A gumiho’s love episode 7

💕💕💕💕(Can this love be possible???)💕💕💕💕
🔮 Chapter seven 🔮
🏵️ April 🏵️
“Wake up sleepy head, time to go to the restaurant” I said as I nudged May, yawning lightly
“Is it morning alre-ady?” She asked as she sat up lazily on the be-d
“lazy bone”
” It’s suspicious how fast day breaks, the night should be much very very longer than the day” she said and I smiled
She can be dramatic
Don’t worry about how we got a house.. I’ll tell
The madam who took us home is Mrs Norris, she’s a very kind woman but she can be stern at times
She took us home and we met her daughter, her name is Ruth, if we aren’t gumihos, she’ll be same age as us, she’s twenty four and a college student, we just told madam Norris that we’re Same age as her to avoid suspicions about our true identity
We work at madam Norris restaurant as servers and she promised to pay at every end of the month, she gave us a room in her house
Oh, and I haven’t told you about Ruth, she’s rude!, Always doing things to annoy us, May hates her like $h!t and I’m not exceptional, I dislike her attitude but we just nee-d to stay here quietly
Madam Norris bought us new clothes and a sneaker each and we plan to buy more when we get our monthly allowance
I always think of June and I just pray she’s fine, May is not exceptional too cos she’s always talking about her… I’m just hoping for a day we’ll meet again
Luckily we adjust to the human new lifestyle in the past few days, we’ve adapted to it and it’s fascinating!
“Let’s go bath and get re-ady for work” I said, pu-lling her up as the door opened rude Ruth c@m£ in with bales of clothes, she threw it on the floor
“Wash these for me” she ordered, her hands akimbo
“what did you just say? ” May asked..I know she’ll soon lose it
“I just told you to wash em, if u i come back from school to meet dirty clothes, you’ll have yourselves to blame” she said rudely and left
” Jinjja?, I won’t t©uçh it and if she comes and says ru-bbish, I’ll just kill her” May said furiously
“we’re going to the restaurant right?, If we come back we can wash it” I pacified
” You can wash it but I won’t” she snapped
” Girls, thirty minutes to go!” madam shouted from the living room
” Shouldn’t we report this to her mum?” She asked
“Let’s just do what she asked, ion want any trouble” I replied and pu-ll-ed her into the bathroom
🌻 Arthur 🌻
“Are you sure you don’t have any ulterior motive behind joining us?, If we find out you have any other motive, I’ll be the one to personally kill you” Capone said as I stood in front of him
” Yes, I just want to kill, although I have some certain people I want to kill, but I haven’t seen them right now, so I’ll go out to operations with you to while away time while I search for the sword” I replied gallantly
” You look trustable, as from today you’re p@rt of us, We’re now K4 since we’re four now…. We kill for Money and shed blood to live”
” So shall it be” I replied and bowed before him
💎 Kim Yung 💎
Fighting my urge for blood is one ha-rd thing to do but I guess I have to fight ha-rder
Being a vampire is not my choice but I just met myself like this and it’s something I cry about everyday cos I always crave for human blood but I fight ha-rd to suppress it
I can never hurt humans
So I bear the consequences, once in a week, I go throu-gh Immeasurable pains in all my b©dy p@rts as a result of how I’m not taking human blood, it’s a price I have to pay for deciding to be a pure vampire
During this pain, I must always be in so I won’t get caught, it comes every Tuesday so I skip school every Tuesday to go throu-gh the pain at home
I’m quite and friendlessness not because I want to, but because it’s the best for a vampire like me
Guitar, violin and my books are my only companion
Girls drool, maybe cos I’m handsome but I know if they get to know who I really am, they’ll flee
✍️ June/Anita ✍️
“Welcome halabeoji (welcome grandpa)” I greeted as he c@m£ back from work later that Saturday evening
“How are you Anita?”
