Allison’s dairy Episode 3 & 4

(Secrets ❎❎)
✏Jonas POV✏
“Yes?” I answered the call, carefully locking the bathroom door.
“Are you busy?” He asked. “Can you come over to my place, it’s important” he said.
“I planned to”
“Great.. so, I’ll be expecting you” he said.
“Sure” I said and ended the call.
I walked out of the bathroom and realized that she wasn’t there, neither were her bags, she left.
I smiled c0ckily, she’s pretty tough yet predictable. Somehow, I know she wouldn’t resist heeding to my request when she sees the note, I had managed to put it inside her shopping bag when she was cleaning up in my bathroom.
I’ve never felt this attra-cted to a girl, it could be because I haven’t seen any girl to get attra-cted to.. there was something striking about her that made me want to know her more.
Mostly I’ve been around Zoe, she was a colleague and what we shared was nothing more than friendsh!p, I knew she had a thing on for me but I didn’t and even if I did; it couldn’t work. Our work doesn’t permit it, neither inside the house nor outside and personally, I had nothing wrong with it.
About my work; it’s a dirty work. One that isn’t for feeble and emotional minds, it’s tough and I’ve been a worker for ten years! Pretty long huh? I started as a novice but now, I can say I’m a professional, it’s not something to br@g about but I seriously am and the pay? Mas-sive! As you must’ve guessed, I’m a wanted criminal alre-ady but without a face.
Well, I’ve discovered more to life alre-ady, the usual daily routine is starting to get all tiring to me and I wanted to explore more, I’ve been a puppet long enough and I plan to move on, so I’m resigning.
Talking majorly about my life; you should know it’s complicated, a whole lot.
I walked to the be-d, looked un-der it and pu-ll-ed out a hvge briefcase, I opened it and rechecked everything to be sure it was complete. I wouldn’t want to have a reason to return back to this place or to him.
I carried the bag and pu-ll-ed the stra-p over my shoulder, I walked out of my room; locking the door.
I went to my car, threw the bag into it and jumped onto the driver’s, I started the car and zoomed off to boss’s place.
I got into the house, a moderate house, not his main house, you can say it’s a backup.
I entered, having no interruption from the guards that stood outside, I walked into the living room, taking off my facecap and he was right on the couch, ma-king out with a girl.. Seeing me, he smiled wi-dely and s£nt the girl off before ushering me in and gr-abbing a shi-t on the headrest.
“Sit” he offered and I left the briefcase on the floor before settling on a chair that was facing the table, he was opposite me. “The guys are going on a task tonight” he said.
“So?” I answered plainly.
“And somehow I can’t trust them well enough to do it right, not even Blake”
” So?” I repeated, urging him to go to the point.
“I want you to be on it,” he said and continued almost immediately, giving me no chance to talk.
“And just before you disagree, here!” He drew out a briefcase from wherever and placed it on the table, pushing it to me. “I’m paying you triple of the usual, that’s how important this job is to me and you’re the only one I can trust to do it perfectly” he said.
I stared at the briefcase then back at him with a straight face before pushing it back to him. “I’m not doing it” I answered, trying to be plain.
“I can add more if you want, J. Just name your price, anything at all” he said.
“So this is why you asked me to come to this town, huh?
I was supposed to have quit this days ago but because of your desperation; I stayed. You promise to give me unrestricted freedom once I finish another of your job which would be my last but you’re not doing it, Gavin” I said, addressing him by his last name. I’m the only one among the squad that has the right to do that.
“I know, Jay. Look, to be honest, I can’t lose you. You’re the most perfect person for any job to me, you’ve always been and we both know I wouldn’t have made such proposal if you hadn’t been so adamant on leaving” he said.
“I nee-d you Jonas, plea-se” he said, his eyes pleading but none of those emotions moved me. Somehow I’ve finalised my decision alre-ady and wasn’t backing out.
“I’m not here because of your call, Gavin. I c@m£ to return your stuffs since I won’t be nee-ding them anymore. You and I have practically no business from now on. I’ve made my decision to live a normal life with the time I have left” I said, gr-abbing a briefcase way bigger than his and leaving it on the table for him. “If that’s all, then I should be on my way, I have a lot to do before my journey” I said, gave him a brief ti-ght smile and stood up, “goodbye Gavin” I added.
