A moment in time episode 31 & 32

A Moment In Time🕒
🔞Young Hearts❤💞
Sub-Title: They settled for a cool off 😁

Written by:
Humble Lee😍

Chapter 31[Basketball Court]

I disturb the practice of the basketball teams, the coach and teammates were just consoling and telling me that Jerrah, will come back to his s-en-ses as they thought he’s the one that broke up with me.
It was ha-rd to find my voice and after I was able to talk, I stood up and left the court. I cannot stay another hour in this environment and maybe I’ll never have to come back to this school again.

When I walk out of the court, everyone seems to be minding their own business, doing their thing. There is a boy and a girl smooching themselves. I miss Jerrah, so much that’s why I can’t stay here. I took on my heels and ran out of the school premises only to see him sitting on a bench and head down.

“You are not a good liar, and you know that. ” He said and turn to me but I was quic-k to turn my face away.

“I didn’t lie. ” I said without looking at him.

“You actually think I believe any of that bull$h!t from your sister? I love you more than that, Jerrah. ” He said and I can smell his breathe which means he’s alre-ady very close to me.

“Why do you want us to break up? “He ask me and when I face him, he’s alre-ady in tears just like myself.
” Wh, Jerrah? Tell me why you want to break up with me! ”

“Because Florence bad mouthed me! Because my dad is against our relationsh!p! ” I said loudly and he hvg me really ti-ght while I keep struggling to break free.

“Don’t break up with me, plea-se. I won’t survive it if you do. Tell me to do anything and I’ll do it. ” He said on my n£¢k. I st©p struggling and let him hold me. I can’t fight it anymore.

How can I stay away from someone I love so much?!

“Let’s have a cool off. ” I said to him and he pu-ll away from the hvg.

“Yes. Yes. Let’s do that. ” He said and hvg me again.

“Jeremy.” I called and he pu-ll away from the embr@ce then I place my right palm on his cheeks carre-sing it while tears flow freely from our eyes.

“Goodbye.” I walk out of the school and text, Lori that I’ve alre-ady gone home.
3Days After
#Hannah_Pov [Blue’s Residence]

“You don’t look fine, mom. Are you okay? ” Mirrah, asks me. She’s sitting with me on the dinning.

“I am not okay. Something is really wrong with me. ” I said feeling my eyes tearing up.
She looked at me puzzled, she doesn’t un-derstand what I’m talking about. I’ve kept this for a very long time, I feel like keeping the truth from my own daughter is a sin and I might get punished for it.

“What do you mean? ” She ask me.

“I’m pregnant. ”
I raise my face to look at her expression but they were that of joy.
“Not for your father but, someone else. ”
Her jaw dropped.

“Mom, what did you do? ” Her eyes start to tear up. I must have disappointed her.

I explained how it all happened to her.

“You have to tell Dad. ”
I nod my head as a yes.

“He has to know everything. We can’t hide it from him mom. ” She added in tears and I hvg her.

“I’m sorry honey. I’m sorry I disappointed you. ” I said robbing her hair.

“What’s going on here? ”
I and Mirrah dis£ngage from the hvg as I and Mark’s eyes met.

“You’re back. “I said standing up.

” Have you been crying? “He asked looking worried. How am I going to start this conversation with him? What will be his reaction to the sad news?

” I have something to tell you, Mark. ” I said as tears roll down my cheek. I glance at Mirrah and back to him.

“I… I’m… Mark, I…. ”

“She’s pregnant. ” Florence, said coming out from the kitchen. She has been listening to I and Mirrah’s conversation.
“She’s pregnant with another man’s child. ” She said standing beside her dad.

“What is she talking about? Who’s pregnant? How did it happen? ” He ask rather gently and calmly.

“It wasn’t intentional, Mark, believe me. ”

“Who’s responsible? ” He ask fiercely.

“Let’s discuss about this. ”

“Who is responsible? ” He ask again but this time, louder.

“Francisco.” I said and took a step backward. I told him all it all happened and also told him that I regretted my actions and if he’ll take me back, I’ll amend all my wrongs.

“You’re a slut! You messed up and you still want me to be responsible for your mistakes?! You must be insane. ” He said and I begin to cry because my life just shattered in my face.

“Dad… ” He cut Mirrah short.

“Don’t you dare utter a word! You’re just like her anyway and who knows, maybe you’re next to get pregnant.! ”

“What makes you think you’re so perfect yourself?! ” She lashes out.

I didn’t mention that when Mirrah was younger, she used to have anger issues but, thank God we were able to manage it and with what I’m seeing in her eyes, she might say something that’ll get us both in trouble.

“Mirrah, don’t. ”

“No! Someone nee-ds to remind him that he was a cheater. He started it first and push you to the wall, to your limit. ” She then turn to him.

“You think you’re the only one allowed to make mistakes? You got someone else pregnant and brou-ght this gold digger opportunist to come live with us! You messed up big time dad, and she still forgave you and just this once? Just this one mistake and you’re calling her a who-re? You should be ashamed of yourself Dad! “She fired at him.

” How dare you? “He sl@pped her and before I knew what was happening I sl@pped him back.

