A brief r0m@nç£with the devil batch 2

– A tale of Bayo and Bunmi (Episode 5)
Congratulations to you Mr. Bayo Fadi-pe on your well deserved appointment as our new Procurement Manager, the Board Chairperson will like to have a word with you in her pri-vate office “he shook my hand and directed me to her office”.
The environment was super dope as I had wished to work in a corporate environment’s as cozy as this with extremely neat ambience. I adjusted my tie and walked majestically towards the elevator as I did self admiration of my sharp look, stylishly tou-ching my neatly shaved beards, observing my broad shoulders and not exempting my powerful Italian perfume which I took from Bunmi.
In couple of minutes I had arrived the sixth floor to meet the Board Chairperson of my new company, I took redress again and had a dee-per breath to build my confidence because I wanted to live a positive impression with my new boss. Shockingly, I stepped into the office and had my mouth opened requiring special as-sistance to close it, this was because Bunmi and two others where seated.
Good day young man, kindly have your seat ” Bunmi said”. I had lost my confidence again as I stammered to say “Thank you”. Congratulations once again for joining the B-Stones Nigeria Limited the No. 1 Jewelry Hub in the whole of West Africa ” Bunmi said and shook hands with me”. She immediately requested they offer me black tea, cream and cracker. She immediately rounded up her meeting with the two persons who where initially seated with her.
Bunmi you are so cunning in your dealings, you s£nt me a link to apply for a job claiming its one of your friend’s company “Bayo said”. Hahahahaha nothing good comes so easy Bayo “she laughed and tapped me on my shoulders”. How does it feel to be un-der an interview panel? Imagine Bayo telling me he is busy studying for a test ” She said and laughed profusely “.
I stood dumbfounded watching Bunmi demonstrate are acting skills yet again, you truly amaze me Bunmi ” I said with a hvge sign of relief because the job take home package was too cool to be true”. I closed my eyes and rested my head on one of the executive chairs as I had lost some pounds of blood within the shortest space of time. I raised up my head again only to see that Bunmi had taken off her suit left with her br@ which is over flowing off alre-ady from her br£@st cu-p.
Not here Bunmi plea-se “I said”, before I could say another word, she had taken off her mini shi-t left with her S-xy blue p@n-t, my pe-nisgave a standing ovation in appreciation of physiological performances as her w@!st bead waggled up and down on her very fleshy water stretched mark as-s in a beautiful demonstration.
She pounced on me using her foretool to attack me, her br£@st kept pushing my head to the direction that plea-ses it, I wondered how she moves with these gigantic buildings called brea-st. Indeed this is the br£@st of life who ever su-cks from it shall never ever get tasty again ” I said in satisfaction” while I had her repeatedly in her office.
– A tale of Bayo and Bunmi (Episode 6)
Thank you for all you have been to me, showing total belief in my abilities in the midst of nothing and giving unalloyed support to every course I embark on. Words are quite few to thank you enough for the sacrifice of carrying my little princess in you from the prenatal stage coolval stories and on your back after delivery, trekking unimaginable distances un-der the skin burning sun just to lend a hand of support and cushion the financial burden saddled on my shoulders.
I possibly would not have gotten to my de-sired sp©t but I wish that some day I will be there, so that I can stand on a very high podium and tell the world how true, loving and supportive you have been as a wife “I held my wife closely and k!$$£d her, while I gently mas-saged my daughter who was slee-ping on my wives back”.
Irresistibly, my wife who has a stream of tears on her eyes had started pouring down h0t, pas-sionate and emotional tear rain. ” Swiftly she hvgged me and prayed for me in her usual manner”. I took off her native coral beads and wore her a 24 karat gold, knelt down again looking at the steel ring which she was wearing looking so dark and ugly, could this be the reason every rich guy who comes across my wife wants to have her? I took her hand to my self, pu-ll-ed off the old and ugly ring and wore her a new gold ring. The sparkles and glittering s£nt a fresh and renewed message of love piercing de-ep into my heart. Truly, every good woman deserves to be treated nicely.
The hour had come to explore my wife, because the feeling was almost the same as it was on our first night. I carried my daughter who was fast asleep from my wives back and la-id her in her be-d because I know this episode would be too adventurous, hence would nee-d absolute concentration, strategic moves and much experience to conquer the battle before me. My wife who is a lead character in this movie and a strong S-x combatant won’t hesitate to give me several S-xual combos that will lead to my pe-nisbru-tality.
Much as I predicted, she had un-hooked her br@, with her n!ppl!s pointing at me like a police rifle, I quic-kly too cover by opening my mouth to consume her br£@st which was alre-ady spitting fire, she m0@n ed at my first attack which was heading towards wrecking down her v—-a sh!pto get flooded with fluid. I f!ngered her and li-cked it. This will be a clash of the Titans “I said”.
(((Grrrrrnnnnn))) My phone rang and vibr@ted simultaneously, I ignored. My wife who was getting distracted picked the phone to put it off behold it was Bunmi, babe its your boss ” She said and stretched the phone to me”. I took the call to know and reduced the volume, but Bunmi been too smart would always pl@ya fast one. Sorry for calling this late but our South Africa p@rtners just brou-ght in some of the procured items, your pres£nce would be nee-ded immediately along side the stock keeper to take inventories before they leave. I dropped the call in frustration because I knew Bunmi’s game. Hey babe, what’s wrong? “She asked”. I told her we nee-d to monitor some procurement right away, the poor woman who un-derstands me at every point quic-kly urged me to go after preaching sermons of how this job c@m£ in as a way opening.
