A wish Episode 5 & 6

🌼A Wish🌻🌞
Chapter 5
I happily skipped to the ice cream shop, alre-ady trying to imagine how it will taste like. Daddy bought me an ice cream cone yesterday and it was so yummy! Vanilla is now my favourite ice cream! I noticed two girls that were my age, were both pla-ying and having fun together. I saddens me that I don’t have friends, most people call me names if I try to pl@ywith them. I walked inside the shop and stood in front of the hvge glas-s filled with different flavours of ice cream, the man behind the counter smiled warmly at me.
“Would you like to buy an ice cream sweetie?” He asked and I nodded my head, jumping up excitedly.
“What flavour do you like?”
“Vanilla!” I said excitedly. He chuckled and scooped the ice cream inside a cone for me.
“Would you like sprinkles on t©p?” The man asked, I don’t know what sprinkle is so I just nodded. I watched the man as he put different colours of tiny crumbs on t©p of the ice cream. I paid for it and walked out of the shop, heading towards the park. I sat on a bench and began l!çk!ng my ice cream. I don’t really like the cone so I threw it away when I was done l!çk!ng the ice cream. I smiled, looking at the two little kids pla-ying with each other, two elders c@m£ to the children and smiled warmly at them. Am guessing its the children parents cause they look so much alike. One thing I’ve noticed is that Daddy and I don’t look alike. Whenever I ask him where my mummy is or why we don’t look alike, he changes the t©pic. I got up from the bench and walked to my favourite sp©t in the park, the pla-yground. I sat on a swing and began swinging high as possible.
A little drop of water t©uçh my nose. Frowning, I looked up at the sky to see its was going to rain. Ugh! Why does it have to rain today, now I won’t be able to watch the stars. I peeked at my watch and woah its alre-ady 5:30pm. Daddy doesn’t close from work till seven so am not bothered.
I got off the swing and made my way back home before the rain falls on me. I closed the gate behind me and walked to the front porch.
Shivering, I opened the door, closing it behind me. I turned and was surprised to see daddy in the living room. I thought he’s suppose to be at work?
“Daddy why are you home? Arent you suppose to be at work?” I asked.
“Hey Brielle, well guess what, I c@m£ back home bacause I forgot some of my files and I was in for a surprise.” I didn’t like the look in daddy’s eyes, it scared me.
“Where have you been runt?” He growled. I felt my b©dy tremble as he spoke. Daddy has never called me a bad word before.
“Answer me!” I flin-ched when daddy yelled. He got up from the couch and took steps towards me. I moved back because I was scared, scared of my Dad.
“I w-went to the ice cream shop to buy vanilla ice cream.”
“How dare you go out without my permission!” Daddy roared.
“I’m sorry Daddy.” I couldn’t register it, the next thing I knew is that I was on the floor, holding my cheek while staring at daddy with wi-de eyes. I expected daddy to look regretful or even guilty but he was not, his face was red from anger, eyes dark. I let out a scream when daddy sl@pped me again. He held my arm in an iron grip, ignoring my plea-s. I watched in horror as daddy undid his belt and flung it towards my sides. I screamed in pain, it hurts so much. Daddy continued to hit me with his belt till he finally got tired.
“bit-ch! Get out of my sight!” I got up and limped towards my room. I sat on the be-d and cried. Why did daddy call me names and hit me? I thought he loves me, he always calls me a princess but now he called me a bad word. I took my clothes off and looked at my b©dy. The belt marks were bright and red on my torso, back and arms.
I sniffled, going to the bathroom to have a bath. The running water from the shower made my wounds sting badly. I put on my pajamas and curl up on the be-d, not caring that its too early for me to sleep. I just want to forget the memories of how daddy hit me.
When I woke up the next day, I felt a little better. The bruises still sting but its better. I bolted up from the be-d and walked towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and take my bath. I put on my orange polo shi-t, blue jeans and two pair of white sneakers. I tied my hair in a high ponytail and jogged down to the living room, so I can greet daddy. I saw daddy seated on the couch and I immediately ran to give him a hvg, only to get r0ûghly pushed away. Myl-ips p@rted in shock as I looked up to see daddy glaring down at me.
My eyes brimmed with tears. “Why Daddy? Why are you hitting me?”
He gr@bb£d my jaw. “Am not your dad, I can never have an ugly bit-ch like you for a daughter.” I cried out in pain when he punched my nose.
