A gumiho’s love episode 9

💕💕💕💕(Will this love be possible???)💕💕💕💕
🔮 Chapter nine 🔮
🏵️ Anita 🏵️
“Don’t worry, I didn’t see anything” grandpa said and adjusted his glas-ses
“oh, ok then, I’ll go to my room” I said, pale with embarras-sment as I rushed to my room and closed the door behind me
What did I just try to do?, k!ss?, That was meant to be done between lovers and we’re not one, so why did I try to do it?
Anita you’re crazy!
I hit my head with my pillow and made funny faces
My mind shifted to Kim Yung again, he’s surely not human but why can’t I figure out what he is?
He must either be a goblin, merman, or a vampire…
And I know he’d have felt my energy too
I later sle-pt off and didn’t wake up till the early hours of the morning
How do I face Jesse???
I got off be-d and brushed my teeth thor0ûghly since he taught me how to do it alre-ady
I ti-ptoed out of my room and head downstairs
“What are you doing?” Jesse asked from behind me
My heart skipped a beat
I looked back and I saw him fully dressed for school
I feel embarras-sed for what I did yesterday again
“I’m …. Sorry for yesterday” I said slowly
” Is that your good morning? ” He asked, di-pping his hands in to his trou-sers pocket stylishly
“Oh, good morning” I greeted and he giggled
” I’m off to school” he said
” Wait for me”
” No, you won’t be following me today cos I can’t wait for you to prepare again, just stay at home, I’ve told the maids to prepare meat, I mean good meat for you, just eat and drink Soju, then sleep” he said and left
That j£rk!
I gr@bb£d the cushion pillow and imagined it as Jess, I hit it so ha-rd that the foams started pu-lling out… How crazy!
I smell meat!
I rushed to the dinning room and settled down to eat
It’s indeed plenty but I finished it quic-kly
I went upstairs to take my bath and do all the necessities, I put on something comfortable and looked at myself in the mirror
First time I’m doing that and first time I’ll be noticing my face since I c@m£ out of the cu-p.. it really changed!
But it doesn’t matter, I’m still beautiful
I’ll walk all the way to school, it’s not a big deal, I just have to see Kim Yung and ask him some questions
Thanks to my super speed, I got there in ten minutes, I sat on the chair at the back of the medical lab and rested, scanning everywhere for Yung but my nose suddenly caught the scent of someone who nee-ds help
I spranged up and started tracing the scent
✍️ April ✍️
“I called you girls here to ask you something” madam asked this morning Immediately we got to the restaurant
” Yes ma” I replied
” Why do you guys only eat meat?, It’s always meat, meat and meat, at first, I thought you guys were eating it with your food or just sometimes but now I’ve realized you guys eat meat everyday, are you guys ok? ”
” We’re ok ma, but meat is just what we are used to, we don’t like human food” May said and I feel like punching life out of her…
“did you just say you guys don’t like human food?, Aren’t you humans then? ” Madam asked
” Of course we are, what May is trying to say is that we’re not used to normal foods” I said carefully
“I’ll believe that, but I still have doubts, eyes on you” she said and left us to start the cooking
” May are you dumb?, How can you say such a suspicious thing?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to but it just fell” she replied and I gave her a glance
” Now we have to be careful since she’s having doubts”
🎲 Kim Yung 🎲
” Quiet everyone! ” Lecturer Osaka said as he entered the lab
I’m not feeling too well today and I dunno why, since I saw that gumiho girl yesterday, my mind has not known rest, I dunno why though.. don’t wonder how I know she’s a gumiho, I’m a vampire and I know it immediately I saw her
“Jesse, cut the watermelon for the practical into four pieces” lecturer said and went out briefly… Jesse took the knife, while doing the cutting, he mistakenly cut his hand
“Ouch!” He whimpered and Rachel quic-kly rushed to him as blood gushed out of his injured hand
Immediately I saw the blood coming out of his f!nger, I started feeling pangs of hunger in the pit of my stomach… This hunger is not for food or water… it’s for blood!
