a bride for the ceo Episode 57


Awesome 🌟

Episode Fifty Seven
A red beautiful car drove into the big compound of the Darlingtons’. Ashley, Alexa, Adrian and Jemima got down, maids c@m£ over to where they were, bowed their head and took their bags. Some men and women were standing outside, they were guards.

“Wow!!!” Jemima exclaimed before she knew it and she smiled nervously.

“Really seriously, this place is more than beautiful” Alexa said as they walked into the house.

“You can say that again big sis” Adrian said smiling while Ashley nodded “Dad!!!!” He screamed happily after seeing his Dad eating and also working on his l@pt©p, George turned to see his kids, they all ran to him and hvgged him, Jemima looked at them smiling.

“J, c’mon you’re p@rt of the family now” Ashley said, Jemima c@m£ to join in the hvg, they all dis£ngaged.

“So you all decided to leave Mom” George asked.

“Not really but we want her to have some alone time with her sweetheart” Adrian said wi-nking, they laughed.

“I hope you haven’t been listening and seeing what you shouldn’t” George said tea-singly as they all sat around the table, three maids c@m£ to serve them.

“Ofcourse, not” Ashley said laughing.

“Dad?? I think Jemima has a crush on me” Adrian said wi-nking, J st©pped eating and looked at Adrian, the girls were laughing silently.

“Really, Wow dear that’s super great for a beautiful girl to have a crush on you wow that awesome” George said pla-ying alone.

 Sir that’s not true” J said nervously.

“Really???” Ashley said wi-nking at J who began to laugh seeing the way Adrian, Ashley and Alexa were wi-nking and staring at her “J don’t be shy, Adrian is really a great guy” She added.

“Ofcourse” Adrian said.

“But don’t be scared when your crush decides not to put on any clothes in the morning and walk about n@ked” George said and everyone bur-st out laughing.

“Adrian??!! You walk around n@ked every morning???” Jemima said laughing.

“Dad?!!” Adrian screamed.

“Yeah he does, said it makes girls drool, so be re-ady for rivals” Alexa said.

“J, don’t listen to them, I don’t go around n@ked, I only go around shi-tless so girls can drool” Adrian defended.

“Drool over what actually, Your tiny muscles and small che-st” Michael said coming now from the stairs.

“godfather?!!!!” They kids yelled and hurried out of their seats to hvg Michael who receive them.

“Ouch!!” Ashley said dramatically putting her hands on her che-st.

“His ego was bruised” Alexa said also putting her hand on her che-st faking been hurting and about to faint, they all cracked up in laughter.

“J, do I look to handsome for you to only stare at me and not at least hvg me” Michael said jokingly, Jemima smiled and went to hvg him “Don’t worry, Adrian won’t get jealous” He said into her ears, she laughed. They all gather around the table, sitting down and began to eat.

.” Adrian was about saying when Michael looked at him.

“Table manners remember” Michael said smiling.

“godfather!??” The kids called out in frustration.

“Yes champions” He answered.

“I thought we all talked about this??” Alexa said rolling her eyes.

“No we didn’t, did we George??” Michael asked the kids waited anxiously for the father’s reply.

“No we didn’t” George said laughing, the kids gave daggers looks, Jemima, George and Michael laughed looking at the kids’ faces.

“Fine!” They chorused and began to eat their food in silence but immediately they were throu-gh, they ran to their room to take their baths because Michael has insisted that they do. They c@m£ back downstairs, Ashley suggested they all watched a cartoon together buth the men excused themselves stylishly, Ashley laughed before allowing them to leave to do their office work.


Alot of people and students were seen in the premises of the university, also friends and family were not left out, they are half way throu-gh the graduation program.

ra-phael was seen standing and taking in the midst of his friends, then someone tapped him.


that the girl on your wallpaper and your WhatsApp profile picture??” His friend asked, looking at the direction of a girl, everyone turned their attention to the person who was some distance away from them.
“Oh my goodness!!! Babe!!!” ra-phael yelled happily, still standing and looking at her.

“Congratulations ra-phael” A girl with long eye lashes re-ad what was imprinted on Stella’s white round nÂŁÂąk t©p. Stella is putting on a round nÂŁÂąk t©p over a high w@!st trou-sers, she was putting on a white sneakers, her hair was left unpack as her beautifully made hair made her more beautiful, she also had a pendent around her nÂŁÂąk, She walked towards them.

“You must be kidding me, ra-phael where did you pick this beautiful damsel from, mehn this beauty is dashing” Someone said and the others hummed a ‘Yes’. Stella and ra-phael hvgged each other.

“Babe, you made my day, you are too beautiful see they are staring at you” ra-phael said sweetly into her ears, she smiled, they dis£ngaged. Everyone was staring at them. She nervously waved her hands to them and smiled, they all waved back. She turned her back to them and on it was written ‘Congratulations, greater heights’

“Amen, thanks” They said gratefully.