“Never call me daddy again, call me ‘sir.’ Got that bit-ch?”
I nodded meekly. “Yes d-sir!”
He pushed me back to the ground, relaxing against the couch. “Go to the kitchen and boil water on fire for me.” I scrambled up and ran towards the kitchen. I gr@bb£d the kettle and added water inside, before switching on the g@s cooker. I carefully placed the kettle on t©p of the g@s and sat on a chair, waiting till the kettle is steaming.
“Ouch!” I cried when I t©uçhed the kettle. It burned my hand. Daddy walked inside the kitchen and glanced at the kettle before his eyes fli-ckered over to my crying form. He turned off the g@s, facing me with a murderous stare.
“Do you want to burn the whole house!”
“No! I’m sorry.” I apologized.
“Daddy plea-se don’t!” I cried when he gr@bb£d a fistful of my hair. He sl@pped me ha-rd across the face when I said that.
“I told you not to call me that bit-ch!”
“I’m sorry sir.” I sniffled.
Hisl-ips curled up into a devillish sm-irk. “You really like h0t water don’t you, considering the fact that you almost burned up the kettle.” My eyes wi-de-ned in horror when I saw that he was holding the kettle.
“plea-se dont!” He ignored me and pu-ll-ed me towards the sink. I let out a high pitched scream when he poured the h0t water on my hands. My hands felt like they were on fire, they were terribly throbbing.
He placed the kettle on the table and pushed me to the ground, staring at me like I was dirt. I clutched my throbbing hands and silently cried, wishing the pain will just go away.
*flashback over*
“From that day he started hitting me, it bec@m£ a daily activity for me to receive Punch’s, kicks and sl@ps from Liam. As I grew up I learnt that he wasn’t my dad. We look nothing alike. I couldn’t run away cause I was scared that social service will s£nd me to the foster care. With what i’ve been throu-gh am afraid that I will fall into the hands of another abusive parent. I don’t think I can endure another round of beatings from deranged lunatics.” I felt a warm substance on my cheek. Wow I didn’t even realise that I was crying.
“Do you have a scar from the h0t water?” Damon asked.
“Yeah.” I showed them my hands were the faded red mark could me seen.
“You cant stay with him.” Xavier stated.
I stared at him like he was crazy. “I cant escape Liam, he will find me and make my life ten times worse.”
“Do you cut?” Alex asked quietly.
I chuckled. “Alex just because i’ve been abused for nine years doesn’t mean am falling into depression. I actually tried it once because they said it will make the pain go away.”
“How was it?” Damon asked. “Did it make the pain go away?”
“Fudge no!” I exclaimed. “It hurts like hell.” They all chuckled at that.
“On a serious note Brielle.” Xavier said, his tone was firm. “I cant allow you to live with that as-s-hole, knowing that he might hurt you.”
“We nee-d your phone number.” Damon added. “So that you can call us if your stepdad hurts you.”
“Actually…. I don’t have a phone.” I admitted sheepishly. They all stared at me, looking dumbfounded.
“That’s it.” Xavier stood up, gr-abbing his car keys from the table. I watched him, feeling confused when he walked pas-s me and went outside.
“Where is he going?” I asked Damon and Alex.
“Forget about it, how about we go work on the school project. Damon can you plea-se bring jui-ce and cookies for us?” Alex asked Damon, giving him the puppy dog eyes.
“Fine.” Damon grumbled, standing up and stomping towards the kitchen. I followed Alex upstairs, the marble staircase looks so grand. As we walked down the hall, pictures of different arts were hunged beautifully on the wall. Alex suddenly st©pped walking and I almost slammed into his back.
He opened a door, steping inside. I walked in and I couldn’t help but g@sp. In front of me was a very wi-de room and it was well arranged. The walls were painted blue, a big king sized be-d was at the right edge of the room with a grand lamp beside it. The walk-in closet was wow and a hvge TV was hung opposite the be-d.
“Your room is beautiful.” I commented, taking a look at all the pictures. I picked up a ph0to of what’s seems to be 8 yr old Alex and 10 yr old Xavier. They were both standing close to each other, grinning at the c@m£ra.
“Oh my gosh you look so cute!” I gushed.
Alex blu-shed. “Thank you.”