I held my stomach to restrain myself but it’s not working
A f0rç£ started shifting my legs and I started walking towards Jesse, it’s like all the noise in the world is entering my ear now cos I can’t hear a single thing than my crave for blood
Someone plea-se st©p me!
I know my eyes will be bloodsh0t by now and I can see students rushing to one corner
Jesse stood still on his sp©t, his bleeding hand glaring at me
“Kim what’s wrong with you?” Nicole asked from behind me , placing her hand on my shoulder but I pushed her away r0ûghly
I can’t even control myself anymore, what’s happening to me???
Just when I’m few steps away from Jesse, an hand t©uçhed my shoulder and my face calmed, the hunger left me and I bec@m£ weak
I looked back at the person.. it’s Anita?!
“Anita what are you doing here?” Jesse asked, coming to us
” Obviously to help someone in distress” she replied
“Are you both having something?” Nicole asked and Anita smiled
💧 Anita 💧
“No dear, absolutely no, he’s just a friend, excuse me” I replied and left the lab but Yung c@m£ after me
” Thanks for doing that, miss gumiho” he said
“And I’m glad I helped you, Mr vampire” I replied and we smiled
“Want a drink?” He asked
“Aren’t you supposed to be in the lab?” I asked
“I don’t want to go again”
“In that case, I nee-d bubbly water” I replied and he smiled again
We head to the parking lot and he opened his car door, same as Jesse’s
“Where are we going to?” I asked
“Somewhere where you can drink as much bubbly water as you want and eat much meat” he replied
” Koki? (Meat?), Let’s go!” I replied quic-kly and got into the car
He drove us to a restaurant not far from school
“I never knew this kind of restaurant is here” I said as we entered and settled down
“ten pork serving plea-se and five cans of bubbly water” he ordered
“You’re really trying ha-rd to be a pure vampire, you got that unbearable thirst for blood cos you don’t take blood, it’ll come often from now on so you know you have to stay away from any place you can see blood” I said
” I know right?, I’ve lived my life in loneliness and pains every Tuesday since I can’t drink blood, but now today is even Friday, why does it have to happen wae?’ he said frustratedly
“Everything is ok now” I pacified
“Everything is not ok Anita, absolutely not ok, who knows where I might see blood unintentionally again?, Who knows what might happen?, And why did my hunger and thirst st©p immediately you t©uçhed me? ”
“We’re both pure right?, You’re a pure vampire and I’m a pure gumiho, if you’re in pain, I’ll automatically be able to help you, likewise me” I said and he smiled
” Friends?*
“Friends” he replied as our orders were brou-ght
I ate to my full and drank till I’m full
We got back into the car and he’s driving me home when I saw some baby_ like things in front of a sto-re
“What are those?” I asked
“Teddy bears, want one?” He asked and I nodded
He left the car to get me one
” I forgot to ask your favorite color so I just got red” he said, handing over the bear to me
” Red is my favorite too” I replied and he smiled
“So cute, I love it!”
“Sure, thanks for this”
“It’s really nothing” he replied
” I’ll still drop by at the school, I nee-d to go see Jesse” I said as we pas-sed by the school gate
” Oh, should I wait for you? ” He asked
“No, I’ll go home with Jesse” I replied and got down from the car
“Wait.. are you really Jesse’s cousin?” He suddenly asked
“No, Jess is my life saver” I replied and waved as I left him, I ran all the way to Jesse’s clas-s without watching my back, then someone pu-ll-ed me from behind and my bear fell, it’s Nicole, she’s actually with Rachel
“Silly girl, the fact that you’re Jesse’s cousin doesn’t give you the right to try to steal Kim Yung away from me” Nicole said and I giggled
” I see, so Rachel is obsessed with Jesse and you are infatuated with Yung, how pathetic” I said and bent down to pick my bear but she picked it and threw it in the hallway trashcan
I faced the ground as my eyes flashed green with anger
I tried my best to calm down before looking up again
If anyone finds out my real identity, I’m gone
I picked up the bear from the can and dusted it
“I hear students murmuring about how you c@m£ out of Yung’s car, how cheap” Rachel said
” At this rate Rachel, Jess will never like you…. and you Nicole, I’m sure Yung will never like you” I said
Nicole raised her hand to sl@p me but I held it, she tried to wriggle it off but I held it firm
“You can never overpower me, not even in a million years” I said
Someone suddenly c@m£ and pu-ll-ed me away by my hand
We got to a quiet place and I have the chance to see her face, she’s…. beautiful!
