a game of love and obsession episode 14 & 15


Chapter 14 and 15

All of a sudden, two police officers barged into the room and caught Jasmine red-handed trying to kill Sandra. They immediately stopped her and arrested her. The policemen alerted the nurses who immediately attended to Sandra. Sandra was immediately put on oxygen. Jasmine was dragged out the room in handcuffs. She was shocked and surprise. How could the police find her? There was no policeman around when she was entering. She knew she was in serious trouble. Right at the reception, she saw Sheila. Sheila looked at her and gave her a wry smile. Jasmine immediately knew that it was Sheila who alerted the police. She thought she was a friend. It seemed Sheila meant her threat at the nightclub.

Jesse was sitting in the car when he saw policemen entering into the hospital. He didn’t seem much bothered initially since he thought they might be there on night patrols. He waited for some time, but Jasmine wasn’t coming out of the hospital. “What is keeping this girl? Doesn’t she know I have to return to this hospital early in the morning,” said Jesse in frustration.

Jesse became tensed with the intensity of the police presence. He was wondering why there was a heavy presence of the police at the hospital at that time of the day. “I have to get inside and get Jasmine. It seems there is something wrong. Yea! That explains why she has kept long inside the hospital. I nee-d to get her,” Jesse said and got out of the car.

To his amazement, he saw Jasmine coming out of the building surrounded by two policemen. He also noticed her hands were behind her. He was glad to see her. He thought the police were evacuating the building and had found Jasmine. He ran towards her direction only to be stopped by a policeman. “My friend!! Where do you think you are going to?” The policeman asked with a harsh tone. The look on his face frightened Jesse. “I am going for my girl. There she is,” Jesse responded while pointing at Jasmine. “That! She is un-der arrest,” said the policeman.

Jesse was shocked and confused at the same time. But, his eyes were not deceiving him. Jasmine was indeed in handcuffs and he was dumbfounded. Nothing could express the shock on Jesse’s face as he watched Jasmine being tossed into the police car. “Please sir, what did she do?” Jesse asked the officer. “She has been arrested on murder charges. She was caught red-handed trying to kill a patient,” The Police Officer explained. “What!! Are you sure of what you are saying? I was with her in the car just some minutes ago. How can this be possible?” Jesse asked back in surprise.

The Officer began to suspect Jesse. “You mean you were with her before the incident took place?” the Police Officer asked ignoring Jesse’s initial question. “Yes! I was with her. A friend of mine is on admission here. I was with her when Jasmine came. We decided to go home together before we realized she had left her Br@celet in the hospital. She had to go back for it,” Jesse said trying to explain himself. “And what is the name of this your friend?” The Officer asked. “Sandra is her name,” Jesse answered. “Sandra… Sandra… That is the name of the victim she tried to murder. Her name was given as Sandra,” the Officer blurted out. “I think there is a mix up somewhere. Why would Jasmine want to murder Sandra!!? This is insane and ridiculous!! It doesn’t make any sense!! They are not enemies, Officer!” Jesse exclaimed. “I am just giving you the facts. Anyway, since you know both the victim and the accused, your presence will be required at the station. You nee-d to answer few questions,” the Officer finally said. Jesse had no other choice than to follow the Officer to the Police Station.

After answering few questions in the police station, Jesse came to know the truth about Jasmine. He felt sad for not being able to see those evil traits in her. “Why would Jasmine want to do this evil thing all in the name of love. And the fact that she is a pros-titute is killing me. Stealing from all those men after sleeping with them? Jasmine, the one who calls herself my girlfriend is on a police wanted list for fraud? I can’t believe this! Why is this always my case? Why do I always encounter ill-lucks in relationships. Theodora left me for another man and slashed my heart into pieces. Now, Jasmine has succeeded in ripping my heart out of my che-st,” Jesse said and cried on his way home.

Jesse was greatly troubled and depressed. The only thing that gave him some sort of Joy was when thoughts of Sandra came to his mind. “I have to go to the hospital to see how Sandra is doing. Oh, that poor girl! Innocent and calm as a sheep. Throu-ghno fault of hers, she is battling with death all because of that maniac called, Jasmine,” Jesse said and changed his direction from going home. He headed for the hospital.