Damon walked in, holding a tray filled with two glas-ses of strawberry jui-ce and in the plate was sugar cookies. He placed it on the table and walked out. “See ya later losers.” Alex just fli-pped him off. I chuckled and sat on the incredibly soft be-d.
Alex and I started the project and it was pretty easy, Alex is so smart. Am glad that he’s my p@rtner in this project, he is not like other students who just leave me to take care of the project alone. I took a sip out of my strawberry jui-ce and continued writing in my notebook.
After we were done with the project, Alex gave me a tour around the mansion. They had a movie room, game room, gym, indoor swimming pool. He also showed me where Xavier and Damon rooms are. Damon didn’t hear us come in cause he was so engrossed on the video game he’s pla-ying. I picked up a pillow and threw it at Damon, accidentally knocking off his game pad.
“Oops.” I said sheepishly, watching Damon as he slowly turned to me, his eyes dark.
“Brielle.” His voice sounded dee-per.
“You better run.” Alex whispered in my ear. I didn’t nee-ded to be told twice. I bolted out of the room with Damon h0t on my tail. I reached the living room and was about to hide but skrie-ked when I felt arms wra-p around my w@!st. Damon threw me on the couch and started tickling my sides. Oh my gosh why do I have to be so ticklish!
“D-damon st©p!” I giggled.
“Not until you say Damon is the best and most awesome guy you’ve ever met.”
“Never!” I yelled, causing him to tickle me more. I saw Alex behind Damon, watching us with an amused expression.
“Alex h-help!” He grinned mischieviously and joined Damon in tickling me.
“You guys are the worst.” I said admist laughter. The two just grinned at me, flashing me their perfect white teeth. I craned my n£¢k to look at the front door when it opened. Xavier casually walked in, slamming the door shut. He made his way towards were I was seated, a small box was in his hand.
“Where have you been?” I asked Xavier as he sat down beside me.
“To the sto-re.” He replied bluntly.
“W-” I st©pped, looking at him in confusion as he opened the box he was holding, revea-ling a purple IPhone XR. Xavier took my hand and placed the phone in it.
“What’s this?”
“A phone, you know a digital product used for various purposes.” Damon said sarcastically.
I glared at him. “I know what a phone is.”
I turned to face Xavier. “Why on earth will you get me an expensive phone? Sorry but I cant accept this.” I tried giving it back to Xavier but he only gave it back to me.
“I cant allow you to stay with a monster, knowing that you don’t have a phone.”
“You cant refuse the phone anyway.” Alex chimed in. “Remember number seven in the rules.” After a lot of arguing and yelling I finally accepted the phone, it alre-ady has The boys numbers in it.
It was alre-ady 4:30 which means its time for me to get home, Xavier offered to drop me off. I said goodbye to Alex and Damon, gr@bb£d my things before following Xavier to the garage. We both entered his car and drove off, me directing him to my place. I thanked Xavier and got down from his car but he held my arm.
“plea-se call me or the guys if you’re hurt or in trouble.” He said in a soft voice, his eyes silently begging me to not refuse.
“I promise.” I smiled at him, he smiled back and let go off my hand. I instantly missed the warmth of his hand.
I waved at Xavier, watching him drive away till he was out of sight. I opened the front door and entered inside, closing it gently behind me.
Just as I turned around I felt my blood run cold. Liam was seated in the living room with five men, I recognize them as his friends. The man who gr@bb£d my arm was also here, staring at me with a sinister sm-irk.
“Good evening sirs.” I greeted and some of them nodded in response while the others replied with a gr-unt. I quic-kly walked to the kitchen and fixed up some food and dessert before serving it to the men. I felt a cold hand on my ba-re leg. I wh!pped my head around to see it was that creepy man, Richa-rd , who stared at me with lvst in his eyes.
Giving him a disgusted look, I quic-kly walked upstairs to my room. I locked my room door and took my bath. My stomach rumbled but I was waiting until Liam’s friends are gone before I can head downstairs.
I brou-ght out my new phone and scrolled throu-gh it. Damon made a group chat and was blasting it with silly messages. I had to put the phone on silent so Liam wouldn’t hear it ping.
I later placed the phone on my be-d and walked out of my room when I was sure that Liam friends have gone. As I walked down the hall I st©pped my tracks, on hearing voices coming from the entrace to the living room. I quic-kly hid behind a wall and peeked a little and saw that it was just Liam and Richa-rd talking.
