16 days wife episode 26 – 28




{ Troubles and love }

Written by : Bianca Faith?

Chapter Twenty-Six?




?Keith’s pov contd?

Miles c@m£ in and sat on the couch.

“I called you here, because I nee-d your help and I’m starting to lose hope”

“What about? ”

“It’s about Faye ” I said.

“I noticed, Are you guys in a fight or something cause she’s not here with you” he asked.

“Yeah you can say that, but it’s just that, Geez how should I put this”

“Okay, Faye and I weren’t couples, I hired her to be my wife for 16 days”

“You’re Kidding me ” miles chuckled.

“No I’m not. So on the line, we fell in love with each other we promised to be together after the contract was over, but after dad gave the company to Zeta, I got upset and didn’t think twice before I s£nd her away ”

“And now, she won’t even answer my phone calls, it’s been weeks miles”

“Oh boy, you messed up big time ” Miles added shocked.

“I know that’s why I called you, you guys are friends, so I nee-d your help to explain things to her, that I’m really sorry and that I still love her” I begged.

“I know you love her, I can see it in your eyes, I’ll help you ” he said.

“Thanks so much ”

I gave him Faye’s number and he left with it.

I hope Miles finds her.

So I waited impatiently for Miles to call back.

It finally clocked noon and miles called.

“Did you talk to her? ” I asked eagerly.

“Call her now ” he said.

I disconnected the call then switched to Faye’s number and she Immediately picked up and I was then relieved.

“Faye, I’m so sorry I s£nt you away, I wasn’t thinking straight…..” I started.

“Miles told me everything ” she interrupted

“I know, but to hear from me, I’m so sorry, plea-se come back to me, I really miss you and plea-se forgive me ”

“I have forgiven you ” she said and I bec@m£ joyous..

“But about coming back, I don’t think I want to” she said ma-king my heart shattered.

“Oh ok” my mode change, from happy to sad.

“What about I see you one last time ” I asked, but she hesitated before saying

“Okay, at salvage restaurant 8pm, it’s a d@t£”

?Faye’s pov?

“Thank you ” he greeted.

And I hang up.

“Thanks Faye once again” Miles greeted and I nodded in response.

“But if you love Keith you can give him one more chance ” he added.

“I’ll take my leave ” he smiled as he finished the cu-p of tea.


I put on a beautiful pink floral dress with bu-ttons in front.

I made my hair messy buns.

I boarded a cab and arrived at the restaurant 8:01.

I entered, but I didn’t see Keith instead miles seating on a table for two.

He waved at me as he saw me, I went over there.

“Seriously Miles, what are you doing here ” I asked.

“Relax, I just prepared this table for you two, and not to worry you won’t see me when your d@t£ arrives” he said.

“So you’ll be like spying on our d@t£, not cool Miles” I said and he chuckled.

“You look beautiful, I’m sure Keith won’t be able to take his eyes Off you” he complimented.

“Speaking of Keith, he’s 10 minutes late” I said looking at my wrist Watch.

“Relax, he’ll be here maybe he’s cut in traffic ”

Then my phone vibr@ted, it was a message from a number.

“It’s Me Keith, I’ve got a surprise for you outside ” I re-ad then smiled.

“It’s Keith, isn’t it? ” Miles asked.

“Hey, how did you know?” I query.

“You’re smiling ” he laughed softly.

“Oh st©p”

I went outside to meet Keith who just stepped out from a car

“You look beautiful Faye” he said.

“Thanks ”

Then I noticed the car he got off from is black and not the br@nd Keith has.

So I took a step backward away from him.

Before I knew it, an Handkerchief covered my nose and BLACKOUT.




Chapter Twenty-Seven




?Keith’s pov?

I honk my car repeatedly, I’m suppose to have a d@t£ by 8pm, it’s 5minutes after.

So unusual for a hold up, at night.

I continued to honk, then after about 2 minutes, the road was finally clear.

“I’m so late” I cursed out.

I drove speedily to the restaurant and it’s now 8:20.

I hope my d@t£ isn’t mad.

I put a rose I bought for Faye in my pocket.

I entered the restaurant, but Faye hasn’t arrived yet.

I went to the only seat that was empty, I sat there.

But I noticed there was a purse on the table.

Guess, this is someone seat after all.

I waited patiently for Faye


She hasn’t yet arrived, why isn’t she here?

Did I offend her?

Did she change her mind, what could be the hold up.

I put a call to her number.

Then the purse in front of me, Vibr@ted.

I st©pped the call and it st©pped.

“Strange ”

I called again and the purse vibr@ted, I carried the purse and opened it.

I saw Faye’s phone ringing, with my name as the caller.

“What the hell”

Her phone and purse is here, that mean she c@m£ since and maybe went to get something

But it’s up to 30 minutes and she didn’t come to take her purse.

Something is wrong.

“Hey waiter” I called out and he c@m£.

“Did you perhaps saw the lady that sat here? ” I asked

“Yes sir, she c@m£ here with a guy and they went out and didn’t return ” he responded

?Faye’s pov?

I opened my eyes slowly as I woke up with a spinning head.

I noticed that my hands were chained up to a rail above my head.

My legs too was chained to the floor.

I struggle to pu-ll my hands from the chain

“Faye, you’re awake? ” I heard besides me.

I turned and saw Miles besides me chained up

“Miles, what are we doing here? ” I asked him.

Glad I’m not alone.

“We were kidnapped, I think ” he replied.

I looked at the surrounding and we were in a basement or sort.