“Oh, Jess told you my name?, I’m fine” I replied as he took his seat
Jess is actually slee-ping in his room, that nuthead has been slee-ping since I ate all the meat in the morning
“I have a whole lot to ask” I said
“Feel free to ask” he replied
” Why did my sisters vanish after coming out the cu-p?” I asked curiously
“Because it’s normal for anyone who comes out of the cu-p alive to leave his or her location involuntarily, it’s just how it should be” he replied
” Then why didn’t I vanish? ” I asked
” You and Jesse are connected” he replied
“How?, Like when two people are tied together?” I asked childishly
“Wait.. you weren’t tied with the evil rope while inside the cu-p were you?” He asked and I nodded
” No wonder you dunno anything about maturity , I can s-en-se it, who tied you?” he asked
” Arthur the gumiho hunter” I replied
“That bastard, he must be somewhere in Korea since he also c@m£ out of the cu-p…your sisters too, I’m sure you’ll soon meet them” he said
“Really?, I’ll be glad i replied as Jesse c@m£ downstairs in a white brown hoodie and a jean plus sneakers
“They fit you perfectly!, Can I get them too? Huh?” I asked
” Halabeoji, welcome” he greeted, ignoring me
” Hope the house is not too boring? ” He asked
“super boring with this silly gumiho, she ate all the meat in the freezer and she’s still asking for more” Jess said and I pouted
” It’s because I’m hungry” I defended
“it’s normal for her to eat like that, meat is what she can eat so just leave her… And another thing, the cu-ps still attra-cts people despite the fact that you guys left it” grandpa said
” It’s because the cu-ps absorbe-d p@rt of our good luck so it won’t st©p drawing people” I replied and he nodded
” We ran out of meat in the house, thanks to someone so I’m going to the sto-re to get a whole whole lot of meat and some foodstuffs, I’ll also go to the boutique to buy her more clothes and shoes, and other necessities” he said
” You’re going with her? ” Grandpa asked
“yes.. We’ll be right back” he said and pu-ll-ed me out of the house
” Beware of ti-ght dark places!! ” Grandpa shouted behind us
” Of course” he replied
I wonder what that means
We drove to the sto-re first to get the meat
“I want to eat meat” I said
“You mean you can eat it raw?” He asked
” Of course” I replied and tried to gr-ab the big nylon from the shopping basket but he st©pped me
“If you eat raw meat here and people start staring at you, they’ll know what you are” he said
” Jinjja? ”
” Sure, so let’s go without causing any scene”
We drove to the boutique and I remembered what grandpa said again
“By the way, why did grandpa tell you to avoid dark ti-ght places?, Are you claustrophobic? ” I asked
“Oh, so you know the meaning of claustrophobia?” He asked
” You really downgrade me, how will I not know the meaning?”
“What about nymphomania? ” He asked
” Isn’t that excess S-xual de-sire in women? ” I replied
” OMG you know it, what of histamine? ” He asked
” An amine, re-leased during allergic reactions” I replied simply
Optometrist?” He asked
“A person trained to examine and treat the eye” I replied
“You know medical, you should join our dep@rtment in school” he said
” Really?, I can join? ”
“No, I was just joking…I don’t want a whole bunch of trouble from you, you might be chasing me around the school asking for meat, but how do you know these things?” He asked
“I just know them” I replied
” We’ll take the lift” he said
” What’s lift? ” I asked
” Oh, back to the kid mode again, it’s like a ladder to climb upstairs, there’s a fas-ter one called the elevator but it’s too ti-ght so I’m always afraid to ride it” he replied
” Oh, but I think the more you fear something, the more the it’ll become ha-rder, you nee-d to be strong and gallant all the time” I said
” Motivational speaker, I hail thee” he replied as we got upstairs
” And why are you claustrophobic?, Have you been locked in a dark ti-ght room before?” I asked
“I dunno, I just know I am claustrophobic” he replied
We shopped for all my clothes, I can’t even choose for myself cos I kept being childish… Maybe Arthur’s words about losing my s-en-se of maturity is not a joke
After picking everything for me including my p@n-ts, br@s, pads , clothes and shoes with bags, they were packed and taken to our car by one of the attendants
We’re about to step on the lift when he talked
“We’ll ride the elevator this time around” he suddenly said
“I thought you’re scared of them?” I asked surprisingly
” Well your motivational speech motivated me, I want to try it, the first time I tried ri-ding an elevator, it wasn’t plea-sant though cos I fainted and spent a week in the hospital” he said and my eyes wi-de-ned
” Then you shouldn’t try it again”
“But you just said it’ll only become my boss if I keep being afraid if it”
“Let’s go” he said and took my hand, he pressed the elevator bu-tton and it opened, we both went in and it started descending
“Maybe it’s good if I enter with someone, see?, Nothing happened” he said with smiles
“I pray this goes well” I mumbled inaudibly and Immediately, the elevator lights went off and it st©pped moving, even the AC st©pped working and it bec@m£ dark, the door won’t open either
“What’s happening?” He asked, obviously shaking
“I dunno” I replied
He took out something from his pocket and gave it to me
“That’s a phone, dial 632, that’s the help line, tell them we’re stuck here” he said, shaking and coughing incoherently as he held his head and started going down, there are tears in his eyes
“Jess are you ok?”
“Just dial the number” he replied, blood coming out of his nostrils
“What’s this?, You’re bleeding and crying, Jess plea-se don’t scare me”
” Dial the number” He said, landing on the floor
I quic-kly did it and said what he told me to do
He’s holding unto his head, nose bleeding, tears in eyes and weak
“Jess, Jess” I called but he’s even too weak to answer
He closed his eyes and I bec@m£ scared
“Jess!, Jess!!, Jesse!!!” I called, holding unto his hoodie but he’s not even shaking
Like a tornado, I stood up quic-kly and ran to the door, with a kick from my leg, the iron door broke and that’s when the rescue team c@m£
“plea-se save him” I said in tears as they moved him to the ambulance
“But… How come a girl like you broke the elevator iron door? ” One of the team asked as we rode to the hospital
” Just save him and st©p asking useless questions, plea-se!!!!!!” I shouted, crying more.