“Come on I alre-ady gave you $1000.” Richa-rd begged.
“She is still a v!rg!nso i nee-d you to increase the money.” Wait who are they talking about?
“Brielle is still a vir-gin?” Richa-rd asks, it took all in me not to gag at his hunger filled eyes.
“Yep, increase the pay to $2000 then you can have her for the night.” I knew Liam hated and despise me but I cant believe he’s taking money just so that one of his sick, twisted friends could harras-s me.
I didn’t wait to listen to the rest of their conversation. I slowly walked towards my room, being careful to not make any noise. I locked my door and started packing my clothes in a luggage. I made sure to take all my school supplies.
As I held onto my phone to call Xavier, someone ban-ged ha-rd on my room door.
“Brielle sweetheart?” I recognized the voice as Richa-rd ‘s. “Open the door.” He demanded. I quic-kly dialed Xavier number and placed the phone close to my ear.
“Hello Brielle?”
“Xavier.” I whispered.
“Brielle are you alright? what’s wrong?” His voice sounded scared and worried.
“plea-se help me.” Tears were alre-ady streaming down my face.
“Open the door bit-ch!” Richared yelled. “I paid $2000 for this and am not going to let it go to waste.”
“fv¢k!” Xavier cursed. “Brielle I nee-d you to hide, the guys and I are coming over. Okay?”
“Okay.” I hung up and opened my wardrobe, curling up into a ball.”
“plea-se hurry.” I whimpered, holding onto my phone.
Chapter 6
Xavier pov
I stared blankly at Damon as he kept on blabbering annoying, silly things out of his mouth.
“Can you shut up?” I asked, feeling a bit annoyed.
“That’s not a very nice thing to say to your brother, meanie!” He crossed his arms.
I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour. “You are so annoying.” He huffed and stomped up to his room, slamming it behind him. I sighed, resting my elbow against the edge of the sofa as I thought about today’s earlier events. I didn’t want to let Brielle go back to that house where she feels scared and insecure, all because of an excuse of a lame step-father. When she first bu-mped into me at the school hallway, I couldn’t help but stare at her beautiful blue eyes, which seems to make her flawless features more beautiful. It hurts me whenever she flin-ches and looks scared of me. I hate seeing that look of fear when she stares at me. I hated the way she just allowed that Zayn guy order her around like she is some kind of lowlife. Even though Brielle doesn’t say, I know that she nee-ds help and I will do all I can to protect her. Even though I met her yesterday, yet I feel so drawn to her, all I want to do is protect and make her feel happy. Just the thought of how her step-father hurts her is enough to make me see red. If I ever get my hands on that as-s-hole of a father am going to make sure to beat him up so much that he won’t recognize himself. Brielle is so much different from any of the girls i’ve met, she doesn’t flir-t or trys to get attention from me and my brothers, she’s kind, a little sas-sy and her smile is so beautiful and contagious.
I was snapped back to reality when I heard my phone ring, vibr@ting loudly. Seeing the caller Id was Brielle, I immediately picked it up and placed my phone close to my ear.
“Hello Brielle?”
“Xavier.” She whispered, her voice sounding frightned.
“Brielle what’s wrong? Are you alright?” I was scared, thinking that her step-father has hurt her again.”
“plea-se help me.” Her voice cracked and I heard her sniff.
“Open the door bit-ch!” A man voice yelled in the background and I could hear ban-ging. “I paid $2000 for this and am not going to let it go to waste!” $2000 for what? Oh no, I hope its not what am thinking. Just the thought of it makes me feel disgusted.
“fv¢k!” I got up, kicking ha-rd against a table. “Brielle I nee-d you to hide the guys and I are coming over. Okay?”
“Okay.” She hung up. I gr@bb£d my car keys and yelled for Damon and Alex and they immediately c@m£, running down the stairs.
“What’s wrong?” Alex asked in a scared voice.
“Brielle’s in trouble.” Was my reply before rushing outside, with Damon and Alex running to catch up with me. As we were all settled in my car, I drove off, not caring if I was driving pas-s speed limit.
♣Brielle’s pov
I whimpered when Richa-rd kept on yelling for me to open the door. I let out a breath and curled up into a ball, pu-lling my knees close to my che-st, silently praying that everything should be alright. I heard voices coming from outside of my room door, they were muffled but I could still make a bit of what they are saying.