“So what are you gonna do now? Get married? Have kids and live your so called normal life? You’ve never been normal Gavin. We both know your dark pasts will always be your habitat, it’ll haunt you wherever you go. This is what you’re meant for, haven’t you realised that?” He asked, ma-king me st©p. “and where do you intend moving to?”
“Somewhere very far!” I answered plainly. “And yes, I intend to do all of what you just mentioned, people change Gavin and if I can’t have the life I want, I know there’s more to life than killing people!” I said, giving him a straight look and he returned it.
“I’ll give you three more of this, it’ll be the last one if you want but-
“No more, Gavin. You know me, I always keep a deal. Goodbye!” I pu-ll-ed on my face cap and head out of the room, heading for the gate, I hopped on my car and brou-ght it to life before driving off.
Gavin’s words hit me and I realised that he’s right. I’ve had a dark life, a very dark and confusing life and I’ve taken it as a habitat. I locked up my heart and emotions the moment I took this job and it might not be easy to open them up but it’s not impossible either, even though it doesn’t get completely opened.
After today, I’ll be done with this life. I’ve planned this long ago and have prepared.
Suddenly, she flashed throu-gh my mind. What was so captivating about her? Or is it because she’s the first I’ve been so free and indirect with. And why hasn’t she called, surely she must’ve seen my note and it can’t be that she ignored it.. she can’t be that tough, she seemed re-adable and at the same time complicated. I reached into my pocket for my phone and realised that it wasn’t there. I must’ve left it in my h0tel room; I sighed.
I got to my room, the secretary informed me that I had a usual guest and I grumbled silently, knowing who it was. I got to my room and opened the door and the first person I saw was Zoe. My former accomplice and colleague. I frowned, walking in and closing the door.
“What’re you doing here?” I asked.
“Boss told me you were resigning”
“That doesn’t answer my question” I fired.
“Well, I c@m£ to see you and since you alre-ady told the secretary that I was your girlfriend and should be allowed in anytime, she let me in”
“It was you who said that, Zoe”
“But you agreed, what difference does it make anyway?” She scoffed. “I’m here to spend sometime with you. Tell me, where are you moving to?”
“None of your business” I said.
” You know, I’d find out eventually, don’t you?” She asked, sliding her index f!nger down my face. I pushed her palm off, giving her a glare.
“Whatever! Just leave, I’m going out” I said.
“Where? To meet her? Tell me Jay, are you quitting the squad cos of her?” She asked.
“What’re you talking about?” I asked and she raised my cellphone to my face.
“She called and ended the call the moment I asked who she was” she said, batting a suspicious eyebrow.
I gr@bb£d my phone from her, eyeing her. I went throu-gh my dialer and saw her number at the t©p of the list. I pocketed my phone.
“You should leave, Zoe” I said, walking past her.
“I will, we have a job tonight anyways. But that’ll be only if you’ll drop me off” she said, b!tt!g her lower l-ips e-ductively..
Yeah, she can be a big bit-ch.
I gave her a long look and rolled my eyes. “Ugh! Fine!” I said and she smiled.
“Thanks babe” she said and when I began walking to the door, she rushed to me and grip my palm, her b©dy clinging to me. I gave her a long look and just let it be, we walked out together.
🖊️ Allison’s POV 🖊️
Mom was first to arrive before dad that night which was unusual cos dad was always first to arrive.
“I wonder what could be keeping him” mom said but I noticed something suspicious about her words. I glanced at the wall clock and it was alre-ady past nine!
“You think it could be traffic?”
“Or something more!” She said and I gave her a suspicious look. “don’t look at me like that, I know nothing about this” she said.
“Come-on mom, you know you can’t hide it from you sweet daughter!” I cooed, giving her a puppy eyes. It works on her.
“St©p that Alli!” She said and I was about persuading her more when I heard dad’s car honking at the backyard. I squealed happily and stood up, dad walked in and I quic-kly rushed to hvg him.
“What took you so long?” I pouted.
“Oh honey, I didn’t know what color of bike you’d prefer, I had to go for pink, I hope you like it?”