My facial expression was still stoic as I couldn’t express my true feeling because guilt had hit me had knowing I wasn’t treating my wife fare enough. I took of key and drove out with my official car, I arrived Bunmi’s house she was alre-ady n-ked and drun!kwith strong wine. Why have u chos£n to make life miserable for me, you have S-x with me at will not considering my wife and self happiness ” I yelled”. I receive a quic-k reply to keep my my shut with a back hand sl@p on my cheek, you are such an ingrate Bayo, how dare you raise you voice at me, do you know how much I have lavished on you and your family just to put you in check? “She said and poured her drink on my face”.
Am sorry, “I said bowing down”. But… I think I still deserve to treat my wife right!. Ssssssshhhhhhhh! She placed her index f!nger on my l-ips £nding a symbolic message to keep shut as she k!$$£d and r0m@nç£d me pas-sionately, after I had finished ban-ging her and ma-king her squir-t repeatedly. She brou-ght out a menu and handed it to me, I looked at it with keen interest behold it was a weekly S-x roaster for the new month.
– A tale of Bayo and Bunmi (Episode 7)
She gr@bb£d my ba-lls and pushed me against my sofa with her Goliath size, attacking me with with k!sses and aggressive c@r£ss!ng, specifically squee-zing my n!ppl!s. Just as Samson exhausted his last strength in pu-lling down the temple against the Philistines so did Bayo placed his hands firmly on Bunmi pushing her away from his t©p struggling for breath. Not here, not now and not soon, even if you have completely lost respect for my b©dy which has become your S-x toy you don’t have to disrespect my matrimonial home and my wife, this I won’t take from you for any reason “Bayo yelled at the t©p of his voice, pointing his index f!nger directly into Bunmi’s face”.
She stood speechless for a few minutes gazing at him like she had seen a ghost, you pushed me like a thrash can? Wow! How ungrateful can you? “She said p@n-ting and walking around like a wounded lioness “. I knew we are alre-ady heading towards another conference of emotional blackmail, I quic-kly reduced my tone to soften the battle ahead, Bunmi! Bunmi!! “I called her twice while she snubbe-d”. Sincerely, I am sorry for pushing you away but you know that this isn’t right in all fairness and rational point evaluation, I might not be the best of a husband to my wife but she is the best any man can ever have as a wife, that is enough reason for me to respect this home, plea-se I have always kept to our S-x schedule, today is my time off and I quic-kly decided to make dinner for my wife hence I am not expecting you to badge into me all in the name of signing any do¢v-ment. With all due respect kindly use the exit ” Bayo opened the door for Bunmi to go out”.
Just at the balcony Bunmi and my wife collided with their shoulders and exchanged shallow plea-santries which was facially evident that Bunmi was upset, but vague a deceptive smile as usual. My wife being a pri-vate local detective kept mute and waited for about two minutes carefully watching her exit our compound. She entered the living and greeted, untied my daughter from her back and gave her to me. Why did Bunmi leave in that manner? “She asked”. In what manner did she leave? ” I cunningly asked”. I don’t know but I think something wasn’t right anyways or did you both have an argument over work? You never mentioned at any point that she was going to visit and don’t know why she keeps bu-mping into us at home at her will? I think we deserve some privacy out of your work place, anyways that’s by the way, how has your day been? “she conclusively gave me a soft land after asking series of technical questions”.
I quic-kly rushed into the kitchen to prepare dinner for my wife to avoid further verbal missiles from the chief detective. I prepared the dinning and served her, after we had eaten I ran warm water for her to bath, my wife won’t fail me because she has a special way of saying thank you when she is pampered. My guesses where accurate because my wife had worn a light S-xy lingering with mild deodorant waiting for her guest speaker in our wonderful and ro-mantic healing vigil. All the S-xual musical instruments gave been well stationed especially my microphone, she c@m£ into the room after ensuring my daughter was fast asleep. She k!$$£d me over and over again, moving her b©dy ero-tic ally and slaked my hunger with her br£@st in my mouth. She k!$$£d my ñ@v£l to ensure I get fully arou-sedand immediately took up my microphone for a wonderful worsh!psession, she was humble to core as she di-pped my pe-nisin her mouth at a calculated interval which showed her level of experience.
She rolled her ton-gue on my pe-niscap and I felt a sharp pain like I was pierced, hold on baby, plea-se put on the light “I requested”. I observed my pe-nisto see if I had any injury behold I saw scratched which looked fresh, but for the excitement of the moment local man nee-ds to c-m and spit out some of the waste around my loins, I gr@bb£d her to continue the matter before us, but she resisted and brou-ght out a gold eating from her mouth.
Who is the owner of this earring I found around the sofa? “She asked in a tone of having a counter question to my answer”. What earring and how many women do we have in this house? “I returned the question trying to gain balance”. Ooohhhh really! She dropped the earring in my hand, this is alre-ady getting tough if I don’t respond intelligently. Oooh this you mean? “I asked” Yes! “That I mean she twisted her eyes and pointed at the earring in my hand”. They where p@rt of the samples Bunmi brou-ght to show me, she had called earlier if she left it here, I quic-kly picked my phone and called Bunmi.
Hello Bunmi, sorry I had to call this late, the earring you where asking about was found by my wife a couple of minutes ago, I will also check if the other two earrings you asked about are here by dawn “I said”. My wife looked and smiled, she placed her hand by the pillow and brou-ght out the ash coloured singlet I wore earlier and pointed a session stained with heavy makeup and asked “did Bunmi also forgot her make up on your singlet?”
I really don’t get what you mean by all these insinuations, but if it is where you are driving at then am shocked, any ways good night, talk to you tomorrow “Bayo quic-kly initiated a quarrel, backed his wife and sle-pt off”.