*Happy birthday and Happy graduation dear* She wrote, he re-ads.

“Awwwnnn thanks dear” ra-phael answered c@r£ss!ngher face.

*I brou-ght food and cake for you and your friends* She writes, ra-phael re-ad with smiles, he turned to his friends.

“My babe brou-ght us food ooooo!!” ra-phael said to his friends.

“Oya oooo (c’mon)” They said happily, Stella smiled, they all walked to the car, she opened the boot, there were two cakes and take always, she began to distribute them to his friends with smiles. She brou-ght the cakes out putting them on the bonnet of the car.


thanks alot” ra-phael said smiling. He cut the cakes with screams from his friends. They all ate the cakes. They went to the midst of people, ra-phael left Stella for a while.
“I can’t believe, ra-phael rejected me because of a mute girl?!” A girl said behind Stella, Stella rolled her eyes.

“Don’t you think, it’s worth it, babes you aren’t even close to the girl in anything like beauty, she has it more than you, see her endowment, jeez!! The girl complete” Another said admiring Stella, who was happy. She moved away from them, Someone hvgged her from behind, it was ra-phael, he went in front of her, he wasn’t putting on his gradation go-wn, he is in his suit, he knelt down on one kneel with ring and flower in his hands. Stella was more than happy, everyone was staring happily at them including his friends.

“I know it a bit early but I want to be as-sured you will be mine for as long as we live, when I first saw you, your smile was so captivating and when we bec@m£ close and together, I knew you were more than what you seem
.. I love you Stella Maris

, Will you be mine????” ra-phael said as his heart began beating fast. Stella began to nod her head as tears flow down her eyes, she began breathing fast too.

“YES!!!!!” A tiny and beautiful voice spoke, Stella just spoke, everyone st©pped talking and looked at Stella who was quiet now, She was surprised and happy with her herself, she smiled.

“Babe seriously, for one minute I thought you talked” ra-phael said and chuckled looking at Stella.

“Ralph my ring, I have answered the question YES!!!!!!!! I Will!!” Stella screamed happily, ra-phael eyes wi-de-ned, his friends were shocked.

“Wait!!?? Babe you talked” ra-phael said, Stella nodded, he looked around to see people nodding their heads, he jumped up and hvgged Stella, he dis£ngaged and slide the ring into her f!nger. She collected the flower from him “I hope am not imagining things” He said.

“No you are not, I can talk!!!” She said happily with tears in her eyes.

“She can talk now!!!!, my babe can talk now!!!” ra-phael kept yelling and jumping as his friends stared at him happily, some were shedding tears of joy for him. He went to hvg her and they cried together soon a woman and a lady with a child at her back c@m£ to hvg them, she was confused, they dis£ngaged, she looked at ra-phael.


aunty Mrs Mercy and my sister Juliet” ra-phael introduced them, Stella greeted them politely.
“So happy to see the girl that makes my little brother happy and I am happy for your miracle” Juliet said crying, ra-phael pat her.

“I too dear, so good to see you, one of these days plea-se come visiting” Mrs Mercy said smiling, the women once again hvgged themselves “We are un-der that canopy, take care” She said and both she and Juliet left.

“You didn’t tell me about them, why??” Stella asked slowly, ra-phael chuckled.

“Am sorry, we will discuss that later, babe am so happy” He said.

“I brou-ght a gift for you” She said smiling.

“Oh my!! That’s smile!! Babe this is the best gift ever” ra-phael said as he lifted her from the ground and turned around, he dropped her “Am sorry, don’t let me be rou-gh, so you can fully recover” He said smiling.

“Funny” She said.

“All the graduands plea-se do as-semble yourselves” A voice called.

“Babe, I have to go” He said, pe-cking her on her forehead “Go stay with Aunty and Juliet” He said, she nodded, he waited until she has gone, he walked to his friends took his go-wn and they all went to where they were nee-ded, He was smiling all the way.


Ruth, David, Roland and Nicholas were pla-ying cards with a pot of fried meat and drinks beside them.

“Why is it that, I haven’t eaten a single meat except the one your mom shared with me??” David asked looking around suspiciously, they laughed.

“Babe, this kids are something else, Imagine Roland having four points, Nicholas have three, I having one while you Zero” Ruth said laughing “Am sure if we even get to eat the meat and the drink, you know the reward if we win, I guess we will only eat a little too” She said sighing, the boys laughed.

“Don’t un-derestimate the power of the new school” Roland and Nicholas chorused.

“Guess we did” David said and he dropped his last card “Wait?!! I won!!!!” He yelled happily jumped up and began dancing around, they laughed “Can I humbly have my reward??” He asked bowing his head. Ruth gave him a piece of meat which they shared mouth to mouth.

“Ewwww!!!” Roland and Nicholas chorused laughing, Ruth’s phone began to ring, She saw the caller ID as Stella, she smiled and put it on loudspeaker.

