A v!rg!nfor the wolf Episode 4 & 5

🍆🍆A v!rg!nFOR THE WOLF. 🍆🍆😋
🥛🥛You Are My Mate🥛🥛🤗
Rated 18+🔞
®All Rights Reserved ✍️
As the front door ban-ged behind Tom, Nathaniel waited for Ellie to come back out, after exactly one minute he thought he had waited long enough and headed to the small kitchen to find her.
She jumped when he entered, she had been putting the dishes in the sink, having scR@p£d her dinner into the bin, she had lost her appetite.
The plates clattered into the sink, luckily they did not smash. Wiping her hands on the dish towel she turned to face her ex boss, unsure of what he expected of her.
He st©pped a respectable distance away from her, but still much too close for her liking. Ellie tried to concentrate, and keep her wits about her, but the close proximity of him in her small kitchen made her b©dy react in ways she had never experienced before.
“Shall we get this over with, Mr Greystone?” she asked, her voice a little shaky.
“Nat, plea-se.” He watched her face, taking in the fierce light in her eyes; she was more beautiful every time he saw her, the nee-d to have her surrender to him de-epened.
“I think I would rather like to keep this formal Mr Greystone.”
Nat smiled, enjoying her defiant nature, a good trait to pas-s onto their children. “As you wish, Miss Carter, although I have no intention of letting our relationsh!premain formal.”
“Unless you plan to f0rç£ yourself on me, that is exactly how things are going to stay,” she said, crossing her arms across her che-st to form a barrier between him and her b©dy which was refusing to go along with denying this man anything he wanted.
His voice bec@m£ serious. “I will never f0rç£ you to do something you do not want to do. But I can’t let you simply walk out of my life; do you know how long I’ve waited to find you?”
“OK, this is where you start sounding crazy. You might believe in soul mates, and all that ru-bbish, but I don’t,”
Ellie said, squaring her shoulders, this had gone on long enough, he might be mega rich, but he was also delusional.
“I know it’s not easy for you to un-derstand, but where I come from we have one true mate, and we mate for life. You are my true mate, and I refuse to believe you cannot feel something too.”
“Where I come from two people meet and then go out on a d@t£ first, and then get to know each other before they go further. I do not believe in love at first sight.”
“Really? So you are saying I don’t have any effect on you whatsoever?” He st©pped and looked at her closely.
“Truthfully?”She hesitated, unsure what to say. The last thing she wanted to do was give him any encouragement. They were alone in her ap@rtment; if he did decide to f0rç£ himself on her there was no
one to help. Yet he seemed genuine in what he said, she was confused.
“I would be lying if I said I wasn’t attra-cted to you, but then you are a good looking guy. What that does not mean is that I am willing to jump into be-d with you.”
“You think I’m good looking, that’s a start.” There was that hint of humour again; she could not un-derstand how he could take this all so lightly.
Yet to a wealthy man like Nathaniel Greystone life probably was a game with ha-rd ly any worries.
“Any woman would be lying if they said you weren’t, that does not mean I am attra-cted to you.” He took a step closer, relieved she didn’t move away.
“Your b©dy tells me you find me very attrac-tive, the first time you saw me your pupils dilated and your pulse quic-kened.”
“I was scared.”
“You should be.” He moved closer, she looked up at
him, this time mesmerised by him. He lifted his hand and cu-mpped her cheek, stro-king it gently with his thumb.
Her b©dy responded, leaning in towards him, wanting him. He lowered his head and k!$$£d her on thel-ips, the connection between them electrifying.
She yielded to him, opening her mouth to allow him to brush his ton-gue against hers. Ellie had to gr-ab holding of him to st©p herself coll@psing, the intensity was too great.
He de-epened the k!ss, willing her to realise the bond that was between them, he wanted her right now, on the table of this small kitchen.
He turned her around and lifted her up so she sat on it, then pushed her legs ap@rt. She g@sped when he pushed the fabric of her p@n-ties aside and his f!nger stro-ked her cl!t.
No man had ever done this to her, it felt so right, if she could simply relax and let him do as he plea-sed.
The first feel of his f!nger sliding inside her, brou-ght her to her s-en-ses.
“I can’t.”
It seemed as though he hadn’t heard her, his hands becoming more insistent, as were hisl-ips which had moved to nip her br£@st throu-gh her clothes.
“plea-se, Nat,” she said louder.
He pu-ll-ed back; she looked into his face, shocked to see a faint red glow in his eyes. “You can’t say you don’t want this too.”
“It’s not that. I…Just not like this.” She buried her head in his che-st, hiding her face.
“Hey,” he said gently, lifting her chin. “You can tell me anything.”
“It’s stupid, I know, but I always thought my first time would be a little more ro-mantic.”
He stilled, his whole b©dy tensed. “You mean you are a vir-gin?”
She blu-shed and tried to pu-ll away from his grip. “I’m sorry I’m not more experienced. I un-derstand that would put you off me.”
He held her face between his hands and k!$$£d her gently on thel-ips. “I am not disappointed, only surprised; there are very few women of your age that are still innocent these days.”
“Are you sure?” Now she had k!$$£d him and been t©uçhed by him she knew, however crazy it seemed, that there was something between them and she would regret it for the rest of her life if she didn’t at least try to un-derstand what the connection was between them.
“I told you, you are my mate. If anything it plea-ses me more that I will be your first, and only, mate,” he said, his voice full of raw emotion.
He pu-ll-ed her close, still standing between her th!ghs and she felt the length of his c0ckpress against her. Nat was not lying; he wanted her, his arou-salevident by his stiff length.