“You got me the bike?!” I stuttered, dazzled and he nodded, I g@sped, giving mom a look and she flashed me a knowing smile..
I knew she was hiding something!
“Oh my goodness, papa! Can I see it?”
“Sure, it’s in the truck” he had ba-rely completed the words when I dashed out. “Be careful so you don’t trip, honey!” He yelled after me but I didn’t heed to it.
I reached the truck and opened and right there, at the backside was a beautiful pink bicycle! I g@sped, putting my palm on myl-ips.
“Do you like it?” I heard Dad ask and I nodded ra-pidly. He helped me bring it down and left me to admire it more.
“It’s so beautiful, it must’ve cost a lot!” I said and he nodded.
“Alli, there’s something I want to give you” he said and I gave him a look, he reached into his pocket and drew out a card re-ader, pink in colour.
“My boss gave this to me, it’s one of the reason I arrived late. It contains some really powerful secret about his enemies and he nee-ds it to get them expo-sed but he’s scared that he might get attacked and it’ll be robbe-d from him before he gets the chance to take it to court so he gave it to me to keep for tonight, I’m the only one he trusts since he has lots of enemies, even his family. I can’t tell your mother about this, you know how she is so I want you to keep it, he left this with so much confidence in me and I’m scared that I might lose it. I’m getting old and forgetful, which is why I want you to keep it for me. I’ll collect it before I leave for work tomorrow” he said and I nodded, taking the re-ader from him.
“It’s fine, I’ll keep it” I said.
“Thank you” dad smiled, stro-king my cheek lovingly. “Now hurry up inside, your mom is setting the table alre-ady” he said and I nodded, he walked away.
I left the card re-ader in my pocket and went back to admiring my bicycle for a little while longer..
Feeling hungry, I decided to go in and have dinner.
“I’ll see you later.. oh, you’re mine alre-ady!” I giggled dramatically, giving my bike a k!ss. I turned and head towards the house, I was on the narrow hallway that led to the front of the house and was close to it’s end when I saw something on the floor, it caught my attention and I moved closer..
My face grew pale and my eyes wi-den when I saw Mr Rogers, a neighbor on the floor, he was bleeding on the forehead with a bullet hole and was lying lifeless on the floor. Blood rushed to my face.
My voice caught in my throat and I heard some voices coming from my house, alarmed; I moved to the window and shakily looked throu-gh it, I saw some people, dressed like as-sas-sins with masks on their faces, only one didn’t have a mask on and he was pointing a gun toward my mom.. the red dot light stayed on her forehead and the next second he re-leased the trigger; killing her.
“No!” I g@sped and immediately all their attentions turned to me!
(Secrets ❎❎)
✏Allison’s POV✏
My b©dy stilled as his cold and emotionless eyes stared into mine. For a moment, the earth paused around me and my br@in couldn’t calculate anything other than the fact that I had just watched my mom die in the hands of these people. I was numb. I could say for a second I died; nothing functioned in me. My eyes remained dilated in shock and I heard distant echo like voices that slowly brou-ght me back, I pu-ll-ed my gaze to find dad signalling to me.
“Run!” His mouth moved. He was on his knees and crying out as he bent towards mom. That word snapped me back.
“Allison! Run!” He repeated and immediately, I knew I was at loose end. I could see one of the gang, immediately ma-king way to come get me and dad’s voice kept echoing in my ear.
I did the next thing, my b©dy calculated was the right thing. I began running, I pas-sed the front door and ran into the streets. I didn’t let my mind think of anything else that could weaken my movement but the tears wouldn’t st©p either and as I ran; I waved them off.
Boots marched behind me, as I felt a h0t chase coming after me. How I overtook them, I didn’t know but I didn’t st©p to think about it.
I was drawing close to a corner when I heard a gunsh0t. Alarmed, my legs st©pped moving as I turned towards the direction of our house exactly when the sound c@m£ from.. my heart began pounding right in my che-st as my feet wo-bbled.
I feel to the ground, strength failing me.
🖊️Jonas POV🖊️
I stirred the tea in the cu-p and took a light sip out of if, nodding in satisfaction; I left it on the table and gr@bb£d my cellphone, sitting on the be-d.
I went to my dialer and checked her contact ID, I held my thumb over it, contemplating on calling her or not.