” Oh my God “I place my hand on my mouth.
” I’m sorry, Mark. “I apologize.

” I don’t want to see you or your useless daughter anywhere near my house. Just park your things and leave. “He said and walk away.

” Fine. We’ll leave and I hope you enjoy your stay with your mistress’ daughter. “She yell after him and then walk up to Florence.

” You won’t last a week. “She faced me.
” Let’s get out of here mom. “Mirrah said and walk out.

💖A Moment In Time🕒
🔞Young Hearts❤💞

Written by:
Humble Lee😍

Chapter 32[Malcolm’s Residence]

“plea-se, I nee-d you to be at your best behavior. ” He said and left my room. He’s inviting Gina, over for dinner and it looks to me like he’s going to ask her to be his wife.

That’s not even my problem, it’s Jerrah, whom I’ve been waiting for her call or text messages or even chat but I’ve received none since yesterday.
Is she avoiding me now? God, this is driving me crazy.
I dial her number and place the phone on my ear but it went straight to voicemail after ringing severally without anyone answering the call.

“You’re still here. I thought you said you wanted to help me in the kitchen. ” Nanny Best, said coming to me.

“She hasn’t called yet, and she even refused to pick my calls. She’s cruel. ” I said and she sits next to me.

“Maybe not. I’ve never seen a cool off with a ‘call me ‘ in it. A cool off is suppose to look like a break up. Maybe she has realize to do it the right way. ” She said.

“Right way? I agreed to the cool off because she wanted breaking up with me! I am not cool with this, Nanny. ”

“Just give her time. Things like this takes time. She might be going throu-gh some things right now. ” She said and stand up.
“St©p worrying and follow me to the kitchen let’s get things done. We’re expecting guests. ” She said and I followed behind her.

“So, he’s actually going to ask her to marry him? ”

“I guess so. Everyone deserves to be happy including your dad. ”

“And my happiness is about to end. ” I said sadly.

“That’s not true. ” We’re in the kitchen now.

“Tonight’s a p@rty? ” I ask her to be sure cause I thought it was just a simple dinner.

“Your dad’s engagement p@rty. ”


Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t exclaim wow because I’m happy for his engagement, it’s not like I care. I exclaim wow because there are lots of work to be done in the kitchen. What a stress!

I didn’t want mom to walk a longer distance so we settled un-der a bridge to rest.

“I’m sorry this happened Mom. ” I said sitting next to her. I couldn’t hold the anger that was boiling in me any longer. He had made so many mistakes and she never for once judged him so why can’t he just see reasons with her? Some men are just so Dillusional.

“It’s not your fault honey. I caused this. All these is happening because of me. I should have waited longer. ” She said and place her hand on her stomach. Thinking about it really freaks me out. Having another sibling that is not my both parent’s. Maybe my destiny to have step siblings.

“Everyone is bound is to make mistakes Mom and you’ve waited for too long. ”

“It wasn’t enough. I promised myself not to cheat no matter what. ” She said and I hvg her.

“We can’t sleep here. ” She said and I pu-ll away from the hvg.

“Yea. I’ll call someone. ” I said and turn my face to the other side. This is the opportunity for I and Jerrah to be together again.

“Break six eggs into this bowl, J. ” Nanny Best said stretching a bowl to me and I collect it.

On breaking the sixth egg, my phone, buzz inside my pocket and I pu-ll it out. It’s a text message from Jerrah.

“It’s Mirrah. ” I said excitedly and open the message which re-ads: LET’S MEET IN THE SCHOOL BALCONY TOMORROW BY 2PM.

“It looks like you’re not the only one that isn’t cool with it. ” Nanny Best said cause I re-ad the message out

“Let’s get things done.

The p@rty went pretty well, people turned up, they all had fun, he brou-ght Gina, to sp©t light and asked her out. Just like in the movies, she delayed the answer but said yes anyway and they k!$$£d. I used to think older men don’t do r0m@nç£but I’m not surprised at my dad, he almost svçkherl-ips out.
People applaud, ate, drank, dance, do crazy stuffs and boom! p@rty was over and everyb©dy went home.
My house bec@m£ peaceful again except Gina, who has refused to go home. Maybe she’s slee-ping here tonight.

“We want to talk to you, J. ” Dad said st©pping me from climbing up the stairs. He’s together with her.

“Happy engagement. ” I said and smile at them. I don’t care if it’s genuine or not.

“She’s going to be your new Mom, J, and I want you to give her the respect you’ll give to your mom. ” He began. I refuse to get angry. He’s not going to be the reason I’ll get mad.

“Do your thing Dad, I don’t care. I won’t cross her path and she won’t cross mine. ” I said.

“You’ve been care less, J, and it’s affecting this family. ”

“You’ll rather want me to get angry? Yelling? Doing nas-ty things? I’ve out grown that. I have other things to think about. ” I said and climb up.

They’re really not my problem. My priority now is Jerrah, I’m excited because I’ll get to see her tomorrow.
Yeah, me too.
Do we all think it’s Mirrah that texted him?
If it’s really her then he’s very lucky