A gumiho’s love episode 5

💕💕💕💕(Will this love be possible???)💕💕💕💕
🔮 Chapter five 🔮
🎲 Jesse 🎲
I ran like my life depended on it
I’ve never seen a gumiho all my life, I just re-ad about them in books…but now she’s chasing me?
I’m going to go crazy
Thanks to my athletic skills, I got home in no time and lock the gate behind me
I breathed incoherently for some minutes before going in…
“What took you so long?, And where is your car?” Grandpa asked surprisingly
Oh…that girl made me forget my car at the museum, can’t believe I ran all the miles, leaving my car behind…fear is really a bastard
“Oh…my car?, My car is…I forgot it at the museum” I stammered
” Mo!, You forgot what?, Is something wrong with you?, You didn’t hit your head somewhere did you?” He asked
” No, it just happened, goodnight grandpa” I rushed and ran upstairs to my room
I yanked off my clothes and entered the shower Immediately, I almost spent an hour in the shower, thinking about what happened earlier, so gumihos still exist?..
Should I tell Grandpa about it?
No, I can’t tell him, I won’t
But what if good luck is no more attached to the cu-ps?, Will that mean my grandpa’s museum will become unpopular?, No, I don’t think it matters
I’m going crazy right now, Gosh!
I didn’t sleep a wi-nk till the next morning
I just pray the girl is gone
I quic-kly prepared for school at six when the day is not bright yet
“Going to school alre-ady?” Grandpa asked
“Yes, I have to br@nch at Nicole’s house to collect something, goodbye grandpa!” I hvgged him
” You won’t eat?” He asked
” I’ll eat at the cafeteria” I replied
“beware of dark places as usual” he said
“I will”
” Will you take your second car?” He asked
” No, I’ll go to the museum to get the car, I’m quiet athletic you know, I’ll take it as my morning jog” I replied
I rushed out and heaved an heavy sigh
I pray I don’t die like this
But it’s still better that I’m free from this girl
I opened the gate and Who did I see?….her!, The gumiho girl!
She’s sitting by the front of the gate, staring daggers at me
“Joeun achimimnida (good morning)” she greeted and my eyes almost popped out of their sockets
” You… you’re.. you’re here?, I thought you st©pped following me?” I asked nervously
“how could I st©p following you when you’re the only one I know here, you saved me from the cu-p but you’re refusing to help me, you sle-pt in last night and I had to sleep out here in the cold, why are you like this huh” she said with that pathetic face.
” Listen, I’m not the working clas-s, I’m still a university student, my grandpa owns the museum with the cu-ps and the cu-ps are the bringer of Glory to the museum, if our museum st©ps being popular…
“The fact that I and my sisters left the cu-p doesn’t mean it’ll st©p bringing good luck, since we spent do much time in it, good luck won’t leave the cu-p, it’ll keep drawing people” she replied
” But….where did the other two girls and the man vanish to?” I asked
“Oh, you mean there were two other girls and a man?, Those are my sisters and bloody Arthur,where in the world will I find them?”
” Your sisters?, And who’s Arthur?” I asked confusedly
” You won’t un-derstand, you said your grandpa owns the museum right?, I must meet him and ask him where he got the cu-ps from and he might know something about why my sisters vanished” she said and made to enter
” No!, I haven’t told anything to my grandpa” I quic-kly said
” Yes, so be patient
” Where do I stay till you’ll tell your grandpa?”
” I dunno, just don’t follow me” I said and started walking away
” I told you not to leave me” she said
” Am I your guardian or what?” I asked
” That ap@rt, I’m hungry” she said
” Gosh, you should have said you’re crazy instead” I replied and started running
She Chased after me like last night
What kind of unfortunate trouble is this???
I looked back at her and she’s even right at my back,more like she’s jogging while I do the running, she’s quiet fas-ter than yesterday
I kept thinking of various things while running that I didn’t notice a coming car, it hit me….. blackout!
🏵️ June 🏵️
That moving thing hit him and he flew to another p@rt of the road
What just happened???
I ran to the person inside the thing and pu-ll-ed him out
“How dare you hit him”
“He’s the one at fault here, he isn’t concentrating” he defended and I sl@pped him
” So you just hit anyone who’s not Concentrating?”
” How dare you sl@p me?” He asked and my eyes shone green
” What are you?” He asked frightfully
” June, I’m June so st©p messing around” I replied and pushed him away
I ran to the guy and found him still unconscious on the ground with a small wound on his forehead, it’s bleeding slightly
I placed my hand on his che-st
He spranged up
“What happened to me?” He asked
“That thing hit you”
“You mean a car?”
