Alexandra 2 Episode 15

(You burned my soul: here comes your end ?)

?CHAPTER 15?‍♀️



“Even in my last breath, I will never let you hurt her” I fired at him with my last strength before my eyes closed and my b©dy went numb.


“Hey you guys” I called out to Jake and Aiden who were alre-ady swimming in the pool with a bottle of wine in each of their hands.

“You are back alre-ady” Jake asked.

“Yep” I replied as I walked to the bar to fix myself a glas-s of wine.

“Damn, this guy gat good taste of wine” I commented as I watched the bottles of the most expensive wine in America sitting pretty on the bar, although his own wine dominated more space than the rest. I picked a bottle of whiskey and mixed it with Alex’s wine.

I took the glas-s and turned to the guys.

“Alex isn’t back yet?” I asked them.

“Nope, haven’t seen him” they replied.

“OK, I’m gonna go check on him inside” I stated and wanted to leave but Jake called me.

“But he said he wanted to take a shower, maybe that’s what’s keeping him” he suggested.

“It’s been over 15 minutes mehn” Aiden argued.

“Aiden is right, I should go check, maybe he’s eating or something” I replied and walked out.

I got to the main building, I pressed the doorbell double time and the door pushed open. I walked into the sitting room and noticed how quiet the house it, like I can’t survive being alone in this place, it’s too big mehn.

“Alex” I called but he didn’t answer, I called him again for about 5 times but he still didn’t answer. I thought that maybe their room door is sound proof. So I decided to go to the room and check. I climbe-d the spiral Staircase and to the west wing Pas-sage leading to Alex’s room where Jake and I carried Andra from.

I got to the entrance of the room and found out that the door was wi-de open.

“Alex” I called out but I heard nothing.
“Could he still be in the bathroom” I muttered to myself as I slowly walked into the room. I stumbled upon something, I looked down and saw that it was a broken lamp. And that was when I noticed how messy the room was, it was as if someone was furiously searching for something and ended up messing the whole room up.

“Alex where you looking for something?” I asked as I walked to the bathroom door. I leaned my ear on the door to know if I will hear water splashes but I heard nothing. I opened the door and entered into the big bathroom that could be taken for a be-droom, but Alex wasn’t there. I bec@m£ worried.

“Is this supposed to be a joke or a prank, Alex what sort of drama is this” I screamed out but I only heard my voice echoing back to me.

“If Alex wasn’t searching for something, could it mean it was someone else and then Alex caught him so he decided to do something bad to him” I muttered to myself, and fear gr!pp£dme. This cannot be happening.

“Alex!!!!!!” I screamed at the t©p of my voice this time as I ran out of the room. I ran down stairs and out of the house. I saw Jake and Aiden screaming Alex’s name as they ran after a blue jaguar which just zoomed out of the compound.

“Hey, guys, I didn’t see Alex inside, is he the one in the car” I screamed at them cause they were a little far from me. They ran back.

“No, I…I mean yes, He’s in the car, we were coming out of the pool to come and join you guys in the house, but then we saw….” Aiden started saying but he st©pped to catch his breath, but I was too curious to wait for him.

“You saw what?” I fired at him.

“We saw that Kcee guy carrying him over his shoulder to his blue jaguar which he parked behind the garage, there was a middle aged man in a crown following them, they both put Alex inside the car trunk and ignoring our calls and screams.” Jake stated.

“Whaaaat!” I screamed in shock as I ran to the garage to pick up the car we c@m£ in with and probably follow the jaguar, I felt them running after me. “Why didn’t you st©p them” I fired at them.

“We tried to, but as we tried to run to them, we got stuck” Aiden replied, I st©pped in my track and twisted my brows in confusion.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked them.

“Dude, I honestly don’t know how it happened but each time we tried to run and st©p them when they were still walking to the car, we end up getting stucked in one place, it was as if we were gummed to the ground and the worst of it is that our legs were burning as if someone lighted a fire on them, it was when They started driving away that we began to move” Jake stated.

“Yea, it was as if there was some sort of extra ordinary power that was holding us behind” Aiden backed up.

“You both are talking gibberish” I said to them and walked into the garage.

We entered the car and zoomed out of the gate.

“Were you at least able to see which route they took?” I asked them.

“Left” Jake replied, I turned left and increa-sed the speed.

“I just hope we see them otherwise this whole thing will be on us” Aiden stated with cracking voice and i s-en-sed the fear in his voice.

Though he’s right, if anything happens to Alex, everyone would think we have a hand in it. This made me speed up the more.

“Maybe we should call Andra” Jake suggested.

“Are you crazy, so that she will faint again, she’s still trying to recover from whatever that happened to her, and you wanna add to that?” I asked him.