Jesse got to the hospital to find Sandra on oxygen. The door to her hospital room was being guided by policemen. Jesse knew there was no way they would allow him to enter. He stared at Sandra throu-ghthe glas-s in the door for some time, turned around and went home.

Jesse was greatly troubled when he got to the house. It was very late, but he couldn’t sleep. Sleep was not part of his problem. He was thinking if he was un-der a sort of curse that always lands him in the wrong relationship or he had wrong priorities. He thought about these things for a long time. “I have always wanted to be in a lasting relationship all my life. But, the more I search, the more i get unlucky. It is as if I am immune to happiness in a relationship. I poured out my heart into every relationship only to be disappointed with betrayal. How will I ever trust another woman again after this? They are all the same. The only difference is their curvatures and calving. They are all made up of the same component-betrayal!!” Jesse exclaimed as he laid on the sofa.

Although Jesse said those words in his moment of frustration, he still felt different about Sandra. He knew it would be difficult for him to trust another lady, but was he going to stay single forever. He thought it would be foolish to do so. “I won’t give up. I will continue to search until I find the one who will be true to me. There is no victory without strife and trials. I nee-d to overcome this trial. The only person I know can be true to me is, Sandra. That lady has a pure heart. And as far as I am concerned, she is not dating. The only way I can forget about Jasmine is to enter into another relationship and Sandra is the perfect choice. My only prayer is for her survives and recover quickly so I can make my intentions known to her, “ Jesse said. He smiled and went to the bedroom to get a nap. The sun would be rising soon and he had to be in the office and the hospital.


Although Jesse said those words in his moment of frustration, he still felt different about Sandra. He knew it would be difficult for him to trust another lady, but was he going to stay single forever. He thought it would be foolish to do so. “I won’t give up. I will continue to search until I find the one who will be true to me. There is no victory without strife and trials. I nee-d to overcome this trial. The only person I know can be true to me is Sandra. That lady has a pure heart. And as far as I know, she is not dating. The only way I can forget about Jasmine is to enter into another relationship and Sandra is the perfect choice. My only prayer is she survives and recover quickly so I can make my intentions known to her, “ Jesse said. He smiled and went to the bedroom to have a nap. Day would be breaking soon and he had to be in the office and the hospital.

Jesse startled from his sleep with the thoughts of Jasmine and everything that had happened the previous day. He looked at the time and realized it was 5:30 in the morning. He got up and started preparing for work. He wanted to pas-s by the hospital to see how Sandra was doing. Within minutes, he was done and was out of the house en route to the hospital.

Jesse was at the hospital in no time. He nee-ded to be fast to get to the office. As expected, he saw the policemen keeping watch over Sandra. He stopped and hesitated.He was thinking if they would allow him to enter the room to see Sandra. They refused him entry just the night before and he had no choice than to go home. He gathered courage and walked up to them. “Hello, Officers. Good morning,” greeted Jesse when he got nearer to the police officers. “Good morning, Sir. How may we help you?” One of the policemen answered and asked. “Please, I am here to see the patient. I came last night, but I wasn’t able to see her. Please can I see her now?” Jesse implored. “You can go in, but you have to be searched first. We are investigating a murder case and we can’t take any risk,” said another policeman. “No problem, Sir. You can go ahead,” Jesse responded.

With that Jesse was searched and allowed entry. He opened the door and was shocked by what he saw. He saw another guy in the room sitting beside Sandra. What even drew his attention was how the guy held Sandra’s hand. He held it so pas-sionately. He wept as he spoke. Fortunately, Sandra was conscious, but was too weak to speak audibly initially. It seemed she just woke up from her sleep. Sandra was also sharing tears. Both of them seemed to be lost in their world that they couldn’t notice Jesse’s presence. Jesse stood there and eavesdropped on their conversation.

“Sandra, I am very sorry I left your side. I am feeling responsible for everything you are going throu-ghnow. If I were to be by your side, I believe the story would have been different from this,” the guy said amidst tears. “It is not your fault, Desmond. You had every right to go. I was happy when I heard you were dating. I knew you loved me with all your heart and I am sorry for not reciprocating the feeling,” Sandra said almost indistinctively.

