A gumiho’s love episode 15

💕💕💕💕(Will this love be possible???)💕💕💕💕
🔮 Chapter fifteen 🔮
🎲 Jesse 🎲
“Sleep in my room tonight” I told immediately we left the girls room… May is beyond annoying!
“no, I’m not slee-ping in your room you per-vert!” She sh0t and I smiled at her overprotective behavior
“What were you thinking about?,I think you’re the real per-vert” I replied, crossing my arms on my che-st as she stood in front of me
“The full moon is out, why don’t you show me your tails?” She asked
” That’s true, you’ll be the first one to see them” I said before pu-lling her to the courtyard where the moonlight dominated
I closed my eyes and my nine tails c@m£ out
*Whoa!, First time I’m seeing a nine tailed gumiho, it’s cute!”she exclaimed as she watched me
I took in my tails and pu-ll-ed her in
“I alre-ady told you I’m not slee-ping in your room” she said
“Then I’ll have to kidnap you” I replied and bundled her unto my shoulders
I carried her into my room and locked the door
“per-vert!” She sh0t and I smiled
“It’s ok, call me names”
“Bad boy!”
“That’s sweet, bad boys can be the sweetest” I replied and she threw a pillow at me
I fell on the be-d and pu-ll-ed her closer, she struggled to break free but I made it impossible
“Let’s just sleep like this” I said, closing my eyes alre-ady
She calmed down and snuggled closer
💎 Kim Yung 💎
“Look who we have here, it’s you” grandpa said as I entered his office at the museum
The cu-ps has been burnt but still the museum remained the best for their antiques
“Good afternoon grandpa”
“Have your sit” he replied and I did
” I c@m£ here to ask something” I said
“Go on”
“As a pure vampire who doesn’t want to drink human blood, you know I have to pas-s throu-gh rigorous pains one day in a week, my pains come every Tuesday and it’s rather too agonizing, what can I do?, Do you know any tricks to less£n the pain?”
” Yung, you see there is no way you can escape the pains so far you remain a vampire”
” You mean, if the pains will st©p, that’ll be when I become human?”
” Yes, you have to become human”
” How?, I’ve been re-ading much vampire books and I’ve never come across anyone that has how a vampire can become human”
” There’s no such book, but I’ll go throu-gh some research for you and the lovebirds, I want Jesse and Nita to become humans too” he said
” But you’re left with a month to spend here”
“Don’t worry, I’ll do everything before leaving, though I s-en-se it’s not gonna be easy at all” he replied
I left his office amidst various thoughts
How I wish I’m a free human, how I wish I’m not a bloody vampire!
I just can’t withstand the pains anymore
I bu-mped into someone as I swam in thoughts
It’s April!
“April?, What are you doing here, I hear you work in a restaurant, aren’t you supposed to be there right now?”
” So much questions, yes I work in a restaurant but this is also grandpa Lee’s museum so I c@m£ to take a stroll here, it’s my first time anyways” she replied
“oh do you mind we taking the walk together?”
” I don’t mind” she replied cheerfully as we both strolled round the museum
I’ve come here a lot of times so I showed her around
After some minutes
“I’m hungry” we both said simultaneously
“That’s crazy” she remarked and we laughed as we head to the parking lot
I drove us to a nearby restaurant where we ate satisfactorily
“Thanks for the meal” she said
“It’s nothing”
“So you said you went to see grandpa, why?” She asked
“Oh, it’s because I have some important things to ask him”
” Like what?” She asked inquisitively
” Are you this nosy?”
” Maybe” she replied and rolled eyes
I smiled
“I asked him about what I can do to ease my pains and he said I must become human”
” Oh that?, I and my sisters has always wanted to become humans too but it seems impossible” she said
” It’s possible, you guys just hasn’t met the way”
She glanced at her watch
“Oh I have to go back to the restaurant right now”.