“Why all the yelling?” I heard Liam ask in a bored tone.
“It seems the bit-ch heard everything we were discussing about so she ran to her room, and locked the door.” Richa-rd spat.
“Here’s an extra key to open the door, have fun and go easy on her.” My heart st©pped pounding. At first all I felt was confusion, then anger. I was angry at the man who I worked endlessly for, who I once loved and considered my dad, who I always obeyed and respected just so that he could love me like his own daughter. I’m more angry at myself for thinking Liam will change, I should have just followed the stars, it might had led me to my real parents. Being thrown into foster care is way better than this. My breath hitched in my throat when I heard the cli-ck sound from the door, as it slowly opened. From the small opening in the wardrobe, I saw Richa-rd walk inside my room, closing the door behind him.
“Brielle, where are you hiding?” Richa-rd demanded in a sick twisted voice. “Come out now and I promise not to hurt you.
You’re promising not to hurt me and you want my vir-ginity? What kind of sick and twisted pedophile is this?
My heartbeat raced as he stalked closer to the closet, tilting his head to the side. The he grinned, a mischievious grin. In a swift motion Richa-rd opened the wardrobe.
“There you are bit-ch.” He sneered. I cried out in pain as he gr@bb£d a fistful of my hair, and pu-ll-ed me out of the wardrobe.
“Let me go you stupid pedophile!” I yelled, using my leg to kick him in the shin. Richa-rd hand loos£ned on my hair as he let out a gro-an . I punched Richa-rd in the nose with all my strenght only to hear a crack, but the crack wasn’t from Richa-rd nose, it was from my middle f!nger which was terribly throbbing.
“Holy cra-p! Its hurts so fudging much!” I cried, gently holding f!nger. “Dude how ha-rd is your nose!”
“You’re going to regret that bit-ch.” Richa-rd snarled before he lunged at me, punching me in the rib. I fell on the cold floor, clutching my torso.
“Now let’s have some fun.” He whispered, tracing sloppy disgusting k!sses on my cheek. Ewww!
I couldn’t move cause Richa-rd had a death grip on both my wrist. I spat on Richa-rd face, staring at him with anger and disgust. He laughed maniaclly and wiped his face with his sleeve. “Oh Brielle, you’re going to regret ever doing that.”
He raised his hand to hit me and I just closed my eyes, waiting to feel the painful punches. Richa-rd punched my cheek, stomach, jaw and rib. I layed on the floor, limp, helpless, not having anymore strenght in me. With a blurry vision, I watched as Richa-rd used to f!nger to stro-ke my cheek and jaw, down to my collarbone. He leaned forward and all I could do is watch, with black dots clouding my vision. His weight that was pressed on me was suddenly r!pp£doff me.
“You sick bastard!” Someone yelled, I recognized the voice to belong to Damon. Punches and bone ma-king sickening cracks was all I heard.
“Brielle.” Someone whispered. Thinking it was Richa-rd , I whimpered, trying to crawl backwards but the person placed a firm yet gentle grip on my shoulder.
“Brielle its me Xavier.” He said in a soft voice.
“Xavier?” I croaked out, feeling so weak and helpless.
“Yes Brielle its me, am right here.” He whispered. I felt Xavier place an arm around my shoulder, the other was un-der my knees as he scooped me up in his arms. I felt safe and protected in his arms, feeling the warmth radiate off his b©dy.
“Thank you Xavier.” I whispered, my eyes closing as I drifted off into the black abyss.
My eyes fluttered open and I stirred, ru-bbing my eyes due to the bright light. I slowly sat up and glanced around. I thought I will wake up on the cold ha-rd floor or my small be-d. What I didn’t expect is to see myself on a grand king sized be-d in a beautiful and spacious room. I looked down at my b©dy only to let out a small g@sp. I was in a white t shi-t and black leggings, different from what I wore today. Oh my God who on earth changed me. Is it Alex, or Damon? Oh plea-se don’t let it be Xavier. I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw that I was still in my innerwears and not a different one. My middle f!nger was bandaged, cuts and bruises were clean. I got up from the be-d and walked out of the room, heading downstairs to the living room.
The guys were all seated on a couch, watching a movie. I cleared my throat to make my pres£nce known to them. Their heads snapped towards me, and they immediately spranged from the couch they were seated on and c@m£ rushing to me, bombarding me with questions.
