affair of the heart Episode 55


(Letters to his celebrity crush✉️, searching for her)

Genre: R0m-n-ce

Tags: Comedy, secret admirer, jealousy, hatred.

Setting: Russia, Moscow city

Not Edited

Chapter 55

“Mr Khalid we are sorry”The doctor said but Jasmine didn’t allow him to complete his statement. “Sorry for what?” Jasmine asked.

Everyone stood on their feet. “Doctor answer her question”Khalid said.

“My blood didn’t match with him. I guess she’s lieing to the both of us”Steve announced.

“What? how was that possible? how could a mother not no the father of her child,?”Jasmine query.

“This must not be true “Khalid snapped.

“Sir we only have few minutes left”The doctor announced. Leo glare at Emma furiously.

“I think we should asked her, they are always together. She should know about the real father of the child”Leo walked closer to her.

“I don’t know anything about this, according to Evan Steve was the last person she mate with. All my thought was that he owns the child “Emma fidgetted while Leo move closer to her.

“You are not re-ady to tell us the truth”Leo Thun-dered.

“I am also confused here, I never saw any man with her except from Khalid and Steve. She don’t hang out with any other guy. Maybe if the child isn’t Steve maybe Khalid”Emma said with a shaken voice.

Everyone like stunned. “What are you saying,m? Are you going to lie to us noe” Clara asked.

“Doctor plea-se check my blood, nothing should happen to him”Khalid said and follow the doctor to the lab. Minute later Khalid cane out. Jasmine limps to him.

“Khalid did it match with yours?”Jasmine asked with a teary eyes. He nodded his head positively in reply.

“Yes, I have that feeling. I pray he’s out of danger”Jasmine cried.

“I think you can get you leg treated now since he’s out of danger”Steve said and looks away trying to avoid eyes contact with Khalid.

“Yes my dear you should get yourself treated plea-se”Mrs Walter said and move closer to her.

“Oh my God, just in a day alot happened”Maddy said, abd scoffed.

“Until Dan is okay I won’t treat my leg. If anything happens to him then I will have to suffer this pain”Jasmine cried, while refusing to get herself treated.

“You won’t be stubborn right, you keep quiet while I do the talk”Khalid shushed her up.

“I will get the doctor. Police sir don’t think I will run away Infact you can follow me”Steve said and leave to get another doctor.

“I think the real Steve I know used to be Khalid best friend is back”Leo smiled.

“Jasmine you have a heart of gold. How can you care about someone else child so much despite her being bad to you. Some people will see it as an opportunity to avenge on that person. But you are different, thanks so my much for loving my grandchild”Mrs Walter hu-gged her, and k!sses her forehead.

“Thank goodness Aunt has finally accept my mother. Now I can rest and not worry again”Dason said, and sm-irks.

“Who don’t know you sister boy”Steve said coming with a doctor. Khalid carried Jasmine and took her to the ward.

Hours later

Jasmine sit beside Dan be-d care-ssing his face with Khalid by her side. Dason stomach rumbles aloud. Everyone glance at him.

“What? Why are you all staring at me. Don’t think I am hungry, my stomach is only reminding you all that you should prepare something for Dan before he wakes up. Our name looks similar that’s why I am the one getting those signs”Dason said, and scoffed.

“You are nau-ghty, just confess. Common we should get everyone something to eat”Leo said, and hung his hand around his n£¢k. He smiled.

They both went out. “Sir, Mr Conor nee-ds to come with me to the station. Is getting late”The Cop who was asked to follow Steve said.

“No problem, I will go with you now. Mrs Walter I am sorry for my misdeed. I owe Khalid alot. I will be back to rectify everything tomorrow” Steve said, with a smile. Mrs Walter hu-gged him.

“We will come to the station when Dan is okay”Jasmine said.

“Don’t worry, I will be okay I have the gun docvment. It was bought legally for self defense. I even have legal docvment for self defense so I won’t be slee-ping in the cell. Zack will bring them to me”Steve said, with a smile.