“Stella calling” Ruth announced, they paid attention.

“Aunty??? Sis Ruth???” Stella called.

“What!!!!” They all screamed.


“plea-se call Jemima to my room” Michael said and hung up, he has been re-ading Becca’s diary which Jemima gave to him, either laughing or silently shedding tears, he got to a portion of the book, he was shocked, heartbroken and sad, he had called the telephone in the kitchen informing the maids to call for him the teen girl.

“Sir???” Jemima answered as she poked out her head from the door.

“Come in” He said, his eyes were swollen alre-ady.

“Ok sir” She c@m£ into the room and stood before him, he is sitting on his study chair.

“Sit down” He said offering her a seat which she took “Becca has a heart problem and she didn’t tell me??? Why???” He asked with a broken voice. Jemima looked at Michael for sometimes, She pitied him so much that she was almost crying, she wonder how he cover up when he is with them and not showing his emotions at all.

“We have been battling with it since we were young, the doctor said she has a short life to live and that it was also very late because the heart has been damaged, that why she often faints and sleep for a long time, she left school because of that
. She was alre-ady in love with you, she liked you alot, but she was scared to tell you, it breaks her heart each time she think about it, she even prayed and hope that a miracle will happen
.. The day you carried her to the hospital it is because of that same heart problem, then suddenly we discovered she hasn’t fainted in a while, even when she fight after removing her ring, br@celets and n£±klace for a while, she normally re-move them before she fights
 But we discovered after such fights, she doesn’t feel dizzy or faint or sleep beyond necessary, then we went to the hospital and in the hospital after seeing the door, she danced around, I haven’t seen her that happy” Jemima said and paused, Michael looked at her anxiously “The doctor told us that Becca can still live for a while with the damaged heart but she will have to be careful and don’t unnecessary stress the heart and she should avoid sudden things like shock and also she shouldn’t stay where bomb will explode
. That with that she could live a while but
..” She said crying, Michael’s heart was so pained.

“That why she asked me that question” Michael thought as he remembered when he was in the restaurant with Becca.

“Am sure, she wrote it in her diary” Jemima said wiping her tears.

“Hmm mm
.. Thanks alot Jemima” Michael said with a small smile “Ashley told me about the p@rty you are all having in your school, I hope you guys are preparing for it, don’t worry you will all go for shopping soon” Michael said smiling at Jemima who smiled back.

“Thanks alot Sir Michael” Jemima said.

“You are super welcomed dear, thanks too” He answered, she stood up and wanted to go when she saw the portrait, pictures and posters of Becca around the room, she smiled with sorrow in her heart, she finally walked out off the room sighing.

“Hey??” George called out, Jemima jumped she almost fall, he caught her before she could fall “Am sorry I startled you” He said and chuckled.

“No problem Sir” She said smiling.

“So do you think he is OK??” George asked concern laced in his voice.

“Nope, he is not but he is actually re-ading something, I am sure he doesn’t want to get disturb” She said and they began walking away.

“OK, thanks” George said.

“Hmm Sir, I wanna ask you something” Jemima said looking at George briefly.

“Anything dear” He answered.

“When people want to move on from someone like in case of Sir Michael and Becca, is he not supposed to do away with anything pertaining to her but his room is filled with Becca” Jemima stated surprised, George havened.

“Yeah but that doesn’t work with Michael, he chooses what he wanna do at any given time, he was the one that ordered it” George said. Jemima nodded and they both walked down the stairs.


“I can talk now, am very happy Sis. Ruth” Stella said.

“Wait let’s me video call you” Ruth said surprised, soon the call went throu-gh, they could all see themselves.

“Hi!!!!!” Stella said waving her hands to the surprised faces looking at her.

“Where are you at???” Nicholas asked.

“It’s ra-phael’s convocation day and also his birthday” She said happily.

“Yeah, he told us, congrats” Ruth said.

.. This lady is in love, you’re no more crushing on Nicholas, awwwnnn poor Nicholas” Roland said jokingly, Nicholas faked a hurt face which made them laugh.

“He is taken alre-ady by that Aliyah girl” Stella said, Nicholas covered his face with his hands, they laughed again.

“He proposed aunty, he did!!!” Stella screamed with her hands waving at them stylishly to show them her ring. Ruth screamed happily, David and the boys rolled their eyes.

“Ladies!!!” David and the boys said shaking their heads at the ladies, Ruth had moved away from them, laughing and talking with Stella.

“So sweet of him” Ruth said as she walked back to them, they were alre-ady sitting down “Let’s star

” She st©pped looking at the pot of meat which have reduced drastically,she looked at her husband and the boys suspiciously “Who ate it???”

“Ate what??” David said frowning his face.

“Is that oil on yourl-ips???” Ruth asked looking from her husband to the boys, they all bur-st out laughing, Ruth began to chase them

around the house, their loud laughs could be heard.