“But at least we might try to find out more about that Kcee guy, He’s their manager, Andra might know something that can help us, we might not necessarily tell her that Alex has been kidnapped” Aiden stated.

“What will she possibly know about him, He’s just their manager, that’s where their relationsh!pends” I argued, I don’t think that it’s a good idea to tell her, and considering what Alex told us about her and some ancient queen, I feel like Andra has some sort of high s-en-se of feeling, I won’t call it extra ordinary power cause I don’t believe in superstitions. She might get to know what has happened by just hearing our voices.

“There, I see them” I heard Aiden scream as he points west. I reversed the car and turned west and increa-sed the speed.

“We are getting close to them” Jake breathed out.

“I think we should call the police” Aiden suggested.

“Yea, that’s a good idea” I agreed and asked him to call them but Jake st©pped him.

“No, no no, that’s not a good idea at all, look at that billboard” he pointed to our right. I saw a face of a middle aged man appear on the screen, he was smiling from ear to ear, his name appeared beside the board ‘His Excellency Mayor Christ©pher Dome’.

“Oh my God” Aiden exclaimed.

“OK, what am I missing cause I’m just staring at the face of a mayor, are you guys seeing something else?” I asked them.

“That’s the man that was with Kcee, that’s the man that had Alex kidnapped” Aiden replied.

“What?” I exclaimed.

“Yea, so if we call the police, the Mayor will ask them to retreat cause he’s behind the kidnapping” Jake stated.

“fu-ck! What did Alex get himself into?” I exclaimed.

“He must have messed with the guys on the big table” Jake replied.


I sat up from the be-d and stretched myself. I felt like a new born baby.

“Ugh, this people should discharge me alre-ady” I muttered to myself.

The door gently opened and my mum’s head popped in.

“Should I come in” she asked with a smile.

I smiled back and nodded. I sat up completely and made space for her on the be-d, she sat down and took in a de-ep breath.

“Ewww” I cursed in disgust.

“What?” She asked.

“Don’t do that, this is a hospital, how can you take a de-ep breath in a hospital, taking in all the diseases and toxic medications, that’s disgusting” I complained and she laughed and patted me.

“This girl you are funny” she nudged me.
I smiled at her. Then we went silent for a few minutes before she broke it.

“You know? Years back when I was in college at the age of 19, I got pregnant for my b©yfri£nd” she began, I popped out my eyes in shock.

“Whaaat, was it dad?” I asked.

“No” she replied.

“OK, just wanted to be sure, continue” I said to her as I relaxed better to hear her story.

“I realized he wasn’t re-ady to take responsibility or get married to me, he was a white guy and I’m just a naive African girl who happened to have the opportunity to study in a good school. He was a pla-yer and he pla-yed me like a pawn game and I didn’t notice until I got pregnant, I asked him to come and see my parents but he laughed it off, it dawned on me that it was over for us, for me.” She looked at me to know my reaction, I stared back. “You must have felt this way baby” she cried, I just shrugged at her but didn’t give a reply.

“I couldn’t go back to my parents cause I was scared they will not accept me, in fact they would disown me cause of the crazy African tradition and you know how much African parents loves saving their family name than their own children…”

“Like you and dad did to me” I cut her off, she chuckled and replied.

“Yea, like we did to you” she cleaned her face and continued. “I decided to come to this city and stay with my friend, I called my parents and told them that I would be visiting a friend for summer vacation and didn’t know when I would be coming home, they accepted, and i c@m£ here.
When I got to my friend’s house, I told her everything, then she said that I had come to the wrong place, that it could have been better if I had gone to my parents than coming here. I asked her why and she told me about the first law of this city, how it frowns at un-der aged pregnancy, and that if I get caught I would serve 10 years jail terms, I got scared, so I decided to leave and probably go back to my parents but she said if I get to the airport I might get caught cause I’ll un-dergo series of medical examinations which they do to un-ders aged girls before granting them pas-s.” She coughs a little and cleaned her eyes before she continued.

“I got stuck here but I was so scared and uncomfortable, I nee-ded a way out, so I went to a pharmacy and because I couldn’t ask them to give me ab-ortion pills cause I will get caught, I had to steal it…”

“What? ab-ortion pills” I screamed at her.

“I’m sure that must have crossed your mind during your own time so don’t judge me” she cried out.

“Mum, many things must have crossed my mind but ab-ortion wasn’t one of it” I fired.

“That’s because your case was different, Alex was here for you, he backed you up and took care of you, he fought for you, I had no one, I was helpless” she screamed in anger and I un-derstood where she was coming from, she’s right, totally right, if I were in that position I might have done the same. But what she said next got me baffled.