“Can you continue to smile. You look cute, frowning don’t suit you” Jasmine said, while Khalid fumes.

“Don’t Tell me you are being jealous. You might not want to talk to me but I will wait till tomorrow”Steve said.

“Steve, do you know I miss you. You won’t even talk to me. Maybe I am nothing to you”Maddy pouted.

“Sorry my sweetheart. Come and hu-gged brother”Steve said with an open arms.

Maddy hu-gged him p@$$ionately. After they dis-engage the hu-gged. Steve left with the police without Khalid uttering a word.

“Why don’t you say a word to him. You’ve always been desperate to let him learn the truth so what happened now?”Jasmine asked glaring at Khalid.

He was about to speak when Dan sneezed.

“Mum, Dad I don’t want tofollow Evan”He shouted out of his dream. Jasmine hu-gged and cudd-lehim p@$$ionately.

“I am here with you. No one will take you away”Jasmine try to console him.

“Don’t worry my son, I will always protect you trust me”Khalid said and smiled at him.

“Promise”He asked with a sad face. “Yes, Yes Yes”Khalid replied and tickle his cheek.

Steve Mansion

Steve POV
I was re-leased from the station because I was able to provide all the legal docvment for the gun.

Zack who I had called to bring all the docvment in my wardrobe was the one who drove me home.

And here we are. I look around. This used to be the very house I live with my parent. I was thrown out of this house by my father. I c@m£ back years after they accepted me back. But it was awful they both died in an accident. I didn’t even seems so concerned after their Death.

I was so heartless thinking go get revenge on the person who never planned any harm for me. I think he’s the betrayal but didn’t know I was the real betrayal to have betrayed our friendship.

I bec@m£ a beast all for nothing. I couldn’t bear does pain as tears roll down my cheek. I am not crying, right. I don’t cry but I feel so sad right now. I feel like I should see a arm to explode to.

“Sir we are home alre-ady, and why are you so de-ep in thought and look like you feel some regret”Zack asked.

I Know he just be wondering what the problem is.

“Zack, you’ve always been faithful to my parent even after their Death you still wait and work with me despite all my behavior. Why do you choice that p@rt?” I asked.

“Because your dad as helped my family time’s without number. Your dad said he have a surprise for me, but the surprised I got was their shocking death. Then I choose to serve you even though I wasn’t faithful the way I was with your dad” Zack said.

“So you mean you make a mistake. So I can be forgiven for my mistakes right. And Khalid not saying anything to me makes me more hurt.

Do you think I deserve his forgiveness “I asked, eagle to get his replies.

“Why not, everyone deserves a second chance”Zack said, and I heave a sign of relief.

“plea-se re-leased Mr Clark and get him a room to stay comfortably tonight. He has really suffered “I said and get down. I walked into the Mansion and saw my females workers standing.

They were all re-ady to give me mybath and m@$$age as we do every night. They dare not do that before I got back.

“Welcome sir” They bowed their head. “,You guy’s should go back to your respective position. I don’t nee-d it to tonight or maybe forever”I said and head upstairs.


Khalid POV

It’s morning, Jasmine was slee-ping by the edge of the be-d. She’s so beautiful. I actually asked everyone to go home that I will sleep with Dan, but Jasmine was so stubborn.

She’s not even taking care of herself. I think I should go and inform the doctor to get the discharged re-ady. I k!$$£d her forehead and smiled.

“Good morning Mr Walter”She said out opening her eyes. Is she being serious right now? Haven’t I upgraded to the level she should be calling me sweetheart? Why is she so stubborn? I won’t create any drama here, Not until we get home, I will show her.

“Goodmorning “Steve said coming inside with a bag pack.

“Steve you are here? goodmorning” Jasmine greeted smiling.

“I brou-ght food for you guys. I think you should freshing up”Steve said and come closer to me.

“Can you do me a favor? Can take back your food? We can’t eat with you” Khalid said furiously. “Why?”Jasmine asked.