” It’s ok, see you around” I replied as she left the place
I sighed softly
😘 Jesse 😘
A week later
It’s the athletes competition today in school
Honestly since I got back my powers I haven’t been going to clas-s, I know just everything, it c@m£ like a br@instorm
And also I’m trying to avoid Rachel and Nicole, especially now that I know Rachel likes me
Today is the athletes competition and I’m the star athlete here ..I can run miles in minutes
And for the fact that I now have my powers…get re-ady for some amazement
“You can do it Jesse” April said
“Where’s Anita?” I asked
” She went to the restroom, she’ll be here anytime” she replied as Yung c@m£ over
” Dude”
“you better motivate me and scream when I’m running… just say..”go Jesse!” I said and he smiled
“fv¢k $h!t” he replied
“fv¢k you if you don’t cheer me up” I replied before going to my lane..the stadium is full and the race is about to start
Still, Anita is nowhere to be found…I’m not scared cos I know she’s ok, but where can she be
“On your marks!” The Whistler announced and we bent down on our Lanes
The race Started and all my competitors started running but I never left where I am
I’m still waiting for Anita to come
“Go Jesse!” April shouted
May suddenly showed up
” Jesse go!, You can do it!” She shouted
“Are you insane right now?, The race is on going and you’re not moving!” Yung shouted
But I still didn’t move
And the others are still on the race
“Jesse go!” The students shouted
Then I sp©tted Anita coming with a banner, I smiled as I saw her
She raised up the banner which has “go S-xy love!, I love you Jess!” Written on it
I blew her k!sses before taking off
I caught up with my competitors within minutes and reached the end of the lane
The whole stadium almost c@m£ down with shouts from students as all the medical students c@m£ down to raise me up on their shoulders
When they finally put me down, I saw Anita smiling wi-dely
I hvgged her ti-ght
“Where were you?, You kept me waiting”
“I’m sorry I had to get that banner and write those br@in juggling words” she replied and I pe-cked her cheeks
” I love you”
” I love you”
🔮 Anita 🔮
We got back home and May threw tantrums as usual
“He didn’t even see me, he was all-over you” she ranted
“Are you sharing your br@in with someone?, How many times do I have to tell you that he loves me and I love him too”
She raised her hand to sl@p me but I held it down
“You know it yourself that you are not fit, you can’t possibly overpower me in hundred years, so just get back to your s-en-ses”.
I stormed out of the room
Such a bone!
I got a call from Priya….I have a phone alre-ady cos Jess got me one
☎️ Hey best friend
☎️ Big news!, Anita you’ve been nominated to shoot for Golden cosmetics tommorow!
☎️ Really?, Golden cosmetics?, Aren’t they the best in South Korea?
☎️ Yes, you’re shooting for their new br@nd of powder, go for it girl!, Just don’t worry I got your costumes re-ady alre-ady, you just have to meet me at our usual studio tomorrow
☎️ Thanks a million bestie
💧 May 💧
June, you’re stepping on my nerves, if only you know what I can do to you, you won’t be talking shabbily to me like that
Yes you’re the most powerful among the three of us but I know just what to do to overpower you
I intensionally didn’t go to the restaurant today
June went for her shoot and April went to work
Grandpa went to the museum and Jesse is in his room
I took my bath and creamed my b©dy..I put on a bikini, I hear it helps in s£dûç!ng
I used makeup and blew my hair
I walked to his room and the door is even opened
I ti-ptoed in and met him slee-ping
But I guess all gumihos are full of suspicions
He spranged up
“What are you doing here, and what are you wearing?”
“Don’t you get it?, I like you?”
” Oh Jesus! plea-se get out”
” Jesse you nee-d to un-derstand my feelings”
“There’s nothing to un-derstand” he replied as I went closer to him and tried to t©uçh him but he pushed me away and I fell
“Get out!”
“You’ll regret this!, You’ll regret ever turning me down!” I blurted before leaving angrily
💗 Anita 💗
“I’m glad the shoot was successful, the director s£nt the pictures to the CEO of Golden cosmetics alre-ady and he said I’m good!, He likes them….cool money is coming my way”
” I know right?, You’re lucky” she replied sadly
” Why do you seem sad?”
” I’ll be going back to India after my last exams next month and I won’t be seeing you again”
” Really?, That’s sad though but don’t be sad, just know that you’re always in my heart”
” A friend like you is rare”
” But we still have a few weeks before the exam, just let’s not be sad, and I also have something to tell you in school tomorrow”
” I’ll see you tomorrow, why don’t you drive with me, I’ll drop you home” she offered
” No, I just want to walk today, I’m too happy” I replied and she smiled
“As you wish”
She drove away and I sighed
I’ll be a successful model soon
But then I can hear strange movements behind me…a person is surely hiding here
I traced the scent and found Rachel hiding behind a pole
“What are you doing here hiding like a mouse?” I asked
“How the hell did you know I’m here, I was quiet,are you really a…
I smell someone coming behind me but I didn’t turn back
I know exactly what the person is trying to do
I suddenly felt something thrû-st into my back
I looked back and it’s Nicole, she actually stabbe-d me with a knife and my blood stained the ground as it rushed out
Anger consumed the whole of me and my eyes shone green as i re-moved the knife from my back and the wound healed up immediately, the bloodstains dried up too
I can see the look of shock on their faces
I gr@bb£d them by their n£¢ks and pinned them to the wall
“Why are you two trying to kill me!” I demanded as my eyeba-lls bec@m£ normal again
They kept struggling to break free
“Anita!” Someone called from behind..that’s Jess
I let them go and they fell down heavily