Now, Jesse was lost. He had no idea of where the conversation was getting to. First of all, he didn’t know Desmond. Sandra never mentioned his name in their numerous conversations. Jesse was wondering who Desmond was to Sandra. Was this how all his relationships were going to be? He just thought of Sandra as the right person and here she was catching up with God knows who. He was tempted to interrupt the conversation, but courtesy wouldn’t let him.

“I am here for you, Sandra. I won’t go anywhere this time around. I tried to find happiness elsewhere, but it all ended in misery. Do you think I will leave your side again? Never! I won’t dare. I will stay by your side always. I have realized that bad things happen to us when we are separated. We are meant for each other, Sandra,” said Desmond as he wiped tears from his eyes with the back of his hand. Jesse couldn’t stand the scene anymore. His emotions were completely imbalanced at the time that he forgot about how late he was to the office.

He wouldn’t have minded if it didn’t appear that Sandra was thinking about what Desmond was saying. Sandra was also weeping alongside Desmond. Jesse unintentionally kicked the door with his shoes out of nervousness. It was then, the two realized they had company. Sandra looked over Desmond’s shoulders and saw Jesse. “I am sorry for intruding. I will come back later,” Jesse said and began to fidget with the doorknob. “Jesse, I want you to meet, Desmond. He is my best friend,” Sandra said. Jesse left the doorknob and walked into the room nervously.

He shook Desmond’s hand and went over to Sandra. “How are you feeling?” Jesse asked. “I am better today. I am just glad that your crazy girlfriend didn’t send me to the grave at my prime,” Sandra said teasingly. “I am really sorry for that, Sandra. Another thing, I don’t want you to refer to her as my girlfriend. It is over between us! I cannot be in a relationship with the devil,” said Jesse. “I hear you, Sir. I believe you are dressed for work?” Sandra asked. “Yes, but I decided to see you before going and I am glad you are doing okay,” Jesse said and smiled. “The doctor said I will be discharged in three days’ time. I will join you when I am discharged,” Sandra as-sured Jesse. Jesse just smiled and Sandra reciprocated.

Meanwhile, Desmond was feeling uncomfortable with the way Jesse and Sandra had become so acquainted with each other. To the best of his knowledge, he was the only one who had that rapport with Sandra. He thought after the horrible breakup with Bella, he would come back to meet Sandra unattached. He was wondering how Jesse was able to get close to Sandra in such a short time. He knew Sandra to be a reserved person and only he had had the opportunity to pene-trate her walls.

Jesse excused himself after speaking with Sandra for a while to go to work. He shook hands with Desmond the second time and said goodbye. Although he was happy he had the chance to talk to Sandra, he wasn’t feeling good leaving Sandra alone with a guy who was just professing love to her. But, there was nothing he could do to help the situation. He just nee-ded to have hope. He was already late to work and he nee-ded to hurry.

“I can see you have gotten yourself a new friend, Sandra,” said Desmond. “Oh, Jesse. He is my coworker. He is from the other company my company is having a meager with. We have indeed become close during the past few weeks. Actually, we are working together on a project,” said Sandra. “I see. That was why I wasn’t hearing from you anymore. I guess he is good at keeping company, “said Desmond jealously. Sandra just smiled and refused to comment on his statement.

Desmond realizing the silence decided to ask more questions to satisfy his curiosity. “So are you guys dating or something? Because I can really see the closeness,” Desmond asked. “Oh, no. His girlfriend was the one who ran me over with her car and tried to suffocate me yesterday. She almost killed me, Desmond out of jealousy. She thought Jesse was cheating on her with me,” Sandra responded. “You got to be kidding me! You mean that maniac is his girlfriend? “Desmond asked. “Was, Desmond. He broke up with her yesterday after the incident,” Sandra blurted out.

Desmond was immediately troubled when he realized that Jesse was single. He knew he was a real competition. “What are you thinking about, Desmond?” Sandra asked. “Nothing in particular, dear. Was just thinking about what I would have done if I had lost you. Considering the fact that I haven’t seen you in months. It would have been very difficult for me. I am just glad you survived. I am happy that you didn’t sli-p away from me, Sandra,” Desmond said pas-sionately almost at the brink of shedding tears