“And as the queen of Amazons, it’s in your gene to be strong and take anything that comes to you” she cried out.

“What do you mean by that, and how do you know about that amazons?” I asked her in astonishment.

“When I was taking the drugs, my friend found out about it…” She continued her story, I guess she will get to the amazon p@rt very soon, maybe that’s why she’s telling me the story, does she also know about queen Bollitovah, what and what does she know about this whole ancient thing, is this even really my mum?, how did she know about this things.

“But when she found out, it was alre-ady too late, The baby was alre-ady gone, she just left me and only took care of me. One night I couldn’t sleep, there was this extra ordinary wind that started b!owing by my window side, I went to the window to close it only for me to see a girl in an amour sitting by my window, she said hi to me and then told me that her name is queen Bollitovah…”

“Oh my God” I exclaimed and leaned in closer to hear her more.

“She said she was an ancient queen from a thousand years ago who made a grave mistake which cost the lives of thousands of female warriors of a city called Amazon which was only dominated by women. She said that the baby I had miscarried was supposed to be her reincarnation, someone who would have mended what she broke which was the hearts of those br@ve warriors, but he has succeeded in killing her. I asked her who, she said the ‘king’, that after eating her heart a thousand years ago….”

“It made him live longer, and if he continues to eat the heart of any amazon queen, he will keep living longer” I cut her off.

“Yes, and that he manipulated me into taking those drugs so that I won’t give birth to someone stronger than him who would end up destroying him. She said he made a law that any pregnant un-der aged girl should be thrown to prison for ten years but for the past years, no pregnant un-deraged girl has ever gone into his prison and come out alive unless the person ran away, and that’s because…”

“He kills them and eats their hearts cause he was scared that one of them might be an amazon queen or maybe one of the babies is an amazon queen, it’s beginning to make s-en-se now, he kills those girls” I ch!pped in as realization hit me, gush how can someone be so evil, doesn’t he know that the dark ages of magic are over, that this is modern age.

“Yes, you un-derstand now, Bollitovah told me that now that I’ve lost her reincarnation, that I’m free to leave this place and I should go immediately cause she will still come back throu-gh me but this time, stronger and more powerful, a better queen who will mend everything.” She continued. “I finally left this city, but when I got married I completely forgot about her. About my encounter in this city, I forgot everything including my friend, although it’s not something I’m proud of. But then when I gave birth to you,I began to see the face of someone I had met before, I tried to remember but I couldn’t, it was as if they wiped my memory of this place, it all c@m£ back to me yesterday when I heard you say *The Amazons*.” She concluded and wiped her face completely with her hands.

“She should have made it clearer to me, she only said I was her replica but she decided to choose me to st©p this pregnancy law so that the souls of her people will rest in peace. She should have told me that I was her reincarnation and that it was my destiny to save the Amazons, she should have told me that I was the last Queen of the Amazons”

“Actually you are not the last Queen of the Amazons, you are just the queen who was destined to sl@ythe king, Bollitovah told me, she said that your offspring Will be the last Queen”

“Huh” I twisted my brows at her.

“Your daughter Di?mond is the last Queen of the Amazing and after her, the Amazons will sieze to exist”

“Whaaaat” I screamed at the t©p of my voice.

The door flung open and Lola rushed in. She was p@n-ting like someone who just ran a marathon.

“Lola are you ok?” Mum asked her.

“Jeremy just called, your manager Kcee just kidnapped Alex” she breathed out, I sprang up from the be-d.

Suddenly my eyes closed and I saw him, the king staring at me with an evil sm-irk. I heard him say. “Come and save him great Queen..” He frowned his face and gritted his teeth before adding. “Otherwise your daughter dies”.

I lost my breath, it was as if he just hit my heart with a hammer, I turned to my mum and asked her.

“I gave her to Alex’s mum” she replied.

Alex’s mum barged in screaming.

“Andra some hefty men gr@bb£d Dee from me and before I could look at them, they were alre-ady gone” she cried.

I watched my whole world crumble on me, strength left my being, I felt like nothing but a weightless rag, and then from the de-epest p@rt of my soul I felt and unquenchable anger building up to my throat, with the corner of my eyes I saw everyone shifting away from me, and that was when I saw the fire burning on my f!ngersbut I felt no pain.

I lifted my head, closed my eyes and focused on the face of the king. “You are a dead meat” I fired at him and from the t©p of that building, I jumped off throu-gh the window and landed on the ground, burning the gras-ses around me, I lifted myself and didn’t even bother to check if I got any scratch, the only scratch I have right now is in my soul and it burns h0tter than fire.

“Oh great king, here comes your end” with that I bolted off heading to the only place I see in my head, the king’s palace.