I let my mind wander on what she could be doing. She seem pretty much like a daddy’s girls so she probably should be slee-ping.. I pictured her slee-ping face and didn’t know when it turned to fantasy.
How can I develop this kind of feeling for a girl I just met and spent nothing more then three hours with, is this how emotions work?
We weren’t even that informal with each other.
I was still in my thoughts when my phone buzzed in my palm and the ringing tone began singing out loud.
I checked the caller ID, hoping it would be only one person but it was dashed when I saw that it was Gavin.
Ugh plea-se.. why won’t he just give up. I swiped to the receiver anyways, waiting for him to speak first.
“Jay, I nee-d your help!” His voice rang out, breathlessly and terrified.
“Gavin, we talked about this-
“No, no Jay, you don’t un-derstand. This is important, it could bring trouble for me and you, all of us!”
“What is it?” I asked, taking a sigh.
“The girl?”
“What girl?” I asked, impatiently.
“She escaped! The victims daughter. And I’m scared that she might be with the evidence, it holds all of my secrets and identity behind the masks, I can’t let that get viral!” He said, his voice filled with so much fear.
“Gavin, if you’re telling me this to get me on your job then you’re wrong, I’m not coming back-
“Goddammit Jay! This isn’t about getting you back and you know if that stuff gets out and I get expo-sed then you are going down too-
“Are you fv¢king threatening me right now?” I asked, my teeth gritting.
“Jay, consider this a final request! plea-se. Don’t let us do this!” He said.
I shut my eyes, my palm grasping the phone and took in a hvge quiet breath.
‘Final request?’
“Where is the target’s location?” I asked and could hear his relieved heavy breath.
“Zoe says she’s heading east, probably towards the town’s exit” he said.
“On it!”
I ended the call and walked to my be-d, I gr@bb£d a black leather jacket and pu-ll-ed it on, tucked a pistol into my p@n-ts pocket and my car key. I walked out of the room and got to my car, I opened the door and climbe-d into the drivers, igniting the car to life; I head to work.
I drove for almost two hours but without sight of the girl.
I should be on the road by now, heading to a fresh start but somehow I’m here, back to that old lifestyle.
I connected my phone to my airpods and almost immediately, Gavin called.
“I don’t see her. Are you sure about her location?” I asked.
The rest of his words died down when I saw a figure from afar, running towards my car.. it was a female, obviously. And it looked like she was running away from something and she had been running for a long time since her steps were alre-ady doddering and something about her movement hit me..
I can’t believe I’m thinking about a girl in this state! I mentally sl@pped my forehead.
“Seen her!” I informed Gavin and his relieved breath filled my ears.
“Keep me upd@t£d”
“What should I do?” I asked.
“Search for a card re-ader on her, I’m sure it should be with her. Get it and kill her” he said.
“Okay” I answered, st©pped my car and got down as the figure drew close. Her steps truly were failing her and she was trying effortlessly to keep it in pace.
I waited for her and when she was close enough, she st©pped running. As if noticing me and suspecting, she turned and began heading backward but fell just as soon as she took a step. I filled in our space and gr@bb£d her up easily from the ground with my palm.
She was fragile and completely worn out.
“P-plea-se save me! plea-se!” She begged, her voice breaking as she cried.
Saying nothing, I twirled her around and stilled almost immediately.
I almost had to punch myself. How can I be thinking about her in this state, is my hallucination that strong that I’m seeing her face now..
Honestly, emotions are crazy.
I shook my head, as if shaking her face from my head off, I looked and saw her again and the way she looked at me, it was with so much familiarity.
“J-Jonas?” She called my name breathlessly.. Her che-st rising and falling ra-pidly.
Suddenly I heard a loud bomb-like sound and she turned swiftly from me and g@sped.. fire sprout to the air and thick foggy smoke covered that p@rt.
I nee-ded no soothsayer to tell me that was her house that got burnt, tears immediately began falling from her eyes and her b©dy trembled on mine.
“H…e..lp me..!” She cried and coll@psed in my arms.
“Jonas?” Gavin called and I quic-kly took her upon my shoulder. “You got her?” He asked.
“Yes. I got her” I answered, took the airpods off and walked to my car with her.