“Oh, it’s jadongcha? (A car?)”
“Are you a kid?, You don’t even know it’s a car”
“Well, it hit you and your forehead is…
He t©uçhed the slightly bleeding wound on his forehead
“Gosh!, My handsome face has been ruined” he complained
“Let me help you with that” I said and wanted to place my hand on his forehead but he pushed it away
“I want to help you heal your wound, just calm down” I said and this time, he allowed me to t©uçh his forehead… immediately I t©uçhed it, the wound healed up
He t©uçhed his forehead and his eyes wi-de-ned
“OMG!, It’s healed, thanks…
” June, my name is June” I interrupted
“June?, It sounds weird, I don’t like it, I might end up calling you gumiho if you keep bearing that name, how about we change it?” He asked
” To what?”
“a more manageable name like hmmmmm….. Anita!” He said
” Oh, it sounds great, Anita, so I’m now Anita?”
” Yes, I’ll address you as Anita”
” So are you re-ady to help me now?” I asked
” I can’t say yet but you saved my face, I’ll think about it”
“Ileumi moe eyo?(what’s your name?)” I asked
” Jesse, Jesse Lee” he replied
“Not bad, so where are we heading to?” I asked
” To the museum, thanks to someone, I didn’t get to take my car yesterday, I ran all the way home, leaving my car behind” he replied and I pouted
I lifted my feet one after the other cos the ground is cold, I’m ba-refooted, I lost my shoes while running last night
And my Robe, people that are pas-sing are staring at me, I definitely don’t fit in cos their dressings are different
I feel invalid as we walked to the museum
We got there and he entered the car
I dunno how to open the door
“You dunno how to open a car’s door?, You’re really from the ancient times, how many years did you say you spent in the cu-p?” He asked
” Fifty” I replied
” It’s not a child’s pla-y, hop in” he said as he opened the car door
I got in and my stomach rumbled
“Baekopayo (I’m hungry), I want meat” I said
” Did you eat at all for those fifty years?” He asked
“No” I replied
“You’re really a gumiho, and nothing happened to you, no wonder your stomach is ma-king funny sounds, I’ll buy you ramyeon”
” No, I want meat…beef, chicken or pork” I replied
” I forgot gumihos only eat meat, but before then, we’ll have to do something about your robe, you can’t keep going around south Korea with this outd@t£d old robe and ba-refoot” he said
😍 Jesse 😍
” Go in and wear anything they give to you..” I said to her as we got to the boutique and people stared at her… actually her robe
“Get her a simple go-wn” I said to the attendants and they took her in
Ten minutes later
“Jesse, how do I look?” She asked, coming out of the dressing room with a light brown go-wn and her hair down….she’s beautiful though but she behaves like a kid
“Different from that cave woman” I replied and she squinted
“I’m hungry” she said again
” It’s ok, let’s go to a restaurant” I replied
An hour later
She dropped the sixteenth plate of meat servings on the table and smiled..the meat oil stained all herl-ips and chin, her hands are full of meat crumbs
She’s…a total kid!
“I want more” she said
“After the sixteenth?”
“Buy me more” she said
The server brou-ght bubbly water in a cu-p and placed it on the table
Immediately she saw it, she ran out of the restaurant
I ran after her
“Wae?” I asked as she p@n-ted heavily
“I don’t want to see cu-ps, I hate them!” She said
I un-derstand why she’s like that though
“It’s ok, let’s go”
I drove to school and dropped her at the hallway
” Sit here and wait for me,I have just three clas-ses today and it ends in four hours”
” It’s long”
” Just wait”
” Ok”
I rushed to clas-s and met Rachel and Nicole alre-ady seated
“You’re unusually late” Nicole said
“How was your night?” Rachel asked
“since when did you start asking how was my night?”
“Is it a taboo for friends to ask that question?” She said, holding my hand again
I don’t un-derstand why she’s doing this
Lecturer Osaka c@m£ in and clas-ses started
Three hours later 💧
Strangely, I kept thinking of miss gumiho…no, Anita
What if she causes trouble in the hallway?, She’s a whole bunch of it
“Annyeonghas-seo (Hello)” someone said from the back and everyone turned to look… it’s her!, Anita
“Yes?, Who do you seek?” Lecturer Osaka asked
“Jess, Jess, Jess, Jess” she replied childishly and I stood up, the whole clas-s is staring
“I told you to….
“I’m hungry, buy me meat” she interrupted