply. She did dress decent enough, and we went together in her car, Rebecca was shocked to see her
“What game is she pla-ying now?”
“She promised to come and here she is, you should be more welcoming”
“Plus I’m not that evil, I like church” Serena said with a smile when she overhead us, Rebecca winced “of course you do”she said going to stand back at her sp©t for she was an usher. Serena danced and seemed to be enjoying herself during praise and worsh!p, she didn’t do anything out of place, I was impressed, after fellowsh!pclosed I went to meet her”so how does it feel?”
“Good.. My nanny used to take us to church but she died”
“Oh..never knew that” I didn’t know anything about her, didn’t even know her parents
“Yea..who’s the h0ttie?” She asked, I turned and saw Martin ma-king his way towards us, I guess she ll never change..”my president, Martin this is Serena my friend” he shook her hand
” welcome to fellowsh!pI hope you were blessed”
“Yea your choir especially were amazing”
“Thank you..” He said, We talked more before he left
“So you have a b©yfri£ndthat’s why you didn’t want my brother”
“, hes just..we just friends”
“Thats what you tell yourself.. Its clear as day he likes you”
“Let’s just drop it”
“ you nee-d a ride or something?”
“No I have to help arrange the hall..thanks for coming”
“I ll come again if you like”
“I ll be glad” she got in her car and drove off, I went back in the hall “are you going home now?”
I turned and saw Martin “no… I want to help in arranging”
“Oh..well let’s go together”
“Martin you’re president”
“So?” We got to decoration and helped fold curtains while we talked and laughed, when I said I wanted to go home, he offered to walk me..
“So this is my st©p..” I said at the entrance to my hostel “thanks”
“You are welcome” he said and watched me go…
I screamed out in glee when I got in my room and skipped around for the rest of the day so Rebecca noticed
“Why you so happy?”
“Can’t I be happy?”
“Well I hope you ll be happy when I tell you the news”
“What news?”
“Our MBBS exams in a month.and our test result would be out tomorrow”
“What..but timetable not out yet?..oh god where do I start from?”
“You can quit daydreaming about presido and stick to your books” she said, I blu-shed crimson
“We just friends”
Episode 8
The result of my test was pasted the next day like Rebecca had said along with timetable for our exams, I stared at the score as people rejoiced around me, the result was fair but most persons failed and I was one of them, well to my standard, the pas-s mark was 50 and I got 63, that was failure to me especially when I saw that Serena got 70, Rebecca 60, Rebecca was ok with her score and when she saw my downcast mood she looked at the board for my score ” well not good enough for a distinction but I thought worse you claimed the exam was bad”
“My Dad would kill me”
“No..he might be disappointed but you could always make it up during exams” she consoled..I couldnt figure out how Serena got a high score even when she ditched clas-ses, and had an active social life..
“Guess I ll do better next time.. have you seen Serena?”
“No she’s probably not in school..plea-se smile you acting like you got 40″ she said as we went downstairs from where it was pasted.
” How was your test result heard it c@m£ out last week”Martin asked me after fellowsh!pas he walked me home
I looked down”bad..very bad”
“Oh..well you ll do better next time”
“Yea right..I’m not even re-ady for the main exam”
“Wow how re-ad a lot”
“I know but iv been so tied up lately.”
“If its fellowsh!pwork..” He began
“No..not at all presido..iv just been lazy”
“I’m sure you can still pick up..its not too late” he said, I nodded, then he st©pped walking suddenly
“I thought we settled about you calling me name is Martin”
“Bro Martin” I chuckled, he got close and t©uçhed my face..
“There’s something I wanted to talk to you about..”
“Iv been praying about it and..”
“I really like you Sis Emilia” he finally said, I smiled and looked up at him.
I was un-der my covers trying to re-ad but my mind kept drifting to Martins, I shook my head and focused on the atlas in front of me..I had to get at least one distinction..
“You are beautiful, Godfearing, kind and loving, you are what I want in a woman”he had said
“Have you prayed about it.?” I asked.because of lack of something better to say..
“Yea but I thought I should tell you so we pray together”, I nodded, ” Do you have someone else?” he asked, shaking my head I had told him I would pray about it. I shut my atlas now and shut my eyes in prayer “God plea-se show me your he the one..I really want to be with him?”
My blasted phone decided to ring at that moment, I ignored it wanting to hear that sweet tiny voice giving me a go ahead but the phone kept ringing.. I looked at the caller ID, it was an unknown number..who could this person be now..I pu-ll-ed my f!nger across the screen
“Hey sup”
“Its Sean” there was a long silence, I swear I had f0rç£d him to the back of my mind..I thought I had succeeded till now..why the hell was he calling..the dratted p@rty was coming back
“Why you calling?”
“Gosh girl..I just thought to check up on you”
I was silent”plea-se don’t call me again “I don’t know why I said that he was just being nice but I ended the call before he could say anything more, he called back and kept calling until I picked
“I told you not to call me” I said
“I wanted to see you again”
“You can’t”
“Why not?”
“Cos you can’t..”
“You not gonna give me a logical reason at least, if you don’t want me to see you at least let me get a reason for that…” I ended the call again and he didn’t call back but it didn’t help the fact that the p@rty rushed back in full flames..deciding I didn’t nee-d all the distractions, I took my backpack and put my books in it..I nee-ded to go for night clas-s, I had spent the greater p@rt of the day daydreaming about boys, I haven’t seen Serena since and I surprisingly missed her..when I got to the clas-sroom it was scanty..I was able to easily sp©t a familiar face..I went and plopped down beside her
“So this is where you hide and re-ad”
Serena hvgged me”our exams in a month”
“I would never have tagged you with book seriousness” I said genuinely surprised
“I p@rty but my books comes first”
“Same thing my sister says..weird”
“Your sister [email protected] like to meet her”
“She’s in finals..accounting, am sure you guys would get along just fine..she’s crazy as hell” we finally focused on re-ading..
“Your brother called” I said after an hour
“He did?..took him long enough”
“I don’t want him calling me..plea-se tell him that”
“I’m thinking he just wants to be friends why you so upti-ght about it”
“Let’s just drop it”
“Well I’m sorry I gave him your number.. I won’t interfere again, I believe if you are mearnt to marry him, there’s no fighting it”
“Most girls would be grossed out by the notion”
“Not if its gonna make you my sister”she said, we started re-ading and I tried to focus and not think about the two guys I liked and how I was gonna make the decision, i’d always imagined it was gonna be so easy, he had to be a christian that was all..Sean was just confusing me..when we left the clas-sroom in the morning I decided to tell Serena not to raise her hopes..
” your brother is a real nice sure any girl would be Lucky to have him but..”
“Hes an unbeliever”
“Well yeah..and I’m kinda with Martin..I like him” admitting that out loud sounded weird
“Serious.. Well that’s great girl”
“Yeah hes a Christian and we have more in common”
“Of’s alright.. All your decision.. I gotta go… See ya” she got in her car and drove off, I was glad she wasn’t angry that her matchma-king skills didn’t pay off..but It was never gonna work between us and immediately I got the go ahead I was going to say yes to Martin.
To be continued