Then I remembered, that Keith covered an handkerchief on my nose ma-king me unconscious.

“I can’t believe Keith would be so cold-hearted to kidnap me” I said so angry.

“I don’t think that’s Keith because he abducted me too” miles defended and i scoff.

“How did you get here? ” I asked miles

“Well, after you went to meet Keith, I wanted to meet him too, but I saw how he was dragging you to the car I knew something was fishy, I tried to confront him but he punched me ”

“I’ve known my brother for so long, that is unlike him” Miles said.

“But I saw him, he kidnapped me? Maybe he’s just getting revenge for ma-king him lose the factory ” I said in disgust.

“I never should’ve trusted him, I wished I didn’t go on this stupid d@t£ ” I cried out.

I can’t believe Keith would chain me up here.

Then the door squeak open, with Keith coming in with a sm-irk.

“You son of a bit-ch” I yelled in frustration.

“What ever you may call me, I don’t care” he chuckled.

“Keith st©p this, this is Not like you ” Miles tried sweet talking but Keith chuckled.

“I don’t care, I just want revenge from Faye ” he said coming closer and my eyes wi-de-ned.

“Don’t take a step closer to her” Miles warned, but he beat miles up.

“Wanna get in my way, you’ll regret ” he told miles.

And I cried “Keith plea-se don’t do this ” I begged.

“I must get my revenge and the perfect revenge is plea-sure” he said.

And I whimpered as he c@m£ and trail his f!ngersfrom my hands down to myl-ips.

“plea-se don’t do this” I kept on begging.

Then he brou-ght hisl-ips closer to mine and was about to k!ssme, but I closed myl-ips ti-ght.

He moved hisl-ips over to my ears and Whispered.

“I am not Keith, I am Chris Stanley ”16



{ Troubles and love }

Written by : Bianca Faith?

Chapter Twenty-Eight?




?Keith’s pov?

I carried her purse and left the restaurant.

Am having a weird feeling, I think Faye is in trouble.

I rushed home, I can find her, I just hope she carried her n£¢klace that I put a tracker on.

I arrived, I picked up my tablet and turned on the tracker.

Lucky for me see wore the n£¢klace and I saw her dot.

She was far away from the restaurant.

She can’t possibly go that far and forget her purse.

Someone took her, I concluded.

I nee-d backups in case of necessity.

?Faye’s pov?

When he said “Chris Stanley ” my b©dy froze in shock.

To t©p it all, he took off his mask of Keith and I saw that stupid Chris face.

He has won, he is about to get his revenge.

I actually thought that he was Keith and I could talk to him and he’ll change.

But now I know it’s Chris, there’s no hope.

Miles can’t help me, and Keith can’t find me.

I don’t know what happened to me, but I think my b©dy, just shutdown and I was unconscious.

?Miles pov?

I slowly opened my eyes as i recovered from the punches Keith gave me.

I then turned over to see Chris Stanley, so he was the one that disguise as Keith to trick Faye.

Now I’m also worried if he was the one that called me and said I should convince Faye to forgive him.

Where’s my brother? I tried to scream but my mouth was wra-pped with tape.

Chris is getting closer to Faye who Looks unconscious.

I struggle to pu-ll free from the chain, but all to no avail.

This can’t be the end!

He went closer to Faye, then to-re her go-wn.

Oh no, I’m so sorry Faye, I couldn’t help.

I closed my eyes.

Someone should help us.

Immediately I closed my eyes, I heard the door broke down.

“Freeze and don’t move ” the cops arrived with Keith.

Then Chris raised his hands up.

One of them unchained me.

While Keith ran to Faye.

Chris wanted to escape, but he was sh0t on the leg.

?Keith’s pov?

I rushed to Faye, and I unchained her immediately and kept her to sit on the floor.

So that stupid Chris is back, fv¢k him.

He to-re Faye’s Evening go-wn.

He won’t be spared this time, so I took off my suit and wore her.

The worse p@rt, she was unconscious.

“Faye?” I shook her slowly

“Talk to me?”

Miles c@m£ closer “She’ll be okay”

“What did Chris do to her? ” I asked in rage.

“He hasn’t layed a f!nger on her” miles said.

Then Faye’s Eyes twitch and she opened her eyes.

A smile beamed on my face “Keith” she call my name and hvgged me.

“plea-se never leave me again” she cried.

“I was… Was… S.. So.. Scared” she whimpered as she sniffled.

“Don’t worry, everything will be alright, I’m here with you and that Chris will finally be punished ” I told her as I tried getting her up

Then a cop c@m£ running to us

“We’re sorry sir, but he escaped ”


“What? AGAIN? You guys are useless, go find him” I yelled at him.

Are these police not able to caught a Criminal or what?

“Find him, because if you don’t and he bothers us again? I’ll personally have you guys thrown in jail for conspiracy because I think you keep on helping him escape ” I fired.

“We’ll search for him” he uttered and left.

Miles and I helped Faye to get into my car.

Firstly I drove miles home and I made sure my car was hidden.

But before he got down I told him.

“plea-se don’t tell dad what happened earlier, I don’t want him to get worried “Let my matters be my matters”okay? ”

“Sure ”

I drove home with Faye, I helped her out of the car to my room.

I kept her on the be-d.

“Get some rest ” I said

Then was about to go out.

“plea-se, don’t leave me I can’t sleep alone, not now that Chris is on the loose ” she said.

“Fine I’ll stay with you ”

I covered the blanket over her b©dy.

Then carried a pillow and blanket to the sofa.


Thank God, Faye and Miles were rescued in time?