“Are you hurt?”
“Are you hungry?”
“Does any p@rts in your b©dy hurts?”
“Should we take you to the hospital?”
“Guys am fine.” I chuckled, smiling a bit. It warms my heart that they cared. The trio simultaneously let out a sigh of relief when I said that.
“Am sorry for not arriving there on time.” Xavier said. “Seeing that guy hit you like that was so..” He balled up his fist, letting out a frustrated sigh while running his f!ngersthrou-gh his alre-ady messy hair. I held his hand, smiling at him. “Its not your fault and am very thankful that you arrived there on time or else he would’ve taken advantage of me.” Xavier smiled back, his eyes looking down at my f!nger.
“How did you even get a sprained f!nger?”
“Oh I punched Richa-rd in the nose.”
“And?” Damon sm-irked.
“And I got hurt.” I admitted sheepishly, they all chuckled. We walked to the couch and sat down. “So what did you three do to Liam and Richa-rd ?”
“Alex and Xavier beat the $h!t out of Liam while I dealt with Richa-rd .” Damon replied, hisl-ips curled up into a sm-irk. “And no nee-d to worry about them. They’re both in prison.”
I smiled at the three. “Thank you.”
“No nee-d to thank us Brielle we will never let anyone hurt you again.” Alex said softly.
“So.” I stood up and placed both my hands on my h!p, glaring at the trio who just stared at me with confused expressions.
“Which one of you changed me into this.” I gestured down to the clothes. Their faces went red, and Alex started blubbering.
“You were so bruised and we didn’t want you to get mad if one of use changed you, so Xavier called a nurse. She was the one who treated your bruises and changed your clothes.”
“Aww.” I gushed. “That’s so thoughtful of you guys, but where am I gonna live now!”
Xavier snorted. “Are you seriously asking us that? un-der no circu-mtances will you ever go back to that house. “You’ll be staying with us.” His tone was blunt, like it is’nt going to be a big deal for me staying with three teenage boys.
“But my things are still over there!” I argued.
“We saw them, they’re in your new room.” Damon stated.
“Wait! My new room?” I exclaimed.
“Yeah, the room you woke up in, that’s your new room.” Alex said, smiling. I cant believe this, they saved me, packed my things and are telling me to live with them. They act like am not going to be a handfull or burden to them. Xavier, Damon and Alex all care about me, for once I felt really safe and happy, my wish c@m£ true. I’m never going back to that house again, am not going to be with Liam anymore, he cant hurt me anymore cause he’s spending his time in prison. I am free, no more bondage and abuse, am finally happy. I can now live a nornal teenage life, after nine years of suffering am finally free and can live life to its fullest. Just the thought of it brou-ght tears to my eyes.
“$h!t! Alex you made her cry!”
“What? I didn’t even say anything bad!” Damon and Alex kept on bickering while Xavier just ignored them and stared at me.
“Why are you crying?”
“Its just that.” I sniffled. “Nob©dy has ever cared this de-eply for me. You guys didn’t look at me with disgust, you looked at me with care and admiration and am thankful for that. Thank you guys so much!”
“Don’t cry sweetie.” Damon cooed. “hvg?” I just nodded and smiled. Damon wra-pped his arms around me, Alex and Xavier soon joined and it bec@m£ a group hvg with me and the three brothers I knew and trust with all my heart.
“Don’t worry Brielle.” Xavier whispered in my ear. “I promise to always protect you, trust me.” He placed hisl-ips on my temple s£nding tingles and sparks all over my b©dy.
After we pu-ll-ed back Damon immediately yelled. “Movie time!” I chuckled as he dragged me to the movie room. Alex volunteered to bring popcorn and drinks while Xavier brou-ght different types of netflix CDs. We had to vote on what movie we’re going to watch, I choosed a high school fiction while the boys choosed horror. The three voted on ‘Annabelle’ and to tell you the truth, it was really creepy. Damon tea-sed me whenever I screamed.
A yawn escaped myl-ips, even when the movie has not yet ended. Xavier glanced at me. “You tired?” I nodded, yawning again.
“Here.” He patted his l@p. “Sleep on my l@p.” I didn’t refuse, I l@ymy head on his l@p, feeling Xavier hand gently stro-ke my hair.
“Good night Brielle.” Xavier whispered, before I fell into a de-ep dreamless slumber.

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