“I want you, Ellie, right now, more than you can ever imagine. But your first time should be special; I want to take my time with you. That is not going to happen tonight, with your brother coming home, so I will try to control myself until tomorrow. Will you have dinner with me, and stay the night afterwards?”
Disappointment and loss swept over her, she didn’t want him to leave, what if he c@m£ to his s-en-ses overnight and no longer wanted her?
Then the practical side of Ellie kicked in, wasn’t this a good thing? At least if he changed his mind it would spare her the heartache she had shied away from all her life.
For Ellie, r0m@nç£and relationsh!ps were an unknown land she had never set foot on. At least if he backed out she would not end up pregnant, and alone like her mother had.
Yes, this was the safer way, let him go, after all the whole thing was crazy, and now she felt stupid for going along with the whole thing, no doubt this was a billionaires idea of entertainment, s£dûç£a poor woman with tales of everlasting love, and then dump her.
Yet when she looked at him, and felt his b©dy against
hers, there was nothing that seemed further from the truth. He looked as though he wanted her, and she felt his nee-d as though it was a tangible object, and when she looked inside her heart he was all she wanted.
But it couldn’t be real, her head screamed, this kind of thing doesn’t happen to girls like her. His arms were still wra-pped around her, she wanted to stay like this for ever, but Tom could be back soon, and she wanted to have some space to think the whole thing over.
She pu-ll-ed away from him; it made her feel as though she was tearing a p@rt of herself in the process. His arms momentarily held her in place, and then slowly he relinquished his hold and she sli-pped away.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, will you come into the office in the morning?” he asked, moving towards the door.
“I thought I was fired.”
“Those were your words, not mine.”
“So I still have a job?”
“For as long as you want it.”
“If I sleep with you?”
He turned and looked at her sharply. “No, there is no condition attached to the contract. Mrs Pierce will get you to sign it first thing in the morning, I alre-ady have. I have included insurance for any of your dependants too.”
“Why would you be so generous?” Ellie asked, she was not used to people going out of their way to help her.
“Because you are my mate Ellie. I said I would not f0rç£ myself on you, instead I hope that our relationsh!pwill move along rather quic-kly, and you won’t nee-d the job. In the meantime though I want to make sure you are well provided for.”
“It means that much to you?”
He c@m£ towards her, his face close to hers. He k!$$£d her on thel-ips, the now familiar feeling of electricity pas-sing between them. He did not t©uçh her in any other way, it was as though if he did he would not be able to control himself and she would lose her vir-ginity tonight after all.
“You mean that much to me Ellie, and in some ways I
am being selfish, if things had gone differently tonight then you may alre-ady have had my child growing inside you, at least this way he would have some security.”
She took a step back as though he had struck her. “This is for real, isn’t it? You are not pla-ying with me? I mean a child is such a hvge thing, something in fact I have never wanted.”
“You do not want children?” This was a surprise to Nat; he had been brou-ght up knowing it was his duty to have children to strengthen his bloodline.
That was not to say he had ever considered conceiving a child with anyone other than his true mate, which would be unacceptable.
“No. I have seen first hand what happens when children are conceived with no thought for their future.”
“Is that what happened to your mother?” he asked quietly.
“Yes, she was not very good at saying no to men. Nature takes its course and before you know it you are having a baby, with no thought as to how you are going to manage.”
“She chose to keep you, and your brother, so she must have loved you.”
“Yes, and in that I feel very fortunate, at least I am not alone, I have Tom.”
“And now you have me, and an extended family that will always be there for you.”
His words seemed strange to Ellie who had spent her
whole life looking after herself and her brother, there were many times when she had taken care of her mother too.
To be offered the chance to be p@rt of a family, a large family was both exciting, and daunting. It was not something she had ever expected, her and Tom had become self sufficient and self reliant, giving it up was going to take some getting used.
She looked at Nat and saw how earnest he was, and questioned if she actually had the courage to do this. It was mad, and even though she had inexplicable feelings, and trust for this man, it would take time for Tom to get used to the idea of her being with a man. Especially when Nat obviously expected things to move so quic-kly.
Nat could re-ad her troubled expression. He lifted her chin, and looked into her eyes, the depth of her soul open to him, his mate. “We will make this work.”
“What about Tom? How is he supposed to un-derstand all this?”
“One step at a time, one step at a time.” He k!$$£d the t©p of her head, and then moved away from her, while he still had the strength. He paused at the door, suddenly unsure. “I will see you tomorrow?”
“Shall I pick you up in the morning?”
“No, I’ll go and draw some money out and catch the bus as usual, I don’t want people gossiping about us.”
“You gave Tom the last of your money?” He remembered the overheard conversation.
“It’s OK, I’ll be at work on time.”
He reached into his pocket and took out his wallet, removing a crisp note and pas-sing it to her. “Here.”
“No, I can’t take your money.” She had never taken charity from anyone.
“Yes, you can, what is mine is now yours, a life long commitment that is what I am offering you, starting from now.” He placed the money on the table. “Look at it as my treat for Tom, because he did me a favour by going out. Is that OK?”
“I guess,” she said. “Yes, that I can live with.”
He smiled, and her b©dy melted, she wanted him to stay, to make love to her now. She gr!pp£dthe back of the sofa, willing herself not to move because she knew it would only take the slightest encouragement from her and he would lose control, his nee-d for her was so great she could almost feeling him pu-lling her
towards him.
“Goodnight, Miss Carter,” he said.
“Goodnight Nat,” she answered, and then added, “And
Nat, I think un-der the circu-mtances you can call me Ellie.”
“Goodnight, Ellie,” he said, emphasising her name. He
left her then, but she was sure she could hear him laughing quietly to himself as he walked down the hallway outside.
Ellie found she liked that sound, she liked it a lot.
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