But she doesn’t look like a Korean
“I saw the scene and I just had to prevent a fight,I hope you’re not angry?” She asked and I nodded
” I’m not”
” By the way I’m Priya, an Indian” she said and offered an handshake which I took
“I’m an art student, actually a model” she said
“Oh, that’s great, I’m…
“Anita, Jesse’s cousin, Everyone knows you here”
“Everyone knows me?” I’m not even a student”
“But you’re the first girl Yung will ever talk to first, that makes you popular” she said and her phone rang
She picked the call and sighed
“I have to go now, I’ll see you around, friends?”
“Friends” I replied and she turned to go but she briskly turned back
” Are you interested in modelling?, There’s a slot for a beautiful model tomorrow at our industry, if you don’t mind, can you come?, I’ll personally come to your house to help you with the makeup and hair, you just have the perfect b©dy” she said and my eyes wi-de-ned
” Yes yes!!!”
She later left after I told her our house number and street
“Where did you go with Yung?” Jesse asked immediately he saw me, his hand is bandaged
” Oh you’re wounded ” I said
“Now you know I’m wounded after going out with Yung?” He asked
” Why are you like this, I just helped him, he’s a…
I st©pped myself before uttering that word
“He’s a what?”
“Don’t worry”
“And why did you even come?, I told you not to come why did you come?, Did you come to see Yung?, Why are you so stubborn…
I hate being scolded, I dunno why but his scolding brou-ght tears from my eyes and I started crying
“St©p scolding me” I said in tears
“Just look at you, you’re crying intensionally to make my ears itch right?” He said, ru-bbing his ear
” Ok st©p crying, I’m sorry for scolding you” he said and wiped my tears with his handkerchief
💎 Jesse 💎
The second day
I dunno what to call this, jealousy?, No I don’t have any hidden feelings for Anita so there’s no way I’d be jealous of Kim Yung
But then why does it felt like a p@rt of me left me immediately she left with Yung yesterday?
I couldn’t sleep last night, I kept thinking of those two… and Yung, there’s certainly something strange about him in the lab yesterday
“Priya should be here anytime soon” Anita said, coming downstairs
“Priya?, You mean the Indian girl in school?, How did you meet her?, You even know celebrities without attending my school” I replied
The doorbell sounded and she rushed to open the door
Truthfully it’s Priya
“Hi Jesse”
“Priyanka, Nice to see you, why are you here?”
“To make this baby girl here the most prettiest in Korea, I’m taking her for a model shoot” she replied and I giggled
” This meat eating machine?, br@vo!” I tea-sed and Nita threw me glances
They both went in and I continued with my football game on my phone
Fourthy minutes later 😍
“How do I look Jess?” Anita asked, coming downstairs … She’s beautiful!
The makeup!, New hair color!, The white un-derwear and everything…am I blind?, Why haven’t I seen how beautiful she is?
“Anita you’re beautiful” I said and she c@m£ to me, standing right in front of me
“Say it again” she said, smiling
“You’re gorgeous” I said again
” Another one” she demanded and li-cked herl-ips…so tempting..
“No Anita, the devil is a liar” I replied and ran upstairs
I was almost tem-pted to try k!ss!ngher..
Why did Priya have to make her look so beautiful