Amaka the house help – episode 8

Amaka the house help

Episode 8

Daniel started been friendly with amaka again, he had apologized to her one morning for believing Lisa instead of her, amaka thought that there was no nee-d for arguments so she told him that she had forgotten about it.
For two weeks, Daniel couldn’t get his mind off amaka, he was always thinking about her, he tried to convince himself that its nothing but couldn’t, he went to tell Stanley about it.
Stanley: what do you mean?
Daniel: you’ll ask me again.
Stanley: what of Lisa?
Daniel: what concerns Lisa with what i just told you?
Stanley: it concerns her cause you’re falling for the girl that works for you, how will Lisa feel when she hears it?
Daniel: i don’t know.
Stanley: better clear those feelings oo, or take the girl back to her parents.
Daniel: should i do that?
Stanley: yes you have to do it.
Daniel: I’ll try.
Stanley: let’s go out, I’ll help you clear your head.
Daniel: where are we going to?
Stanley: to drink, come let’s go.
Daniel: okay.(they both left the house)
Lisa: i don’t like this place!
Christian: you’re always demanding for expensive places, let me remind you that am not rich like your fiance!
Lisa: are you shouting at me?
Christian: you’re so annoying and am tired of it, am out of here, bye!
Lisa: Chris wait!
Christian: what!?
Lisa: am sorry.
Christian: you should be!
Lisa: let’s get something to drink.
Christian: not until you promise not to ask for expensive things again.
Lisa: i won’t, i promise.( she gives him a k!ssand was about to go and sit down with him when she heard her name)
Daniel: Lisa!
Lisa: (turns) oh my God, Daniel.
Daniel: so this is your parents house?
Lisa: it’s not what you think.
Daniel: what do you think am thinking?! And i can’t believe that you’re d@t!ngChiamaka’s ex behind me Lisa what did i do wrong?!
Stanley: and i was taking her side today, guy let’s live this place.
Daniel: i don’t ever want to see you in my house again, this relationsh!pis over!
Lisa: Daniel am sorry.
Christian: am out of here.(they all left her there and some people started looking at her, she felt ashamed and picked her bag and left)


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